
So, will the system not care if the target is alive or dead to copy the ability?

[Congratulation! Host, you have completed the hidden requirement to upgrade the skill.]

[Hidden Requirement: To upgrade the skill, the host must realize the truth behind the skill.]

[Host, you have realized the truth behind the skill.]

[Unlocking Skill: Ability Extraction+]

[Upgrading Skill....]

[Upgrade Completed]

[Skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead(New)(⊹)

Description: You can now copy the ability of anyone just by touching them.


For Human Species (Intelligence): NONE

For Other Species(Unintelligence):

1. Only one ability of an Unintelligence species can be copied.

2. This skill can be used only once on one species of an Unintelligence species.

For Dead: You can copy the ability of any dead. No matter when the death occurred. To copy the ability of a dead, you must have any remains of that dead.


1. You can use this skill only 200 times a day.

2. You must maintain physical contact with anyone for at least 30 seconds to copy their ability.

3. Copying more than one ability will take times the amount of time equal to the ability being copied.

4. Since you fall in the human species category and if you copy any ability of a non-human species, then there may be some limitations in that ability, like time limit for that skill or not being able to fully use that ability or both.

5. To copy the ability of a dead, you have to maintain physical contact with the dead or any of its remains for 5 minutes.]

Yes! Now I will not have to be bored anymore. Now I will copy more abilities.

System, Can this dragon scale also be used?

[Yes. No matter what kind of remains it is, nails, bones, blood, flesh etc., you can use this skill on any dead.]

So use skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead on this dragon scale.


[Skill is being used.]

[Target's abilities are being copied.]

[This scale belongs to Dragon King Kaelos. Whose information is being given to the host-

The Dragon King Kaelos:

- Supreme ruler of the dragon realm.

- Possesses immense power, wisdom, and strength.

- Controls the elements, magic, and time.

- Has dominion over the skies, lands, and waters.

- Commands respect and loyalty from all dragons.

- Wisdom and knowledge beyond measure.

- Can shape-shift into various dragon forms.

- Breathes fire, ice, or other elements.

- Has a mighty roar that shakes the earth.

- Rules with fairness, justice, and protection.]

Dragon King? So was Kaelos the king of all dragons?

[Yes, Kaelos is not only the king of dragons but also of all beasts and Kaelos was the last king. No one knows if he is alive or not because he suddenly disappeared and after that all dragons and other powerful beasts became extinct.]

[There were 9 more kings before Kaelos which are as follows:

Dragon Kings:

1. Drakonius

2. Tharros

3. Arkon

4. Vorgath

5. Thorneirus

6. Emberwing

7. Stormclaw

8. Frostbite

9. Infernox

10. Kaelos]

[Abilities Of Dragon King:

[Abilities: Dragon King's Abilities

1. Elemental Control: The Dragon King can control the elements of fire, water, earth, air, and aether (magic) to achieve various effects such as conjuring fireballs, summoning storms, or creating earthquakes.

2. Shape-shifting(⊹): The Dragon King can transform into various dragon forms, each with unique abilities and strengths, such as a fire-breathing dragon or a swift flying dragon.

3. Magic: The Dragon King can cast powerful spells, summoning magic from the land, skies, and waters to achieve effects such as healing, teleportation, or elemental manipulation.

4. Time Manipulation(⊹): The Dragon King can slow down, speed up, or reverse time to achieve effects such as aging, time travel, or temporal loops.

5. Teleportation: The Dragon King can instantly transport themselves or others across vast distances, traversing realms and dimensions.

6. Healing: The Dragon King can restore balance to the land, cure diseases, and heal wounds, using their magic and elemental control.

7. Telekinesis(⊹): The Dragon King can move objects or creatures with their mind, manipulating the physical world.

8. Illusions: The Dragon King can create powerful illusions, deceiving even the wisest of foes, making it difficult to discern reality from fantasy.

9. Elemental Absorption: The Dragon King can absorb elemental attacks, using them to fuel their own powers and abilities.

10. Dragon's Breath(⊹): The Dragon King can unleash a mighty roar, capable of leveling mountains or extinguishing flames.

11. Wisdom(⊹): The Dragon King possesses ancient knowledge, understanding the secrets of the universe, and the intricacies of magic and the elements.

12. Empathy(⊹): The Dragon King can communicate with all creatures, understanding their thoughts and emotions, and using this understanding to manipulate or help them.

13. Shielding: The Dragon King can conjure powerful shields, protecting themselves and others from harm, using their magic and elemental control.

14. Elemental Fusion(⊹): The Dragon King can combine elements to create new, powerful forces, such as conjuring a storm of fire and ice.

15. Cosmic Awareness(⊹): The Dragon King has a deep understanding of the cosmos, sensing changes in the fabric of reality, and understanding the workings of the universe.

16. Flight(⊹): The Dragon King can soar through the skies, traversing realms and dimensions with ease.

17. Enhanced Strength(⊹): The Dragon King possesses physical prowess, capable of lifting and moving massive objects, and battling formidable foes.

18. Regeneration: The Dragon King can heal from injuries, regrowing lost limbs, and restoring their vitality.

19. Dreamwalking(⊹): The Dragon King can enter and manipulate dreams, influencing thoughts and emotions, and using this power to guide or mislead others.

20. Omnipresence(⊹): The Dragon King is present everywhere, all-seeing and all-knowing, aware of all events and thoughts, and capable of acting across vast distances.]

System, this time why didn't you give me any choice to decide to copy any one ability?

[Host, you don't need to copy any one ability. Because Dragons are highly intelligent beings who have more intelligence than humans.

So all these abilities are yours but with some limitations.


1. You can use only 1% of Dragon King's powers.

2. Abilities can be used only for 1 minute.

3. As your energy level increases, your Dragon King's power percentage will increase.

4. You will be able to unlock and use these following abilities only when you are equal to or more powerful than Dragon King's level.

Shape-Shifting, Time Manipulation, Telekinesis, Dragon's Breath, Wisdom, Empathy, Elemental Fusion, Cosmic Awareness, Flight, Enhanced Strength, Dreamwalking, Omnipresence.]

You have locked 12 out of 20 abilities. Anyway, anything else.

[Yes, besides Dragon King there are many other types of dragons:

1. Fire Dragon: Breathes fire, lives in volcanoes or fiery caverns.

2. Ice Dragon: Controls ice and snow, inhabits frozen tundras or glaciers.

3. Water Dragon: Rules the oceans, rivers, and lakes, can control water and tides.

4. Earth Dragon: Connected to the land, can manipulate earth, rocks, and minerals.

5. Air Dragon: Commands the winds, skies, and clouds, can fly at incredible speeds.

6. Lightning Dragon: Harnesses electricity, can summon lightning bolts and thunderstorms.

7. Poison Dragon: Emits toxic fumes, venomous claws, and deadly breath.

8. Dark Dragon: Dwells in shadows, manipulates darkness, and spreads fear.

9. Light Dragon: Radiates light, hope, and positivity, can heal and protect.

10. Time Dragon: Controls time, can manipulate hours, days, and centuries.

11. Space Dragon: Travels through cosmos, governs stars, planets, and galaxies.

12. Dream Dragon: Enters minds, influences thoughts, and shapes dreams.

13. Nature Dragon: Communes with plants, animals, and elements, promotes balance.

14. Chaos Dragon: Embodies disorder, randomness, and change.

15. Crystal Dragon: Reflects light, heals with crystals, and amplifies magic.]


[Here is a hierarchy of dragons, from most powerful to least powerful:

1. Primordial Dragons: The most ancient and powerful dragons, said to have created the world.

- Time Dragon

- Space Dragon

- Chaos Dragon

2. Elder Dragons: Extremely powerful and wise dragons, with immense magical abilities.

- Crystal Dragon

- Light Dragon

- Dark Dragon

3. High Dragons: Powerful and respected dragons, with significant magical powers.

- Fire Dragon

- Ice Dragon

- Water Dragon

4. Noble Dragons: Honorable and respected dragons, with notable magical abilities.

- Earth Dragon

- Air Dragon

- Nature Dragon

5. Warrior Dragons: Strong and fierce dragons, with impressive physical strength.

- Poison Dragon

- Lightning Dragon

6. Mage Dragons: Intelligent and magical dragons, with a focus on spellcasting.

- Dream Dragon

- Illusion Dragon

7. Elemental Dragons: Dragons attuned to specific elements.

- Fire Dragon

- Water Dragon

- Earth Dragon

- Air Dragon

8. Lesser Dragons: Smaller and less powerful dragons, but still formidable.

9. Drakes: Young or smaller dragons, still learning their powers.

10. Wyverns: Small, winged creatures with dragon-like features, but less powerful.]

Since Yun can't use many of the Dragon King's abilities, including flight and enhanced strength, he decides to copy the flight and defense abilities from the most powerful dinosaurs in the dinosaur era. But Yun doesn't want to go anywhere anymore, so he orders dinosaur remains from Drake Web, a place where all kinds of legal and illegal activities take place.

A few days later

System, Use Skill Ability Extraction+Dead on Aeropex, Skypaw & Stegosaurus.

[Using skill on Aeropex, Skypaw & Stegosaurus. ]

[Time Left: 15 minutes.]

[Information Extraction Complete]

[Choose one ability each from Aeropex, Skypaw & Stegosaurus.]

[Name: Aeropex

Details: The Aeropex has a sleek, aerodynamic body covered in shimmering silver scales. Its wings are long and narrow, with a thick membrane that glows with a soft blue light. Its eyes burn with an inner fire, and it has a sharp beak that seems to be constantly pointed towards the horizon.

Wingspan: 15 meters (49 feet)

Top Speed: 500 km/h (310 mph)


1. Flight: The Aeropex can fly at incredible velocities, making it one of the fastest creatures in the skies.

2. Agility: Despite its size, the Aeropex is incredibly agile and can perform dazzling aerial acrobatics.

3. Endurance: It can fly for hours without rest, crossing vast distances with ease.]

[Name: Skypaw

Details: The Skypaw has a fluffy, cloud-like body with soft, white fur and a wispy tail. Its wings are large and feathery, with a delicate membrane that glows with a gentle, pulsing light. Its eyes shine like bright stars, and it has a tiny, button nose.

Wingspan: 10 meters (33 feet)

Top Speed: 500 km/h (310 mph)


1. Flight: The Skypaw can fly slowly and steadily, generating a soothing, calming aura that affects all creatures within its vicinity.

2. Strength: Its wings are powerful enough to generate massive whirlwinds and create shockwaves with a single flap.

3. Camouflage: The Skypaw can blend into the clouds and fog, becoming nearly invisible in the skies.

4. Whisker Wisdom: Its long, flowing whiskers grant it immense sensory perception, allowing it to detect even the slightest changes in air currents and temperature.

5. Endurance: It can fly for hours without rest, crossing vast distances with ease.]

[Name: Stegosaurus

Details: The Stegosaurus has a row of sharp, bony plates running down its back, which could be used for defense and display purposes. It also has spiked tail plates and powerful legs.


1. Defense:

- Row of sharp, bony plates on its back for protection.

- Spiked tail plates for defense and counterattacks.

- Powerful legs for kicking and stomping.

2. Display: Plates on its back can be used for display purposes, like attracting mates or intimidating rivals.

3. Thermoregulation: Plates can help regulate body temperature.

4. Speed: Can run at speeds of up to 25 km/h (15.5 mph).

5. Agility: Has powerful legs and sharp claws for agility and maneuverability.

Habitat: The Stegosaurus inhabits the Jurassic period's warm, humid climates, roaming the plains and forests in search of food and shelter.

Behavior: The Stegosaurus is a herbivore, feeding on plants and fruits. It is a social creature, living in small herds and using its plates and spiked tail for defense and display purposes.]

I choose Flight from Aeropex, Endurance from Skypaw and Defense abilities from Stegosaurus.

[Congratulation! Host has copied powerful abilities related to Flight and Defense.]

Yes! new powe.... Hm?

Ah! Aah!

Aaaaargh! Aaaaaaaah....

Sytem, syst... Aaaaaaaaaargh!

Hah! Hah! Hah!

Syst.. Argh! System, Save me.

System, what is happening to me?

[I can't do anything. But..]