Arc Prologue : Humanity [3]

The week is up.

The separation is about to happen. I had already warned the Mystic and many of them listened. But, many also refused either because they had a reason to stay or because they were too stubborn.

Some, like a certain idiot dragon, were prideful enough to believe they can survive.

The separation was not going to actually cut off mystics from humanity, but just give them their own territory. Thanks to the World Trees, Gaia has access to a form of Second Magic.

Using that Second Magic, me and Gaia are going to separate the Reverse Side and Surface World into two different dimensions on the same planet. The Reverse Side will no longer be 'Basically another dimension', but will be 'actually another dimension'. It will no longer be connected to the 'surface' through textures.

Humans can dig to the core of the planet - not that I would let them - and they still will find nothing.

I also changed the names because 'Reverse Side' doesn't really suit it anymore. They're now called the Mystical Realm and Mortal Realm with an 'Empty Bridge' between them.

I'm still bad at names.

Anyway, the Mystical Realm will be Gaia's territory. That place will be like the age of gods where mystics and the Planet thrive. And, since humanity isn't around and there's no way of the mystics harming them, Gaia can grow and keep being healthy from that side as much as it wants.

The Mortal Realm will be Alaya's territory. Mystics will be significantly weaker there but not gone. Mainly because it's humanity's territory rather than mystics and the Planet. They can harm the planet if they pollut hard enough but the deal with Alaya will make sure that doesn't happen.

I will be the only entity with the ability and permission to travel the 'Empty Bridge', which is why creatures need my permission to go between the Mystical and Mortal Realm.

The Magus association took that better than expected. Apparently, Zelretch already informed them of it happening and they already prepared. The fact that mage-craft won't be affected in a large degree since mystic itself wouldn't completely vanish helped.

Earth will be two dimensions in one planet and both are happy and minding their own business once I'm done with the separation... which is going to be VERY flashy.

Thankfully, Brishisan made sure to mask it with a bit of hypnosis and making people around the world think an aurora just happen to be going over everywhere in the world.

"Okay, let's do this," I said as I placed my hand on the World Tree of the North Pole. "Time's up. I'm sorry if you needed more but this is it. The Mystics and Humanity are going to be separated," I said to the Mystical creatures of the world before focusing. The World Tree glowed brightly and I'm sure the other one in the South Pole did the same. The sky began lighting up in rainbow colors all across the world. There was a thundering sound like the world was just ripped apart - which isn't entirely inaccurate - before suddenly a mirror image of the planet appeared in the sky, but this one looked more colorful and magical.

Suddenly, it all stopped with another thundering sound and the mirror image of Earth vanished. Now, the Mystical Side and the Mortal side are separated. The ones that stayed are on their own.

"It's over..." I mumbled as I looked up at the sky. "It's finally done."

This wasn't completely peace, and I'm positive there's gonna be parts of Alaya and Gaia that will forever be at each other throats, but this is close. This is where they finally stop trying to one-up each other.

"You're Reality Marble is annoying."

"... What?" I mumbled, hearing Gaia's voice.

"Agreed. Instant change to the environment like that is bad for Humanity."

"No, seriously, what?!" I asked, hearing Alaya's voice now.

"Deal with your Reality Marble."

"I can't turn it off! It's passive!" I cried out.

"Then go somewhere it can't bother us until you find a way to deal with it."

"Are you freaking kidding me!?"


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Title :- One with Nature

All credits to XanaShadow

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