Hero's Entry (Just Kidding)

After completing his training in martial arts, Yun sets out to acquire his third ability, which was Chinese medicine and to learn it, he was going to a famous mountain outside City H in China country, named 'You Can't Learn Chinese Medicine'. It is said that this name was given by the medicine god in ancient times. But now everyone calls this mountain by the name of Medicine Mountain. The descendants of the medicine god live on that mountain. Which is very famous all over the world for Chinese medicine.

"While climbing that mountain, he sees some men who were kidnapping a child and taking him away. Seeing all this, our MC Yun immediately jumps in front of those kidnappers to help the child and with his martial arts prowess, he beats up those kidnappers and becomes a hero by freeing the child from their clutches."(Dear readers, nothing like this happened. This is just a fictional story and has nothing to do with reality.)"

Actually, Yun sees some kidnappers kidnapping a child and he thinks of becoming a hero by using his martial arts to help the child, but he buries this thought when he sees the fire arms they have. Because Yun knew that today's martial arts are of no use in front of the fire arms of the modern world and our MC works with logic, not emotions. After this, he chases those kidnappers and helps the child by informing the police about their whereabouts.

The child thanks Yun for saving him.

When Yun asks him his name, he tells him his name is Bo Chan and his age is 10 years. When Yun asks him who he is and where he came from, he tells him that he is the grandson of Xin Chan, the head of Medicine Mountain, and that these people kidnapped him to ask for money from his grandfather.


[Bo Chan's favorability has increased by +100P for you.]

[Now the host can use the skill Experience Extraction on Bo Chan.]

Use Experience Extraction on Bo Chan.

[ Using skill Experience Extraction on Bo Chan. Progress 1%,5%,10%...99%100%]

[Experience extraction complete]

[Bo Chan's 5 years of Chinese medicine experience data is being copied and sent to the host's body and mind]

[Congrats host for your third ability Chinese medicine novice level]

What do you mean by novice level?

[Host, the abilities you have copied so far are of professional level. Since Bo Chan has not mastered Chinese medicine, he is still at novice level.]

Okay. I understand.

[Host, let me tell you one more thing that if you use skill experience extraction to copy someone's work experience who is at novice level and later copy the same field work experience of mid level or professional level, then only one ability will count.]


After understanding all this, Yun tells Bo Chan that I am going towards Medicine Mountain, so you can come with me. I will drop you there.

On hearing Yun's words, Bo Chan agrees to go with him. On the way, Yun asks the system that if his favorability can be maxed by saving Bo Chan from the kidnappers, then why not those orphanage children. I have donated to many orphanages. Then why this?

[Host, that is because those children do not know that you are the one who is helping them. You secretly donated to all those orphanages. Due to which no one knows about you. Those orphans have never met you and they have never seen you. To increase anyone's favorability, you have to meet them in person and show them your face.]

Ohh! So that's it. Why didn't you tell me before.

[Because you never asked.]

It's my fault. :'(

After Yun and the system finished talking, they reached the entrance of the Medicine Mountain headquarters. Bo Chan starts taking Yun to his father, then Yun tells him that I want to meet your grandfather first. On Yun's request, Bo Chan asks the guard to take Yun to Head Xin Chan. On reaching Head Xin Chan, Yun without hesitation asks to become his disciple and learn Chinese medicine.

"We do not teach Chinese medicine to people from outside Medicine Mountain. This is against our principles."

But I can prove myself. I know a little about Chinese medicine. Give me a chance.

"Ok let's see what you can do."

To take Yun's test, Head Xin asks his other disciples to make all the arrangements. Slowly all the people gather there.

Head Xin gives 3 tests to Yun.

1. If you are a student of herbs, then you will have to do a test. If you know about it then find Mithridate, Sarcocolla, Aristolochia among all these herbs and tell me.

2. A method to cure Synthebinis.

3. Make a pill to boost inner energy.

Hearing about these three tests, Yun was not able to understand anything. Because he had only novice level knowledge. He was confused and all the people gathered there were judging him, he failed. Head Xin asks him to go back.


[Deok Chan's favourability increased towards you by +100P]

Yun wonders who Deok Chan is and why his favourability has reached max. While Yun is thinking about this, Deok Chan comes to him and thanks him for saving Bo Chan. Yun understands that he is Bo Chan's father and he is Deok Chan. Before Deok Chan can say anything further, Yun interrupts him and asks what is your level?


I mean, are you Intermediate lv. or Professional lv. ?

"What do you mean?"

How do I explain this? Yes, how much knowledge do you have in Chinese medicine compared to Bo Chan or Head Xin?

"Ohhh, I have much more knowledge in Chinese medicine than Bo Chan and much less than Head Xin."

Yun happily says in his mind, System Use Skill Experience Extraction on Deok Chan.

[ Using skill Experience Extraction on Deok Chan.]

[Experience Extraction complete]

[Deok Chan's 40 years of Chinese medicine experience data is being copied and sent to the host's body and mind]

[Congrats host for your ability upgrade Chinese medicine novice lv. > intermediate lv.l]


Yun suppresses his laughter and agrees to give the test. In the first test, he selects all the three herbs correctly and in the second test, he also tells the method to cure synthebinis. Then he puts all the ingredients in the furnace to make the pill. But he fails and even after trying for the second time, he is unable to make the pill. Now Yun focuses for a while and finally makes a pill to boost inner energy.

Everyone is surprised to see Yun completing all the tests.








Aaah! Why are all these notifications coming together. System, quickly stop all these notifications or else my ears will burst.

[Host, there are many people here who are surprised to see your feat. Their favorability has increased for you as follows +23P, +12P, +35P, ...+11P, +19P, -100FP.....]


Okay! Leave all this and tell me how much Head Xin's favorability has increased.


What do you mean by +0P?

[Host, Head Xin's name is not mentioned in the names above.]


But I passed all three of Head Xin's tests.

[I don't know all that. Congra....]

Leave all that and first tell me what is this -100FP?

[Will you let me do my work or not? If you interrupt me again, you'll see.]


[Congratulation! host You have maxed someone's favorability to negative for you for the first time.]

[As a reward you get +100FP voucher.]

"Although you passed all three of my tests, we cannot break our ancient tradition. So I cannot make you my disciple, so you go back..."

System use +100FP voucher on head Xin. Hurry.

[Using skill Experience Extraction on Xin Chan.]

[Experience Extraction complete]

[Xin Chan's 75 years of Chinese medicine experience data is being copied and sent to the host's body and mind.]

[Congrats host for your ability upgrade Chinese Medicine Intermediate lv.> Professional lv.]

"....but since you passed my tests with flying colors, I want to give you a reward."

Saying this he leaves after asking Bo Chan to bring Yun to the Main Hall at 9:00 am.

[Digi Chan's -20FP increased again]

Now who is this Digi Chan.. wait a minute, again? Oh! So this is my same beneficiary due to which I got +100FP voucher. But why is his favorability increasing to negative.

Yun leaves from there with Bo Chan without thinking much. Bo Chan takes him to the guest room and leaves after arranging for his food.

At midnight when Yun is sleeping in his room with a bedsheet spread out, someone sneaks in and attacks him with knives repeatedly.

"Finally I have finished off this fucker. But why didn't Yun scream even after I attacked him so many times with knives?"

While the intruder is thinking this, someone attacks him from behind and captures him. "Who is it?" But the intruder cannot see anyone due to the darkness of the night.

When the bulb in the room turns on, he is stunned. "You! How are you alive? I had killed you."

Let's see who could be after my life? Hey! This is Head Xin's grand disciple Digi Chan.

"How do you know about me?"

I had suspected you when you were looking at me with hateful eyes and I had found out everything about you from Bo Chan. Tell me, why do you want to kill me? We have never even met.

"Why? You ask why? I have been a disciple of that old man Xin for the last 30 years. Although I have not yet been able to reach that level in Chinese medicine, but I am trying my best and will reach that position in the coming 10 years. But I don't know from where you appeared and that old man gave you permission to go to the main hall. Whereas this opportunity was mine. Miiine. If you were not here....."

You are screaming too much.

Before he could say anything else, Yun shuts his mouth and instead of killing him, he uses his martial art ability to shut down all his acupoints. Now Yun leaves him near a river on the mountain and says to him, I did not kill you out of pity but because you are my benefactor, I am leaving you alive. But you should get some punishment, now you will not be able to do anything for the rest of your life except listening and watching. Yun comes back and goes to sleep.

9:00 AM

Bo Chan comes to pick up Yun and while opening the door, Yun says, I haven't even had breakfast yet, we'll go later. But Bo Chan pulls him towards the main hall. There was a plaque on the main hall. On which was written 'Secret Chamber' and below it was written 'But You Can Come Inside'.

Head Xin was already standing there who asks Yun to go inside the main hall. As Yun starts to go inside, Head Xin asks him, "Aren't you interested in knowing what's inside?"

Yun says, No. I'll look inside myself.

"Haah, you are really different. Let me tell you that inside the secret chamber is the treasure of Medicine Mountain which is a small medicinal pond. Since ancient times, we have been putting 10k herbs in this pond every 100 years. This pond can only be used by the head's grand disciple or those who have reached the level of Deok Chan and that too only once in a lifetime. We open this chamber only once in 50 years. This time my grand disciple Digi Chan had the chance to take a bath in it but now I am giving this chance to you. By taking a bath in this pond, your mind and body will be purified. You can stay in the pond only for 7 days. How much benefit you can get from this pond in these 7 days depends on your body. You don't have to worry about your food and drink. By staying in the pond, you will not need to eat, drink or sleep."

"Yun take off all your clothes."


"You cannot take anything into the Secret Chamber or bring out the pond water. The outside world does not know about this secret chamber. You cannot tell anyone about it."

Yun goes down to take a bath in the pond.


[The Host discovered the natural treasure Soul Purifying Water.]

[Absorbing true essence of the soul purifying water into the host body]

[The Host's mind and thoughts are becoming clear, the physical body is becoming stronger at a rapid rate and the Host's soul is being nourished.]

So it means that soul purifying water not only purifies the mind and body but also nourishes the soul and makes it stronger.

How much water essence can I absorb in 7 days?

[Host, if an ordinary person was in your place, he would be able to absorb only 0.5% to 0.9% essence of soul purifying water and would waste everything else. But you have me, the great system, so you can absorb 100% true water essence.]

What do you mean by essence and true essence?

[Host, the superficial part of this pond has a very thin concentration of medicinal herbs, which you can call essence. But the essence that is being absorbed in your body at this time is true essence. But in your body, from the depths of the pond where medicinal herbs have been accumulating for thousands of years, the concentration of essence is thick and is directly absorbed by the system.]

7 days later

Outside the secret chamber, Bo Chan tells Yun about the time that only 1 hour is left for the 7 days to complete. Hearing this, Yun opens his eyes and tells the system that this soul purifying water is so good. I wish I could take some of it with me.

[Who said you can't take this water with you.]

But it is prohibited to take it out of the chamber, and if I want to take it secretly, then how?

[Host, you can store the water in me.]

Store it? What do you mean?

[Host, by inside me, I mean system infinite storage.]

You also have the function of infinite storage?

[Yes, I didn't tell you because this is the storage of 'The Great System 7.0' and useless things that are not real treasures will not be stored here.]


So how much soul purifying water should we take?

[As much as you want. I can store all of it.]

Yes, we can do that too. Controlling himself, Yun, don't be greedy. How much water is in this pond?

[10K liters. Of which true essence water is 2K.]

Ok, just store 100 liters of true essence water.

[Storing soul purifying water in the storage. Time left 5 hours]

But we only have 45 minutes left. Can't you hurry up?

[I can, but you will not absorb true essence in this time, only then I will be able to focus on storing.]

I give you permission.

[Storing time left 40 minutes]

After 45 minutes, he comes out of the chamber and after wearing his clothes, he goes to meet Head Xin with Bo Chan. After saying godbye to everyone, he starts descending from the Medicine Mountain and asks the system, so how strong have I become?

[You see this boulder in front, punch it with all your might.]

Really? Bare hands?

[Yes, trust me and try.]

Ok, I trust you system.


Yun was surprised to see the condition of the boulder and why wouldn't he be, the boulder was shattered.

This.. this.. I did all this, I have become so strong. System, tell me what changes have happened in my body.

[Host, your physical body has been enhanced. And your healing speed has also increased compared to a normal person.]

So this means that I can now stop bullets with my body and my wounds will also heal instantly.

[No, it's nothing like that. You've just gotten stronger than Head Shao and you won't heal instantly, just your healing speed has increased.]

Oh, what a disappointment.

Will I ever be able to get these abilities?

[ ...mumble, Who knows?]

Hmm? You said something.

[Nothing. ^_^]

After this, Yun leaves for his home. He sets out on another new adventure.