Nothings Special 2

Yun keeps calling System but System leaves without saying anything. Yun was now unable to understand what to do. Now he leaves for his home and goes to sleep after reaching home. He enjoys his youth for a few days. Yun had become a young man now.

Now he goes to medicine mountain. On the way he sees some men kidnapping a child and taking him away.

Why does it seem as if this has happened before. Oh! This had happened to Bo Chan too.

Without wasting any more time he reaches to help the child. But this time he does not inform the police.

Hey! stop.

"Who are you? Why are you stopping me? Let us do our work. Get out of here."

I told you to stop. Let this child go. Otherwise I will make you such that no one will be able to recognize you.

"Ha Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"You, will you stop us? You have neither flesh on your body nor any weapon. How will you stop us? Ha ha ha ha.. Leave from here in time or else we will finish you along with this child."

Thinking of Yun as a child, they ignored Yun and started to leave from there.

Seeing Yun being ignored, he got angry and shouted, stop you motherfuc*er. Then calming himself down and explaining, calm down Yun calm down.

I don't want to kill them, just punish them a little and while laughing his evil self goes towards the kidnappers and uses his electrocuted ability on them which he copied from the electric eel.

" Bzzt! Bzzt! Aargh! Aaaah! Where- Where did this lightning fall from?"

It doesn't have much effect on them due to the limitation of the ability so Yun again uses the electrocuted ability with the Paralyse ability.

" Oooowww! Aaaaaa... "

And in this way, using his different abilities, Yun saves the child from the clutches of the kidnappers by knocking the kidnappers unconscious and asks him about himself.

"My name is Yun Chan."

Hm? Yun Chan?

"I am the youngest grandson of Medicine Mountain's current head Bi Chan and I am 10 years old. These people were kidnapping me for money."

Hearing this, Yun starts laughing. Pfft! Hahahaha

Sorry, sorry, I remembered an old incident.

Do you know Bo Chan?

"Bo Chan? Yes, I remember, he is my great great grandfather. How do you know about him?"

Nothing. I met him once just like you.


Come, I am going to meet your grandfather. You can come with me.

Saying this, Yun starts taking Yun Chan with him.

At The Entrance

"Wait! You cannot go inside. Tell me your purpose of coming here."

"Guard, now you don't even recognize me."

"Hmm, young master you. I apologise. I could not recognize you. How did you get into this condition?"

"Leave all this, he is my benefactor. I will come after taking a bath. You take him to my grandfather."

There is no need for that, I will go there myself. Saying this, Yun shows his medicine badge to the guard and also shows him the entry badge of Medicine Mountain.

"This-this is the medicine badge of grandmaster level and along with it there is also a black entry badge which is given only to the most honoured guest that's why it's also called Honor Badge. I-I apologize. Honoured guest, I could not recognize you."

It's ok. It happens.

After Yun leaves, the guard asks Young Master who this was who has two VIP badges of Medicine Mountain. "I don't know either. But how is it possible that he reached the Grandmaster level at such a young age?"

At The Medicine Hall

"Wait! Who are you? You can't go in..."

The doorman changes his tone after seeing the VIP badges near Yun and says, "sir, good afternoon. You can go in."

Yun walks into the Medicine Hall smiling. All the elders, vice heads and mountain heads sitting in the hall are surprised to see Yun.

"Sir-sir, you-you, are you Sir Yun? No, what kind of question am I asking? How can you be Sir Yun? Are you Sir Yun's descendant?"

First tell me who you are and how do you know about Sir Yun?

"My name is Bi Chan and I am the current head of The Medicine Mountain. Who doesn't know about Sir Yun, but he is no longer in this world. You look exactly like him."

How do you know what this 'Sir Yun' looks like when he is already dead?

"I can't tell you that. First tell me how do you look like Sir Yun? Who are you?"

I can't tell you who I am either.


Because the people I knew are no longer in this world. Bo Chan, Head Xin, Deok Chan and Digi Chan.

"How do you know all these names? Are you really Sir Yun's descendant?"

No, how can someone be his own descendant?

"Shock! So what do you mean you are Sir Yun? How is that possible? He died years ago. How can someone live for so many years?"

Yun shows him his badges.

"These-these are the same Grandmaster level badge and Honor badge that my grandfather gave to Sir Yun when Sir Yun came to meet my grandfather Bo Chan who was 30 years old at that time.

So are you really Sir Yun? But..."

Believe me or not, I am Xiao Yun.

"So are you immortal?"

Hmm, no, I am not immortal. But maybe I will become one in the future. Ha ha ha

Now can you tell me how did you find out about me?

"Do you know about the treasure of Medicine Mountain?"

It seems you still don't trust me. Yes, I know about the treasure of Medicine Mountain. It is in the secret chamber and you people call it medicinal pond.

As soon as Yun says this, his honor badge breaks and a black smoke comes out of it which takes the form of a tattoo on his forehead.

"Sir Yun, it is you. I am sorry, I could not recognize you."

All the elders present there, vice head and head bow in front of Yun, seeing which Yun gets confused.

Get up! Get up! What are you all doing?

"Head Bi Chan with teary eyes Sir Yun, you have finally come."


Would you mind telling me what is happening?

"Actually, my grandfather Bo Chan, who was the head at that time, on his death bed told all the elders and the next head that if there is ever a danger to Medicine Mountain, we should find Sir Yun and take his help. No matter in which generation that disaster occurs. But at that time no one believed Head Bo. Because even if the mountain is in any danger, how can we take help from Sir Yun? He would have died by then. Because Head Bo met Sir Yun for the second time when Sir Yun was 70 years old."

Hmmm. Leave all that. Now can you answer my questi....

"Sir Yun, Head Bo has put one portrait of you inside the secret chamber and one in the medicine hall and all the people present here see your portrait every day. That's why we recognized you as soon as we saw you."

I am not curious about this but tell me about the drama that just happened.

" ...."

Clamour! Chatter! Clamour! Chatter!

Will anyone say something? Head Bi, since you have been speaking for so long, you should tell us about this too.

"That-that Sir Yun, there are two types of Honor badges. The first Honor badge is given to an outsider who has done something for our Medicine Mountain that has benefited the entire Medicine Mountain and the second is given to the one who knows about some secret of The Medicine Mountain."

Hm hm say further.

"That-that is such that the first badge has no function but..."

I am listening, speak further. But what?

"But to ensure that no secret of Medicine Mountain is leaked, we have installed this function in the other badge that if the owner of the badge is about to reveal this secret to anyone, then this badge will break and a tattoo will be made on his forehead.

No matter how far he is from the badge. Because these badges are soulbound and a copy of every such badge is kept in the Disciplinary Hall which breaks as soon as the real badge breaks. As soon as this is known, the Disciplinary Hall takes action and finds that person, tortures him and asks him about all those to whom he has told about the secret and kills him.

Those to whom the secret has been revealed are given a poison. If the antidote of which is not taken on time every month, they will die."

Sigh! So I have also been given this badge. No problem.

"So are you not angry?"

Hey, what is there to be angry about in this. This is a safety measure to protect Medicine Mountain from greedy humans.

Then Yun Chan arrives there and tells his grandfather everything. Hearing this, Bi Chan thanks Yun again that you have saved the future of Medicine Mountain again.

Yun asks him who named Yun Chan? To which Bi Chan replies that my grandfather Bo Chan had said that whoever becomes the head after me will name any of his children Yun.

But no one listened to him. We all have been listening to stories of Sir Yun since childhood. I am a big fan of yours. That is why after becoming the head, I named my grandson Yun.

Head Bi asks someone to bring something and gives that thing to Yun. Yun looks at him and asks is this also the same honor badge which can endanger my life and starts laughing.

"No, no. Sir Yun this is just a simple honor badge."

Don't worry. I am just kidding.

Head Bi removes the tattoo from Yun. After staying there for a few days, Yun says goodbye to all of them and starts leaving. But before leaving, Yun gives his contact information to Head Bi that even in the future if you need any help from me, I will come. And yes, one more thing, the name of the treasure of Medicine Mountain is not medicinal pond but Soul Purifying Water and it not only purifies the physical body and mind but also nourishes the soul.

There is a small market on the way out of the medicine hall. Where Yun sees a small auction shop. Yun is going while watching that auction.

Oh my god, how can I forget about this fun place.

Saying this, Yun starts going from there towards his other destination.

In A Bar

Yun was wearing a mask. Because entry without wearing a mask is prohibited in this bar. Yun shows his card to the bartender, seeing which he takes Yun to a room and opens a secret door from there.

Yun reaches an underground city through that secret door. Whose name is Secret Underground Paradise. From there Yun heads straight to the auction house.

Yun gets bored of the auction in a short while.

Now he uses his privilege card to call a servant who takes Yun to a big hall behind the auction house. Where only selected people could go.

Yun now watches the auction here. But Yun gets bored here too and starts leaving from there too..

"Ladies & Gentlemen, now it is the turn of today's unidentified object. Don't know what this is? We also tried to melt it with the temperature of 100K Celsius fire and break it by applying pressure of 1000 ton weight on it but nothing happened to it. This strange object was found 1000KM away from Medicine Mountain which was discovered by the scavenger team of one of our customers."

Hearing this, Yun's ears perk up and he sits right there.

"So let's start today's bidding."

As soon as the auctioneer says this, a flurry of bids starts.

5M $, 10M$, 100M$...

The bids keep increasing like this. The bid even reaches 100 Billion$.

"Is there anyone who can increase the bid?

100 Billion$ Thum! 1

100 Billion$ Thum! 2

100 Billion$... "

Shout! 1 Trillion $.

Everyone starts looking at Yun in surprise but no one says anything.

"Number 07 bid 1 Trillion $.

Is there anyone who can bid more than this?

1 Trillion $ Thum! 1

1 Trillion $ Thum! 2

1 Trillion $ Thum! 3

Sold! Congratulation! Guest number 07. This object is now yours."

Yun starts leaving from there with that object and everyone keeps looking at him. Because the person who can come to this place and spend 1 Trillion $ on a useless object cannot be an ordinary person. No one wants to mess with anyone at this place. Here everyone is a wolf in sheep's clothing and a lion in wolf's clothing.

Yun keeps roaming here and there enjoying his time like this in the world.

5 Years Later

System It has been 5 years now and I have still not been able to fulfill that hidden condition.

[ ...]

System you tell me what should I do.

[ ...]

System you will not say anything. Hmph! Then I will do something. No matter how many years it takes me I will definitely fulfill this condition. Anyway I have a lot, lottttts of time left.

Another 5 Years Later

Now 5 more years had passed and Yun too had become tired of wandering here and there. He had not gone out of his house for a month. He had not gone into depression but he had nothing to do.

He had been playing an adventure game in his house for a month and is still playing a game 'Kill The Dragon'. Because adventure in his life had ended.

System now I have copied 10M abilities and there is no creature left on earth whose ability I have not copied. I don't have any place to roam around anymore. I have bought most of the junk from underground auctions. I have no use for them.

Now please tell me something about that condition.

[ ...]

Let me tell you if I am ready for treasure hunting now.

[No. You just play auction for now.]

Why not?

Hm? wait a minute. Auction... I once bought a weird object from an auction. No one knows its use and it can't be destroyed.

Where did I put it? Searching..Searching..

Finally I found it. What is it? It's not a metal, nor an earth mineral. So is it the nail of an extinct animal? No, no. If it was the nail of an extinct animal, the auction house would have known about it.

Is it some part of some mythical creature? I think I've been shut down at home for too long that I'm talking like this.

Yun's eyes fall on that video game.

Dragon... Is it the nail of a dragon or a scale?

System, system you are not going to answer that question of mine. Then tell me can you give me information about any item?

[Yes, I can do that.]

What? What did you say? You can do that? GRIT! GRIT! FROWN!


Why didn't you tell me before?

[You never asked.]

Yes, it's my fault. You won't tell me unless I ask.


>:(( You!

Ok, now give me information about this object.

[Scanning the object.]

[Scanning complete.]

[Collecting information....]

[Collecting information complete.]

[Details: Dragon's Scale

Dragon is an ancient beast. Dragon is the overlord of all beasts. Dragon's scale cannot be destroyed unless someone is more powerful than dragon. Dragon's intelligence level is higher than human.

Dragon's Energy Level: Black and Grade Gold]

Oh! So this is really Dragon's Scale. But they are extinct. I wish if these ancient creature were alive then I could copy their abilities too.

Hmm? Alive...

System show me the interference of Skill Ability Extraction+ I want to check something.

[Skill: Ability Extraction+ (⊹)

Description: You can now copy the ability of anyone just by touching them.


For Human Species (Intelligence): None

For Other Species(Unintelligence):

1. Only one ability of an Unintelligence species can be copied.

2. This skill can be used only once on one species of an Unintelligence species.


1. You can use this skill only 200 times a day.

2. You must maintain physical contact with anyone for at least 30 seconds to copy their ability.

3. Copying more than one ability will take times the amount of time equal to the ability being copied.

4. Since you fall in the human species category and if you copy any ability of a non-human species, then there may be some limitations in that ability, like time limit for that skill or not being able to fully use that ability or both.]

Wait a minute. What's this? Why didn't I notice this before.

Description: You can now copy the ability of anyone just by touching them.

Anyone, anyone ha ha ha

System What I am thinking is correct.

The target *** ** ***** **** does not ****.

[Congratulation! Host You have fulfilled the hidden requirement of upgrading the skill.]

[Skill: ****** ***** ****

Description: ** **** ***** **

Condition: *** ** ***]