Revenge Time Part 2

After Li Su leaves, Xiao Yun orders dinner and goes to freshen up...

Ding! Dong! Ding Dong! The doorbell rings. Yun opens the door and the dinner has already arrived. Yun happily takes his dinner and starts eating Munch! Munch! Crutch! Slurp!.

Yes, Xiao Yun was eating like an animal.

After eating, Xiao Yun goes to his bed and lies down and shouts loudly System, System come here quickly.

[What is it? Why are you making noise? You don't even let me sleep.]

System, I have to tell you something.

[Host, before you start your nonsense, I remind you again that my name is System 7.0 and you must call me politely or else I won't come next time even if you beg me.]

Oho! So simple, I can call you by your full name but this name is too long 'System 7.0' so I call you 'System' in short and it is easy to say.

[I am a great system, I will not come unless I am called by my name.]

[Ok bye!]

Hey wait and listen to me. Ok I will call you by your full name but I have a condition.


You will also call me by my name instead of calling me host.

[This is not possible.]

But why not?

[Because I am not programmed like that.]

Ok then let's do this, you will call me host and I will call you system.


But I will call you politely with love. Ok!

[Okay, now tell me why did you call me? What do you want?]

Nothing, I just wanted to thank you. With your help, I can now take my revenge. You have brought a new dawn to my life. Thank you System.

System 7.0 blushes upon hearing such words from Xiao Yun and says...

(Yes, I need to give it some respect afterall it's a 'The Great System' *_*)

[You don't need to say all this, in fact I have been sent here to help you.]

[Now I'm going back to rest. If you have anything else to say or ask, call me but politely, okay.]

After talking about all this to each other, Yun goes to sleep...

Snore! Snore! And he falls asleep snoring loudly.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

It was 8:00 in the morning, our MC wakes up to the sound of the doorbell.

Now, who is it early in the morning. Let me go and see. Without opening the door, Yun asks from inside the room, who is it? A voice comes from outside, Sir, room service. Yun says why have you come? What do you want? Sir, I have brought breakfast. On hearing this, Yun quickly opens the door and asks the server to keep the breakfast next to his bed.

After the server leaves, Yun quickly goes to freshen up... After 15 minutes, he freshens up and starts eating breakfast in a hurry like an animal.

At 9:00, Yun goes to Manager Jiang Min's office and enters without taking permission. Brother Min good morning, "Hey, you're here brother Yun. Come, come take a seat Secretary Li Su was also there and seeing Yun she turns her face away. Seeing Su, Yun good morning Li Su. Li Su, irritated with Yun, says good morning to him.

When Jiang Min asks, Yun says that I am going to my hometown now, when my matter is solved then inform me.

"Okay I will tell you, take it."

What is this? Why are you giving me this envelope. What is in it?

"This has your return ticket and some money in it."

Hearing this, Yun's eyes fill with tears and he says to Jiang Min with teary eyes, Brother Min, what was the need for this?

"I consider you my brother and this is nothing, if you need anything, you can tell me without hesitation."

Yun gets emotional and says bye to Jiang Min and leaves from there.

After Yun leaves, Li Su who sees all this drama asks the manager, "Boss, why did you give him so much money?" He explains to Li Su that I had promised to help him and anyway Yun is going to be useful to us. "How is that?" Li Su asks and the manager tells her that Yun is going to become a great man very Soon.

On coming out of the building, Yun opens the envelope given by Manager Min and finds that it contains 100,000¥ along with the ticket. Seeing this, Yun becomes happy and thinks how big-hearted Brother Min is.

From there, Yun again travels 300 KM and comes back to his home.

After 3 days later

Yun gets a call from Manager Jiang who congratulates Yun on becoming the manager of Sun and Star Company. Hearing this, Yun starts jumping and thanks Manager Min and asks Brother Jiang Min when can I join the company, to which Manager Min tells him that your joining letter will reach you in a few days, you send me your documents. Yun thanks him again and hang the phone.

A few days later...

Manager Jiang Min sends Yun's joining letter through email. Seeing this, Xiao Yun becomes happy and starts waiting for the

joining day...

Day of Joining

Yun joins Sun and Star Company whose main headquarters was in Y City as a manager and he gets a salary of 350000¥ per month with other benefits. First of all, he calls his secretary Chi Mo and asks her to find out all the scams of Jin Yuan, the boss of X City's L branch.

After 2 hours, Secretary Chi Mo comes with the details of all the corruptions of Boss Jin Yuan, how he embezzled 200000¥, 150000¥, 372000¥ in X, Y, Z years respectively and how Boss Jin took bribes and rejected potential candidates and got other people to join the branch as an employee. Recently he did the same thing again. He fired an employee named Xiao Yun, who had joined just 2 months ago and got his nephew Jin Ni to join.

Now Yun asks Chi Mo to fire Boss Jin from the company and also to fire all the employees who joined by paying bribe.

Secretary Chi Mo takes Manager Yun's order and leaves from there. Manager Yun gets happy and starts laughing loudly.


A few days later, Manager Yun was working in his office when he heard some noise outside. He called his secretary and asked what was the noise about. Secretary Chi told him that Boss Jin was outside and was asking to meet him.

Why does he want to meet me?

"Because you are behind firing him from the company, he probably wants to request you to bring him back to the company."

Okay, send him inside and don't come inside.

Chi Mo sends Boss Jin inside and leaves.

Manager Yun sits facing the wall and waits for Boss Jin. Boss Jin comes inside. First, he asks the manager that Manager Yun, I made a mistake and I will not do this again. Please don't fire me from the company.

Hearing this, Manager Yun starts laughing and while controlling his laughter, he says, no. You will not be forgiven. You do not deserve forgiveness.

"Manager Yun, don't do this."

When Yun refuses again, the boss offers Jin Yun 70%-30% as bribe, 70% mine and 30% yours, but when Yun remains silent, Jin increases the offer to 60%-40%. When he does not get any answer, he increases it to 30%-70% and says, Manager Yun, I cannot offer you more than this. Don't worry, you will not have to dirty your hands, the manager before you used to get only 50%-50% and I am ready to give you 30%-70%, so what do you say Manager Yun.

Hearing all this, Boss Jin, you will never mend your ways. I did not know that our company is so corrupt. Saying this, Yun gets up from his chair and says, "Did you recognize me, Boss Jin?"

Jin is stunned to see Yun. He stutters and says, "Yu... Yun! How come you are here?" Yun says, "Not Yun, but Manager Yun."

Hearing this, Boss Jin falls on his feet and begs for forgiveness from Yun, which Yun enjoys a lot and he says seriously while suppressing his laughter, Boss Jin, you fired me saying that I do not know how to manage. See, now I am the manager of the same company. Saying this, Yun calls the bodyguards and throws Jin out of there.

Jin leaves regretfully.

Yun laughs, finally my revenge is complete. Now I will live my life in peace.

6 months later

Yun was doing his manager job with all his heart and why not, he knew everything about managing because of his experience extraction skill.

Yun went home in the evening...

Today's work is done, I have also arranged for this month's ration, clothes and toys for the children in the orphanage. What should I do now? And he starts calling someone...

ring ring ring ring....

"Hello! Li Su speaking, who?"

Hey! You don't even recognize my voice now.

"Who is speaking?"

Guess, who am I?

"I don't know. If you don't want to tell, then don't. I am very busy, don't bother me."

Saying this she disconnects the call. Yun calls again and when Li Su picks up the call he asks her not to disconnect the call and tells her that it is Yun and he wants to tell her something and is coming to meet her.

"Li Su tells him that there is no need for him to come here. Whatever he wants to say, he should say it on the phone. But Yun insists on going there without listening to her and disconnects the call."

Yun takes a day off from the company the next day to meet Li Su and starts waiting for her by sending her a message to meet him at a coffee shop. Yun waits for Li Su for 2 hours and when she doesn't come he directly enters manager Jiang Min's office again without permission. Hello! Brother Jiang. How are you?

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Brother Yun how are you? Or should I say Manager Yun hahaha."

What are you talking about Brother Jiang? There's nothing like this. You can call me however you want.

"How come you came Brother Yun?"

I came to see you and....

"What else?"

I like your secretary and I want to date her. I texted her and invited her but she didn't show up. Where is Li Su?

"She is working and as far as dating is concerned, you should ask her."

Yun asks Manager Jiang for Li Su's room number and goes there and knocks on the door. (Yes, this time our MC knocked like a gentleman) Li Su opens the door and is surprised to see Yun and thinks "He came here, didn't he understand that I am avoiding him?"

She asks Yun what are you doing here? Yun replies "I told you yesterday that I am coming to meet you." "Sorry, I forgot." "But I texted you 2 hours ago. I was waiting for you since then but you didn't come." "I was busy with work so I didn't even see your message." Never mind, you come with me now. I am a little busy right now, let's go tomorrow. No problem, you do your work, I will wait till you get free.

Saying this, Yun sits there. Seeing this, Li Su starts acting as if she is busy in work. After 1 hour, Li Su, seeing Yun sitting there, tells him that you can talk to me tomorrow, I will take time in work. But Yun sits there and waits till Li Su finishes her work.

Troubled Li Su asks Yun, tell me what is the matter? Yun asks him to go to a coffee cafe, but Li Su refuses and says, let's go and she takes Yun to the restaurant in the same building and says to Yun, tell me what do you want to say?

Yun expresses his love for her and says the same old lines, blah blah blah..... Hearing all this, Li Su was about to say something when Yun stops her and says, if you are not ready for all these things right now, then we can start with a date.

Li Su says to him, "Do you know who I am? I...

Yun interrupts her again and says, "Yes, you are a secretary. It doesn't matter. I am ready to bear all your expenses and I can give you all the happiness. Although I am an orphan and I don't have any powerful background, I will achieve everything that everyone dreams of."

After this, Li Su rejects his love proposal.

Hearing this, Yun is shocked and asks, "Am I not good looking, am I not successful? What do I lack? Or do you have a boyfriend?"

"There is nothing like that. Actually my name is not Li Su but Joo Min and I am the daughter of Manager Jiang Min. I am working as a secretary to gain work experience."

Well! This is even better. If you are afraid of your father, then don't worry about it, Brother Jiang knows me well. You can ask brother Jiang Min anything about me.

And if you are afraid of seniority mess up then worry not because this is the modern day and anyway Manager Jiang and I are not real brothers, we both are like friends.

'No, that is not the case...

Yun was about to start speaking again without giving Li Su a chance to speak but Li Su silenced him...

"Shut up! Shut up, you have been talking all the time, let me say what I have to say."

Now Yun quietly listens to Li Su.

"As I told you, I want to get real life experience right now and I don't want to waste my time on these things. I want to focus on my career. So I am sorry."

But I can wait for you till then.

"Why are you not understanding, we are not made for each other. Goodbye."

Saying this, she leaves from there and Yun remains sitting there. After sitting there for some time, Yun goes back to his home with a sad face.

He takes a week's leave from the office and lies alone at his home. From the next week, Yun forgets everything and gets busy with his work again and 2 years pass like this.