Battle in Babylon

The Vanguard's time-travel technology was beyond anything Sam had ever imagined. In mere moments, they were suited up, standing on a platform that looked similar to the one she had seen earlier, except this one was larger, surrounded by intricate metal rings that pulsed with energy. The team prepared themselves, checking their weapons and gear.

"You'll stay with me," Lyra said firmly. "Do exactly what I say, and you might survive."

Sam barely had time to nod before the platform activated. The air crackled with energy, and the world around her distorted. For a brief moment, Sam felt as though she was being pulled apart and put back together again all at once. Then, just as quickly, the sensation vanished.

They stood on a dusty plain, the air thick with heat and the scent of earth. In the distance, the towering ziggurats of ancient Babylon loomed against the sky. But something was wrong. The city was in chaos—people ran in terror, and strange creatures, twisted and monstrous, prowled the streets.

"Rift Hunters," Lyra said grimly, drawing her weapon. "They've corrupted the timeline."

The Vanguard sprang into action, spreading out to engage the enemy. Sam followed Lyra, her heart pounding as they made their way through the chaotic streets. She could see the Rift Hunters now—humanoid, but grotesque, their bodies warped by the energy of the rift. They moved with unnatural speed, tearing through anyone in their path.

Lyra fired, her shots precise and deadly. "Stay behind me!" she shouted as they ducked into cover behind a crumbling wall. Sam watched in awe as Lyra took down three of the creatures with ease.

But it wasn't enough. More were coming, and they seemed to be multiplying. Sam's mind raced. This wasn't just about brute force. If the Rift Hunters were here, then the timeline itself was unstable. Something had been altered, and it was up to them to fix it.

Her eyes scanned the chaos, searching for the source. Then she saw it—at the center of the city, near the largest ziggurat, a shimmering tear in reality. The Rift.

"Lyra!" Sam shouted. "The Rift! We need to close it!"

Lyra glanced at her, then nodded sharply. "Go! I'll cover you!"

Sam ran, dodging through the streets as the battle raged around her. The Rift Hunters seemed to sense her approach, turning their attention to her. Fear coursed through her veins, but she pushed forward. She wasn't just a scientist anymore. She was part of something far bigger, and it was time to step up.

When she reached the Rift, she could feel its pull, the energy radiating from it like a living thing. She fumbled with her equipment, trying to stabilize the tear. But something was wrong. The readings were off the charts, far beyond anything she had ever seen.

"Come on, come on," she muttered, her fingers flying over the controls.

Suddenly, the Rift pulsed, and a figure emerged—a man, clad in ancient armor, his eyes glowing with unnatural power. He smiled, a cold, chilling smile.

"Foolish mortals," he said, his voice echoing with centuries of malice. "You cannot stop what is already in motion."

Sam's heart stopped. This wasn't just any Rift Hunter. This was something far older, far more dangerous.

And it had just stepped into her world.