Dead 1

But Argh! What?

[...But you can?]

What should I do? Tell me quickly.

[Simple, use Recovery Voucher and you will be fine.]

Use Recovery Vouuchher. Hurry!

[Using Recovery Voucher.]

[Time Left: 1m59s]

I will die in this time.

[Drink soul purifying water too.]

Glug! Glug! Glug!

System, still no effect and how much time is left?

[Time Left: 1m30s]


System, use ability regeneration from Hydra.

[Using ability Regeneration...]


[10 seconds have already passed. Ability cannot be used]

[Time Left: 59s]


[ ...]

[Try using the Dragon King's healing and regeneration abilities.]

Use dra.. gn.. .. abi...tie...s

[Using dragon King's abilities Regeneration and Healing...]

[Healing and Regeneration Complete.]

[Host returning to normal condition.]

Th-This.. I am completely fine. It feels like I am bathing in Soul Purifying Water.

System, this ability is very good. All my pain has disappeared.

But why was I suddenly feeling so much pain.

[Because you absorbed 3 abilities at once, that's why you are feeling so much pain.]

What are you saying? This is not the first time I have done this, in fact I have copied even more abilities at once.

[Yes, but the ones from whom you copied abilities were not that powerful.]


[Let me explain to you. When I was linked to you, there were changes in your body and you also absorbed Soul Purifying Water and continued doing so for 100 years. Due to which you could keep more energy in your body than an ordinary person. But this limit gradually decreased and when you copied the Dragon King's abilities a few days ago, your body had reached the limit. Now you have copied three more powerful abilities together, so your body could not bear so much energy and you started feeling pain all over your body. The energy level of these three is Green, Grade Silver and your energy level was only Yellow, Grade Gold before copying these abilities.]

[I give you a chart of energy level of all creatures:

Humans: Modern humans have no energy level. But if you go back in time, you will find that human level has reached Purple, Grade Platinum. But with time their energy level kept decreasing.

Beasts: Energy level of beasts of modern world has reached only White.

In Jurassic period their energy level could be Brown, Grade Platinum and

In ancient time this energy level could be up to Black, Grade Gold. From ancient time till now, energy level of any creature of earth has not reached Black, Grade Platinum.]

[So I will advise you that if you want to copy the ability of any ancient or Jurassic period creature, then first check its energy level. If you come into contact with the remains of another ancient creature, you cannot copy its abilities unless you have copied all the abilities of creatures from the Jurassic period or you have reached the level of that ancient relic.]

So can't I copy the abilities of more powerful creatures?

[You can, and then use the Dragon King's ability. But I warn you that if your body breaks apart from energy overload before you can use the ability, you will die.]

So what should I do?

[Don't worry, you can copy the abilities of creatures up to Energy Level Green, Grade Silver. Because...]

[Congratulation! Host, your energy level has increased due to energy overload and successfully suppressing it.]

[Xiao Yun's Energy Level:

Yellow, Grade Gold > Green, Grade Silver]

Do I have to risk my life like this every time to increase my energy level?

[Nope, you just copy the abilities of deads now. As your energy level increases and reaches the limit, your energy level will breakthrough to the next grade and then the next level.]

Ohh! So that's it. But why didn't you tell me all this earlier in ch 9?

[Because you never asked.]

Y- You! System!

[Congratulation! Due to copying the abilities Flight from Aeropex, Endurance from Skypaw, and Defense from Stegosaurus, the time limit of all flight and defense-related abilities of the host has been increased by 30 minutes.]

System, can't you automatically use Skill: Energy Sense and Skill: Ability Extraction+dead?

[ ...]

[I can do this. I already have such a function.]

Why don't you ever tell me the whole thing?

[Because you...]

Because I didn't ask. Right?


Anyway, activate this function of yours and activate every single function that's beneficial to the host i.e. me Yun..Xiao Yun.

[Ok. On the command of the host, all such features of the system which are beneficial for the host and help the host on time are being activated. During this activation, the system is going into sleep mode for 50 years. The host will not be able to use the system for 50 years.]


What? What did you say?

[ ...]

Answer me. System, system.


[Can't connect to system. System is in sleeping mode.]


Yun now goes to bed to sleep but he can't sleep. Lying on the bed he thinks that if the system and my conncetion is cut for 50 years, then will I not be able to use any of my abilities?

Yun gets up and uses his ability flight and he succeeds.

Yun gets so busy flying that he loses track of time and starts falling down. He falls in a forest but doesn't get hurt because he activated Dragon King's Shield ability in time.

Give me 5ml Soul Purifying Water.


So If any kind of update is going on in the system then I cannot retrieve any treasure from the system storage and can only use the abilities. Now I am sure that these abilities cannot be taken away from me. Because these abilities have now become a part of my body.





50 years later

[Host, host wake up, waakee uppp.]

Yun is sleeping. He hears a sound and sees a familiar white light in front of him. Yun is shocked and says, DEJAVU! and then goes back to sleep.

[Now who is this dejavu? Host wake up and see it's me.]

Yun is still asleep and keeps muttering, "Let me sleep a little longer."


[Looks like Yun is not going to wake up like this, I have to do something.]

Bzzt! Zzzzt!

He he he

Who is tickling me so early in the morning?

Snore! Snore!


Bzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttt! BZzzzzzzzt!


Who is it? Who is it? Who is giving me electric shocks?

Hm? System, is it really you?

[Yes, host I'm back]

Oh! Wait, I'll freshen up first.

Yun takes a quick shower and eats breakfast. Yun grabs the system and takes it to his basement.

See, System, when you were not here I did not waste my time and collected information about the remains of all the extinct creatures which I cannot buy with money.

Aren't I smart? Well, first of all I have to copy the ability of a creature from the Jurassic era. After copying this ability, I will not have any problem in copying other abilities. All the remains are kept in museums all over the world. However, I can easily enter the museum using my abilities and do my work. But you know that I am a peace loving person. I do not want to create a ruckus anywhere. I have done all the planning. How was my preparation?

[ ...]

System, why are you not saying anything?

[What should I say? Since you have been talking. Neither did you ask me about my well being nor where I was till now. You are only concerned with your work.]

I used to miss you.


Ever since you have gone, not a single day has passed in which I have not missed you. You know how I spent these 50 years. I had no one to talk to. sob..sob!

[Friend, don't cry. I didn't mean to hurt you.]

I'm not crying. Something has gone into my eyes.

[Friend, you don't see any change in me.]

Hm? Yes, if you look carefully, a golden light is visible on the edges of your screen. Have you customized yourself?

[No friend, not that, something else.]


Yes, why does your tone sound different and why are you calling me friend instead of host? Have you become rusty in these 50 years that you are not working properly.

[Nothing like that.]

[You gave the command to activate all my features 50 years ago. Due to which I had to go to sleep for such a long time.]

[I used to work like a machine earlier. But after the update, now I can speak and think like humans. Now you do not need to give every command.

When the condition of a skill is fulfilled, that skill can be used automatically. But to use abilities and vouchers, it is necessary to say the name of the ability and voucher whether you say it loudly or just in your mind.

To use abilities, you only need the name and not from whom it has been copied and the ability which is the best option at that time will be used automatically.

For example: Defense; If less defense is needed then only Rhino's defense ability will be activated and if more defense is needed then Stegosaurus' defense ability will be activated.]

This is great. Now I don't have to hurt my face by repeatedly naming the skill.

Now let's copy a new ability.


What happened?

[What should I call you, host or friend.]

Smirk! Call me whatever you want. No one will say anything to you.

[Ok, then for now I will call you Host.]

A few days later

Yun reaches a restaurant near a historical museum in France.

2 AM

Yun is doing something on his laptop.

System Use Invisibility Voucher and Ability Agility.

[Using Invisibility Voucher on host.

Time Left: 29m59s]

[Using Ability Agility.

You can run 25km/hr.

Time Left: 59s.]

Yun sneaks into the museum using Invisibility Voucher and Agility. There he goes straight to a relic. The place where the relic is kept has lasers all around it. But Yun takes the relic in his hands without caring about anything.

[A relic of a dead creature has been detected.]

[Energy Level: Yellow, Grade Gold]

[Using Skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead (⊹) on the target.

Information of the target:

Name: Spectrasaurus(meaning "ghost lizard")

Appearance: The Spectrasaurus has a remarkable ability to turn invisible, thanks to its advanced skin cells that can bend light around its body. Its body is covered in specialized scales that reflect and refract light, making it nearly invisible in the right conditions.


1. Stealthmode: The ability to become nearly invisible and blend into the environment.

In Stealthmode, the Spectrasaurus can:

- Blend into its surroundings, matching colors and textures.

- Become nearly invisible, bending light around its body.

- Move quietly and unseen, striking from the shadows.

2. Enhanced senses: Its senses are heightened, allowing it to detect subtle vibrations and changes in its environment.

Shadow Travel: Spectrasaurus can teleport short distances through shadows, allowing it to move undetected.

3. Illusion Generation: It can create elaborate illusions, making it difficult for predators or prey to discern reality.

Adaptive Armor: Its scales can harden to deflect attacks or soften to absorb impacts.


1. Energy drain: Using its abilities drains energy, leaving it vulnerable if used excessively.

2. Sensitivity to light: Bright lights can disrupt its concentration, making it harder to maintain invisibility.

3. Vulnerability to sonic attacks: Loud noises can stun and disorient the Spectrasaurus.

Habitat: The Spectrasaurus inhabits the dense, tropical forests of the Jurassic period, where its invisibility abilities allow it to thrive.

Behavior: Spectrasaurus is a solitary hunter, using its invisibility and illusions to stalk prey and sneak up on unsuspecting victims. Despite its stealthy nature, it has a curious and playful side, often interacting with other Spectrasaurs in complex social dynamics.

Additional details:

-The Spectrasaurus can maintain Stealthmode for a long period.

- The Spectrasaurus has a unique "cloak" of scales on its back that can be raised and lowered to control its invisibility.

- It has a distinctive "chameleon-like" tongue that helps it catch prey.

- Spectrasaurus can generate powerful illusions, making it difficult for predators or prey to discern reality.]

[Choose one of the targets ability.]

Hmm.. I wanted to choose Stealthmode Ability but Shadow Travel is also good.

With Shadow Travel, I can teleport from one place to another as a shadow. But I can't remain invisible. And there may be some more limitation on Shadow Travel. I can't take risk and stick to my objective.

I choose 1st Ability Stealthmode.

[Copying Ability Stealthmode...]


[Congratulations! Host You have successfully learned a new ability.

Ability: Stealthmode

Description: You can blend into your surroundings, matching colors and textures and become invisible by bending light around your body.


1. Using this ability will consume more energy than Invisiblity Voucher.

2. If you can't maintain your concentration in bright lights and your concentration disrupt then it will be harder to maintain invisibility.

3.This ability is vulnerable to sonic attacks like loud noises. So if you come Into any loud sound or Sonic waves then the use of the ability will be canceled.

Time Limit: 10minutes.]

Ha ha I did a lot of planning to learn this ability. First I hacked the system of this museum using my hacking ability. After this I left a fake recording on repeat in the monitors and also turned off the alarm. I wanted an ability with which I can go to all the museums and places where normal people are not allowed to go. Because most of the original relics are kept in such places. Today, after using an invisibility voucher, I have only 5 invisibility vouchers left and they are for one time use only.

That's why I wanted an invisibility ability. Even if the time limit of that ability is just one minute. But surprise! I got a time limit of full 10 minutes.

[When you had done so much planning, then why did you waste the Invisibility Voucher.]

Because I didn't want to take any risk.

[Time left: 10m59s]

Let's go system. My work is done.

[There are still 10m5s left for the Invisibility Voucher to expire, so why don't you copy the abilities of more relics.]

No. Not today. We will start tomorrow.