2 years later

Slowly 2 years pass and Manager Yun finishes his work as usual, goes home, freshens up, has dinner and goes to sleep. Lying on the bed, he thinks about his life and how well it is going. But still he feels something is missing. Yun goes to sleep without thinking anything else.

In deep sleep, Yun hears some sounds as if someone is calling him but he cannot see anything. Suddenly he is falling into a dark pit, then he sees a hand coming towards him which is taking him out of that darkness and towards the light. Where he again hears someone's voice who is crying and saying, why did you leave me? Why did you forget me? Don't you need me now? If you don't need my help then I will go back and will not come even if you call me.

Noooooooo... hah! hah! hah!

Yun wakes up panting and thinks it was a dream. It was a very bad dream and then he freshens up, has breakfast and gets ready to go to the office. After getting ready, he sits on his bed and thinks, what am I doing. Same routine every day, getting ready for office in the morning and working till evening, then coming home and sleeping, repeating the same thing again and again. Am I made for this only and will I remain an employee in the office, no I have to achieve bigger things in life.

Sys.... no, System 7.0 come here.


[You called me host.]

[Finally you remembered me.]

Why didn't you come till now.

[Because you didn't call me.]

You could have come even without me calling you.

[No. I am programmed like this. I cannot come on my own without your calling.]

Okay, but 2 years ago you came on your own, right?

[Host, remember correctly, even then I came only when you called me.]

Oh yes, you are right. Tell me one thing, the dream I had this morning, was it a hint from you?


Smirk! System, tell me, what I have done till now and what I am doing now and what I am going to do now, is it right?

[Host, this is your life and I cannot interfere in it. But whatever path you choose, I will always be with you and guide you.]

Yun gets emotional after hearing this from the system and says, okay, now I have decided what I have to do next?

Saying this, he calls his secretary and tells her that I am leaving the company from today. When Chi Mo asks him the reason, he says, I am tired now, Chi Mo I will send you my resignation letter by evening and cuts the call.

Hah, so refreshing.

[What is your plan for the future?]

I will sell all the assets that I have made in these two years and donate half of the money to the orphanages of the country. When I joined Sun and Star Company, my salary was 350000 ¥. Which became 500000 ¥ after 6 months and 1000000 ¥ in the next 6 months and my salary kept increasing like this for the next one year.

Apart from this, I also opened some small businesses. From which I generated a good amount of revenue and after investing in the stock market my total assets are close to 100 million.

Out of which I will open an organization to donate 50 million to orphanages so that this money is not misused and there is no fraud.

After saying all this, he starts planning how to use Skill Experience Extraction properly...

First of all, I choose those abilities which I will need the most.

1. Martial Arts

2. Chinese Medicine

3. Business

4. Stock Market

5. Cooking

6. Programming

7. Hacking

8. Gun Shooting

9. Multilingual

10. Driving

Yun chooses martial arts for self-defense because he felt that it is most suitable for him and he searches for the best martial artist. He finds one whose name is Yin Shao and age is 60 years. He is the head of China's most famous martial arts academy which is located in F city and whose name is 'come in one piece and leave in two pieces martial arts academy'.

Yun sets out to take admission in that martial arts academy. Yun reaches the entrance of the academy where the door guard stops him.

When Yun asks him, he tells him that there are requirements for admission in this academy. Which are like this:

1. You must be a black belt in at least one fighting style. Or

2. Your family should be a martial arts family. Or

3. Donation

Yun tells the door guard that I have come to learn martial arts, so I cannot already be a black belt in any fighting style and I also do not belong to any martial arts family, so only one option is left. Tell me how much?

The guard says I don't know all that, only the head of the academy will tell you. I will take you to him. After reaching the head Yin Shao, Yun greets the head and tells him that I want to learn martial arts. For which I am ready to give donation, so tell me how much donation do you want?

Head Yin Shao asks how much can you donate?

Hearing this from Head Shao, Yun says that I currently have 50000000¥ and I am determined to learn martial arts. If this is too less, I can arrange for more donations.

Head Yin smiles and says, you passed. Hearing this, Yun asks in surprise. I passed? What do you mean? "There is no donation or anything. It was just a test to see if you are really determined to learn martial arts and can give up your wealth or not. Earlier, this was not a test for admission in this academy. Rather, if someone wanted to take admission, he was asked to give up his most precious thing. But that has been changed now because in this modern age, people consider wealth to be the most valuable. And this question that how much can you donate?, is asked because we don't know how much wealth someone has, if the test taker is willing to give up everything wholeheartedly, then he passes. Like you did and you passed."


[Host, Head Yin Shao's favorability has increased by +30 points.]

"Come, let me take you to your martial arts teacher." Wait! But I want to learn from you.

"I have stopped taking disciples. I don't teach anyone anymore."

But I will not become a disciple of anyone except you.

"I told you I don't teach anyone anymore. The person I want to make your master is the vice head of this academy. If you want to learn from him then learn or else you can go back."

Saying this, Yin Shao leaves from there but Yun remains sitting outside the head's residence. The whole day passes like this and Yun does not listen even after Head Shao's repeated persuasion. It had been three days since Yun was sitting outside the head's residence and he had not eaten or drunk anything for three days. Seeing Yun's condition, Head Shao feels pity and he agrees to make Yun his disciple.

Head Shao sends Yun to take a bath and eat. Yun goes to eat and goes to sleep.

The next day, Yun again goes and stands outside Head Shao's residence at 4:00 in the morning. When Head Shao comes out for his morning training at 5:00, he finds Yun standing there and asks Yun, what are you doing here so early in the morning? Yun replies that I am waiting for you for training. "And since when?" Since 4:00 in the morning. Head Shao thinks something, you were hungry and thirsty for three days, your body is still weak and you should rest for a few days. When you become completely healthy, I will start your training. Saying this, he goes from there for his training.

Instead of going to rest, Yun starts following Head Shao, on which Head Shao starts telling him to rest. But Yun starts walking with him again without listening to him. Head Shao gets upset, then you will not listen to me. Do whatever you want to do, I will not stop you.

Head Shao reaches his training place and starts practicing martial arts, seeing which Yun also starts imitating his moves. Seeing Yun imitating him, he explains to him, this is advanced martial arts. If you try to learn advanced martial arts without knowing the basics, then your foundation will be spoiled. But when he does not listen to him, Head Shao takes a deep breath and says to Yun, okay you meet me at 9:00 in the field behind my residence. There I will start teaching you and hearing this, Yun quietly leaves from there.

9:00 AM

Yun asks his master about the reason for not teaching anyone. To which Master Shao replies that there is no special reason as he is a disciple. There is a rule in this academy since ancient times that the head of the academy can teach only three disciples in his life. Those three compete for the post of head after the current head steps down from the post of head. If a head teaches a fourth disciple, then those three will have to compete with a new competitor. So don't tell anyone that you are my disciple and Head Shao starts teaching Yun the basics of martial arts in the field behind his residence. Time passes like this and 9 months pass and Yun had completed the basics of martial arts. Head Shao congratulates Yun and says that what other disciples take 5 years to complete, you have completed it in just 9 months. It seems you are made for martial arts.


[Host, Head Yin Shao's favorability has increased by +20 points.]

[Total favorability has become +50.]

[Congratulations! Host, this is the first time you have increased someone's favorability by +50 points. You receive a one-time +50FP voucher.]

System use one time FP voucher on Head Shao.


[Using one time voucher in progress...]

[Head Shao's favorability is increased by +50 points.]

[Total favorability +100 points]

[Initiating skill experience extraction on Head Shao...]

[Head Shao's 55 years of martial arts experience data is copied and sent to the host's body and mind.]

[Congratulations! The host learned the second new ability martial arts.]

Finally! These 9 months of hard work paid off.

Xiao Yun did not leave the academy even after learning martial arts and kept refining his new ability there for 1 month.

1 month later

As Yun leaves the academy, Head Shao congratulates him on completing his training and tells him that he will achieve a lot in life. Yun bids goodbye to his master and leaves to pursue his third ability.