Humanity [2]

(A/N: Some of you seem to question the way Alaya acted. I just wanted to say, this is sadly how we humans are.

We're stubborn and have an inherited habit of wanting to tackle challenges ourselves. Our entire mindset can be described by "I want what's best" either for us as individuals or for us as a group with little regard to those offering help.

Alaya, as the collective subconscious, is bound to be like a really narrow minded Al. Sure, not all people are like that, but this represents humanity as a whole, not individuals.)

When the Shadow said they were gonna discuss 'peace', they were seriously sugarcoating it. There was a lot of discussing, but hardly much peace.

At best, I managed to reach a truce, which is honestly better than most ways this could have ended.

In exchange for Alaya placing subtle hints in humanity to value Earth more, Gaia will tone down natural disasters and stop giving Elementals like Ancestors the urge to hunt down humans.

It wasn't really peace, but it was close. It really helped that Gaia promised to put a leash on Cath Palug and not give it the 'go ahead' to start slaughtering humans.

Alaya seemed to honestly benefit the most, but the fact humanity is gonna value the planet more and truly recognise Earth as their home seem to be enough for Gaia.

There was one thing that Alaya insisted on, though.

"The Age of Mystics must end,"I still remember the shadow telling me that clearly.

It was very insisting on this point. I guess it's because the more mystics are around, the less humanity is gonna try advancing technology and their progress will decline.

Well, Gaia doesn't need the age of mystics to be alive anymore, so it didn't have a problem agreeing, but when it came to convincing the Mystics to leave the human realm...

"You are my Type, as such it's your duty to do this."

Gaia dumped the duty of ordering the mystics in the world to leave on me. Honestly, I would feel a bit annoyed if it wasn't for the fact Gaia just sounded excited it had an Ultimate One now.

Though, that did leave me with an idea. Just telling the Mystics to go to the Reverse Side isn't gonna cut it since some of them, like fairies, can still go between the Reverse Side and the surface.

So, I devised a plan with Gaia on how to deal with that alongside making sure its mystics don't truly decline.

All that led me to China, surprisingly, to visit an old friend.

It really wasn't hard to find Yu May-Ren. I have long memorised her energy signature and, while she is good at hiding it, she's not good enough to hide it from someone who knew her personally for years.

I just stood at the edge of Nature's Law as I waited for Yu to come out of her cave. There was no way she didn't know I was coming.

A few seconds later, the vampiric Elemental walked out. She took a good look at me, at Nature's Law, and the mark that flew over my back.

"Are you expecting me to bow now that you're the planet's Avatar, Type Earth?" Yu asked sarcastically with a raise of her brow.

"You're supposed to bow?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

"Not even in the dreams you don't have," Yu replied, rolling her eyes. "But, don't be surprised that many Elementals will start seeing you as an idol to worship. Now, what are you doing here? It hasn't been long since your last visit."

"The Mystics and Humans are about to be separated," I informed her.

"That happened thousands of years ago. What's your point?"

"No, I mean more than that. I'm going to separate the mystical realm and human realm. And I mean an actual separation, not as in separated by Textures like normally with the Reverse Side," I explained.

Yu was silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "What will happen to the Mystics that decide to stay?"

"They'll be weakened but their life won't be threatened. They'll just be on Humanity's territory rather than the Planet's," I replied.

"That doesn't make sense."

"Well, it's True Magic related, so it's supposed to be confusing," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Will I be able to go there if I wanted?" Yu asked.

"No. You'll need my permission," I answered.

"Good, then I'll stay for now," that actually got a look of surprise from me.

"You will?" I asked. You'd think Yu would take the chance to get away from humans.

"I wanna stay for a while and make sure these apes don't screw up on the chance that Lord Xiang Yu gave them. I'm just watching his work unfold, nothing more," Yu explained but, despite that, I still caught her sneaking a look at the cave.

That's where Yang's grave was.

"... Thank you."

"For what? I'm just being a good wife to Lord Xiang Yu."

"Sure you are," I chuckled while shaking my head.

"Alright. Just wanted to give you the heads up. Bye."

With that, I turned around and began travelling through the world on Nature's Law. It was honestly pretty convenient for travelling. It was like zooming back on the world's map and moving the mouse across it.

I reached the North Pole's World Tree and rested my hand on it.

"Testing, testing, can you Mystics hear me?" I called out and I felt my voice echo through the world of

Mystics. "Alright, whether you can or can't, that's not really my problem. Those of you who can, spread the world. I am Type Earth, Green Earth Zack. I am going to separate the Mystical realm and the human realm, and after that you will not be allowed to travel between without my permission. As such, you have one week to travel to the Reverse Side. If you do not, then you are on your own."


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Title :- One with Nature

All credits to XanaShadow

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