The Ancient One

Sam stumbled back, the weight of the figure's presence suffocating. The energy radiating from him was unlike anything she had encountered before. He was no mere Rift Hunter—he was something far more ancient, a creature of time itself.

"You're too late," the man said, his voice a low growl. "The timeline is mine to shape."

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Lyra's voice cut through the tension as she appeared beside Sam, weapon drawn. "Sam, close the Rift. Now!"

Sam didn't need to be told twice. She focused all her attention on the tear, trying to block out the chaos around her. The device in her hand flickered, sparks flying as it struggled to contain the energy. But the Rift was unstable, fighting against her control.

The ancient figure raised his hand, and the air around them shimmered. Time itself seemed to warp, bending and twisting as he exerted his will. Sam could feel it—her memories, her future, her very existence being pulled apart.

But Lyra wasn't having it. She charged forward, her blade flashing as she struck at the figure. He blocked her easily, his movements impossibly fast, but it gave Sam the time she needed.

With one final surge of energy, she activated the device. The Rift shuddered, then began to close. The ancient figure roared in anger, his form flickering as the tear in reality shrank.

"You haven't won," he snarled, his voice fading as the Rift sealed shut. "This is only the beginning."

And then he was gone.

The city fell silent, the chaos of the battle suddenly vanishing. The remaining Rift Hunters dissolved into nothingness, their connection to the timeline severed.

Sam collapsed to the ground, exhausted but alive. Lyra sheathed her blade and looked down at her, a rare smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"Not bad for a scientist," she said, offering Sam a hand.

Sam took it, pulling herself to her feet. "I guess I'm a quick learner."

Lyra's smile faded. "That was just a taste of what's out there. The Ancient One… we've never faced anything like him before. He's a threat to the entire timeline."

"So what do we do now?" Sam asked, her mind still racing.

Lyra looked out over the city, her expression hard. "We prepare. He's out there, somewhere in the depths of time. And we're going to find him before he finds us."