New Roommate [2]

Turning to my air element, I went after Medusa from the sky, looking down at her as she went towards where I sensed the energy was. I didn't know how she can tell where they were and I really wasn't that curious to find out at the moment.

I stayed in the air as Medusa finally reached the intruder. One look was enough for me to know that this wasn't Perseus. This guy looked like a common grunt. A stereotypical Greek armour with a sword and shield.

Then again, considering how young Medusa looks, I guess it makes sense that Perseus wouldn't be here yet.

"Medusa the monster! By Athena's name, you shall be slayed by my hands!" The guy yelled pointing his sword at Medusa.

Wow. Guess religious nuts sound the same everywhere.

Medusa didn't really give him any reaction beyond raising her own weapon. But, I wasn't going to let her cover her hands in blood any time soon.

Silently, I landed behind the warrior and Medusa's cold expression was broken into one of shock at seeing me. She gave me a look that basically yelled 'what are you doing?!"

"Kind of overly dramatic, aren't you?" I asked, referring to the guy's previous introduction.

The warrior jumped in shock before turning around and looking at me with wide eyes. "A-A-A Wind Demon?!" He yelled before reeling back his sword and preparing to strike. "Begon, vile fiend!"

The guy swung his sword at me and Medusa looked worried. I didn't even need to let it pass through me. Instead, I turned to my metal element and just watched as the sword broke after clashing with my shoulder as sparks flew.

Before the guy even registered what happened, I turned my arm into a blade and sliced his head off. The sound of the corpse falling into the ground was the only thing that was heard in the area as blood began pooling from where his head used to be.

Turning to my fire element, I waved my hand and set the corpse - and the severed head - on fire while also making sure to burn any remaining blood, making sure nothing is left behind.

I had just killed a person. A sentient being. I had killed before, but they were all mindless monsters. This time, I killed a person.

And I felt... nothing. I did feel sad that a life was lost, but I didn't feel the immense guilt someone-no, a HUMAN would feel when killing another.

Guess that's another thing to blame on Elemental mentality.

"Why..." Medusa's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Why did you do that?" She asked, looking very confused.

"Because I wanted to help you," I replied.

"Why? What do you gain from helping me?" She asked again.

Yeesh. She's really not used to people helping her out of kindness.

"Why not?" I asked and that seemed to throw her in a loop.

"Because... because..." Wow, she REALLY doesn't know how to react to kindness.

"Besides, I'm going to stay here, so I might as well deal with those who attack this place, right?" If Medusa didn't look confused before, she definitely did now.


Here's a fun and adorable fact: Medusa may act like a responsible and educated adult, but she would be absolutely clueless about the world around her if it wasn't for the knowledge from the Throne.


All credits to XanaShadow on wattpad

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