The Promise Under Twin Stars

"Block the entrance!!" Garrick roared a command and immediately, there was a maddening explosion.


Lisette had taken it upon herself to fulfill Garrick's request. She had simply manipulated the rocked formation of the earth, causing it to give in and allow the entrance perish.

The surviving Dunters stood outside the collapsed cave entrance, their breaths still heavy from the fight.

Blood, sweat, and exhaustion weighed down on them, yet none of them moved to rest. Their armor, scratched and dented from battle, still bore the lingering heat of the fight.

Behind them, the cave entrance was nothing but a pile of jagged rocks, dust still rising from where Lisette's barrier spell had collapsed the passage. But despite sealing it, none of them felt safe.

The air was thick with unease.

Something about that cave, about the demons within it, wasn't natural.