David activated his power, and instantly, the control over his senses quite literally evaporated, moving away from him as his sensory capabilities extended beyond just himself.
He became fire and movement incarnate, trailblazing a path all around him so much so that he overwrote the powers that had control over him. At that moment, the darkness that once overtook him disappeared as he floated within the water.
His presence was so hot that the water around him evaporated to plasma, creating a thick shell that evaporated the water around it to gas, and as such, the water bounced off him. Yet that was not what he needed.
The fae would not be affected by any kind of physical effect, and no laws would touch them. Well, there was no physical law; what they needed instead was a law that transcended such physics. That was when he had to take control, for his law was just such a thing.