Dead 2

The next day, Yun goes to another museum in France named Water Relics at night following the same pattern. But this time he does not use the Invisibility Voucher, but uses his stealthmode ability to reach the relic. He takes the relic in his hand. Now further..

Sytem, why are you not activating the skills?

[Because I didn't detect any relic.]

What do you mean? I have the relic in my hand.

[It's fake.]

[Host, either this relic was fake from the beginning or someone has stolen the real relic and replaced it with a fake one.]

What? But I had collected the correct information. Now what about my hard work?

[Host, when did you gather this information?]

Why are you asking this? I had collected this information almost 40 years ago.


Oh! You mean to say that something has happened to this relic in these 40 years. But I would have got information about it if this relic was stolen and sold in the black market or in some underground auction.

[Maybe this relic has not been revealed for auction yet.]

Hmm you are right.

[By the way, whose relic is this?]

According to my information, this relic is a marine reptile of the Jurassic era. Whose name is Ichthyosaurus Imperator which is the Ocean Overlord. That's why I came to this water relics museum. Thinking that I will definitely get some good ability from this ocean overlord. But now it seems that this is going to be a difficult task.

[Host, why don't you just stop worrying about this and copy the ability of another relic? There isn't only one relic in this museum anyway.]

You're right. So how much time is left for the ability Stealthmode?

[Time left: 20s]

Ok, when the time is over, activate the ability again and do this until I leave this museum.

[Ok, command accepted.]

Yun takes another relic in his hand without thinking.

[A new relic is discovered. Activating Skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead & Skill: Energy Sense.]

[The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Hydrodynes (meaning "water power" in Greek)

Energy Level: Yellow, Grade Platinum.

Length: 12-18 meters (39-59 feet)

Weight: 15-25 tons

Hydrodynes is a Jurassic era dinosaur, evolved for high-speed aquatic pursuits. Its sleek, torpedo-shaped body, powerful tail, and webbed limbs allow it to achieve remarkable velocities. Hydrodynes also called ocean's speediest predator.


1. Tidal Surge: Hydrodynes can create a massive wave, knocking back enemies and clearing a path.

2. Maelstrom: It can generate a powerful whirlpool, dragging down prey or predators and leaving them disoriented.

3. Turbo Boost: swim speed of up to 500 km/h, accelerated propulsion

4. Streamlined Armor: Hydrodynes has a lightweight yet robust armor plating, reducing drag and protecting it from high-speed collisions.

5. Bioluminescent Burst: Hydrodynes can release a brilliant flash of light, blinding and disorienting foes.

6. Seismic Sense: It can detect vibrations in the water, predicting earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or other seismic events.

7. Aquatic Illusions: Hydrodynes can create elaborate illusions, making it difficult for enemies to track it or determine reality.

8. Hydrodynamic Mastery: It can control water currents and pressure to enhance its speed, agility, or defense.

9. Thermal Regulation: Hydrodynes can adjust its body temperature to survive in extreme environments, from icy waters to hydrothermal vents.

10. Enhanced Propulsion: Hydrodynes can generate intense water jets for rapid acceleration and deceleration.

11. Aquatic Maneuverability: It can make sharp turns and quick changes in direction, making it highly agile in water.]

[Choose one of the target's abilities]

What? So awesome abilities. Now it will be difficult to choose. All these abilities are good but I can choose only one ability.

I think the first, second, sixth, seventh, eights and tenth abilities have more chances of having limitations. I don't need the fourth and eleventh abilities. The fifth ability is not special. The remaining are third and ninth abilities.

The ninth ability can be useful to me but the third ability can also be useful.

Ok, I have decided. I choose the third ability Turbo Boost.

[Copying Third Ability: Turbo Boost]

[4m59s left to copy the ability.]

[Copying complete.]

[Congratulations host you have learned a new ability.

Ability's Name: Turbo Boost

Limitation: You can swim only at a speed of 25km/hr.

Time Limit: 10 minutes.]

[A new relic dected. Activating Skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead & Skill: Energy Sense.

The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Abyssalis

Energy Level: Yellow, Grade Gold

Abyssalis is a large marine reptile, measuring approximately 15-20 meters (49-66 feet) in length and weighing around 20-30 tons. Its body is serpentine, with a long neck, four flippers, and a short tail. Its scales are dark gray to black in color, allowing it to blend in with the deep waters. Its eyes are large and yellow, with vertical pupils that can see in low light conditions.


1. Sonar Blast: Can emit a powerful sonar pulse, stunning or disorienting prey and predators within a wide radius.

2. Aquatic Adaptation: It can adjust its body to extreme water pressures, temperatures, and salinity levels, making it nearly invulnerable to environmental hazards.

3. Enhanced Strength: Hydrodynes possesses incredible muscular power, allowing it to breach the water's surface or drag down massive prey.

4. Hydro Camouflage: It can blend into the surrounding water, becoming nearly invisible and able to ambush unsuspecting prey.

5. Turbo Shield: It can generate a protective shield of swirling water around itself, deflecting attacks and protecting it from harm.

6. Aquatic Empathy: It can sense the emotions and thoughts of other aquatic creatures, allowing it to navigate complex social dynamics and communicate with potential allies.

7. Oceanic Omniscience: It has a deep understanding of the ocean's secrets, granting it knowledge of hidden currents, underwater caverns, and sunken ruins.]

[Choose one of the target's abilities.]

I choose 7th Ability Oceanic Omniscience.

[Copying seventh Ability: Oceanic Omniscience.]

[Copying complete.]

[Congratulation host You have learned a new ability.

Ability's Name: Oceanic Omniscience.

Limitation: You can only use 30% of the basic knowledge of Oceanic Omniscience.

Time Limit: NONE.]




10 Years Later

10 years have passed and I recently got information about the relic which is going to be auctioned. But this auction will neither be on Drake Web nor in Underground Paradise. Rather it is a new organization named SSO (Secret Service Organization) which has emerged only 80 years ago.

Why did I not know about this earlier. Because this organization has come to light only in the last 20 years.

In this auction, not only this original relic but many other original treasures, original old paintings and many more original precious things will be auctioned.

This organization has secretly stolen so many original precious things in the last 80 years and slowly increased its power and did not let anyone know about it.

I am going to this auction which is going to be held in a Mexican city.

At The Auction Site

Yun was not liking anything in the auction. He had come here for only one thing.

After some time, the time for which Yun was waiting came.

Yun had won the bidding for 1.5 trillion dollars. Now Yun just had to collect his relic from the cashier. Yun stands up to go to the cash counter from the auction hall...

"Dear, bidders, a unique item has arrived today. Which is about 3000 years old item."

Hearing this, Yun stops right there.

"This item is 4 hairs. We have also found a note with these hairs. According to which these hairs belong to a witch. Whose name is Arachne. According to this note, whoever keeps these hairs with him will be able to predict the future."

The auctioneer starts the bidding and asks the bidders to place the first bid.

Yun first bids 1 Trillion. Hearing this, everyone is surprised. But no one can say anything because everyone recognizes Yun's mask number which is 07. The bidding goes on.



"Congratulations! Bidder number 07 you have won another item by bidding 9 trillion dollars. With this, today's auction ends. Please collect your item after making payment at the cash counter."

Yun wins the bid this time too and gets the witch's hair and brings both the items to his resort room.

[Detected a relic. activating skills.... The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Ichthyosaurus Imperator(Ocean Overlord)

Energy Level: Green, Grade None

Species: Ichthyosaurus (Jurassic era marine reptile)

Length: 15-20 meters (49-66 feet)

Weight: 50-70 tons

The Ichthyosaurus Imperator is an apex predator that rules the Jurassic oceans. Its massive size, powerful tail, and sharp teeth make it a formidable hunter, capable of taking down prey much larger than itself.


1. Tidal Strike: Ichthyosaurus Imperator can generate powerful whirlpools with its tail, knocking back enemies and stunning them.

2. Fathom Sense: It possesses an acute sense of spatial awareness, detecting the depth, distance, and speed of its prey or predators.

3. Bioluminescent Camouflage: Ichthyosaurus Imperator can produce a radiant glow from its scales, blending in with the surrounding light and confusing foes.

4. Enhanced Strength: Its muscular build grants it incredible power, allowing it to breach the water's surface or drag down massive prey.

5. Aquatic Adaptation: It can adjust its body to extreme water pressures, temperatures, and salinity levels, making it nearly invulnerable to environmental hazards.

6. Schooling Behavior: Ichthyosaurus Imperator can communicate with and coordinate attacks alongside other Ichthyosaurs, overwhelming opponents with sheer numbers.

7. Energy Conservation: It can slow its metabolism and enter a dormant state, conserving energy when food is scarce or hiding from predators.

8. Aquatic Dominance: This name suggests that the creature possessing "Aquatic Dominance" has mastered its aquatic environment, making it a formidable force in the water.

a. Echolocation for navigation and hunting.

b. Increased stamina and resilience underwater.

c. Ability to extract oxygen indefinitely.]

[Choose one of the target's abilities.]

I choose 8th Ability Aquatic Dominance.

[Copying Eight Ability: Aquatic Dominance.]

[Copying complete.]

[Congratulation host You have learned a new ability.

Ability's Name: Aquatic Dominance

Limitation: This ability can only be used in water.

Time Limit: NONE.]

[Detected another relic. activating skills....

The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Arachne (meaning "spider" in Greek, a name given to her by the villagers)

Real Name: Elara (A Spellcaster)

Energy Level: Green, Grade Gold

Appearance: Elara has long, curly black hair and piercing purple eyes. She wears a black robe with intricate silver trim and carries a staff made of dark wood.

Personality: Elara is a wise and compassionate spell caster who uses her abilities for the greater good. She is fiercely protective of her friends and will go to great lengths to defend them. Despite her formidable powers, she remains humble and kind.

Tragic End: 5500years ago Elara, known as Arachne to the villagers, saves the village from a devastating disaster using her magic. However, the villagers, fearing her powers and misunderstanding her intentions, turn against her. They accuse her of witchcraft and condemn her to death. Elara is heartbroken, realizing that the people she saved have turned against her. She dies at the hands of the villagers, her magic fading away as she whispers a final curse: "May the shadows consume you."

The villagers, realizing their grave mistake, try to undo the curse, but it's too late. Elara's spirit becomes a shadowy specter, haunting the village, a constant reminder of their cruel deed. The name "Arachne" becomes a cautionary tale, a reminder of the dangers of fear, mistrust, and the importance of understanding.


1. Shadow Magic: Elara can create small shadows to hide objects or herself.

2. Elemental Influence: She can slightly influence the elements (fire, water, earth, air) to achieve small effects.

3. Healing Hands: Elara can mend minor wounds and soothe ailments.

4. Divine Insight: She possesses limited insight into future events and hidden truths.

5. Mystic Sense: Elara has a heightened sense of awareness, detecting subtle changes in her surroundings.

6. Spellcraft: She can cast simple spells for everyday tasks (e.g., lighting candles).

7. Potion-making: Elara can brew basic potions for healing and protection.

8. Animal Whispering: She can communicate with animals, understanding their thoughts and needs.

9. Transmutation: Aria can change the form or properties of objects or materials.

10. Charms: She can cast spells to influence the minds and actions of others.]

[Copying Abities of Elara.]

[Copying complete.]

[Congratulation host you have learned new abilities.

Limitation: NONE.

Time Limit: NONE.]

50 Years Later

I have copied abilities from about 500K beasts relics and one human relic. In these 50 years my energy level has reached Green, Grade Silver > Brown, Grade Platinum. Now I have come to copy abilities from more human relics. For which I have chosen martial arts first. For this I have not come to any museum but to the graveyard. It is said that the graves of real martial artists are present in this graveyard.

System, do I have to take out the dead body to copy the ability.

[No. You just put your hand inside the grave, hold the remains of the dead body in your hand for 5 minutes and I will do the rest myself.]

Ok. Thud! Thud!

Ugh! How disgusting it looks.

[Detected a new relic. activating skills.... The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Petraeus

Energy Level: Brown, Grade Platinum

Born: 13000 Years Ago

Specialization: Petraeus has mastered the art of Geocondensation, allowing him to create objects of immense strength and durability. He can summon boulders, craft weapons, or even create complex structures like walls or bridges.

Martial Arts Style: Petraeus practices a unique style that focuses on using his Geocondensation ability in conjunction with martial arts techniques. He calls it "TerraForge".


1. Boulder Fist: Petraeus creates a massive fist made of condensed earth, delivering crushing blows.

2. Earthshield Block: He summons a dense earth shield to deflect attacks.

3. Stone Sword Slash: Petraeus crafts a razor-sharp sword made of condensed stone, slicing through opponents.

4. Geoanchor Strike: He creates an anchor-like structure, immobilizing opponents.

5. Terraforge Tackle: Petraeus uses his Geocondensation to enhance his physical strength, delivering powerful tackles.

By specializing in Geocondensation, Petraeus becomes a formidable opponent, capable of harnessing the power of the earth to create objects of immense strength and durability, making him a master of TerraForge martial arts.]

[Copying Abities of Petraeus .]

[Copying.... ]

[Warning! Host, Petraeus is of a higher level than you. I need the host's permission to copy Petraeus' abilities. Do you want to copy Petraeus' abilities?]


I don't want to take any risk. There are other corpses in this graveyard, I will copy their abilities. When my energy level reaches Petraeus' level, I will copy Petraeus' abilities. For now, I take a small piece of Petraeus' finger with me.

[Detected another relic. activating skills....

The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Terrance

Energy Level: Brown, Grade Gold

Profession: Master Architect

Born: 12000 Years Ago

Specialization: Terrance has mastered the art of Geostructura, allowing him to design and construct incredible earth-based structures, from towering skyscrapers to intricate underground tunnels.


1. Earthscaping: Terrance shapes the earth to create foundations, walls, and buildings.

2. Geoengineering: He manipulates earth materials to create complex systems, like plumbing and electrical networks.

3. Terraforming: Terrance reshapes the earth to create parks, gardens, and other landscapes.

4. Seismic Safety: He designs structures to withstand earthquakes and other seismic events.

5. Earthwise: Terrance uses his knowledge of earth energies to create sustainable, eco-friendly buildings.

By specializing in architecture, Terrance becomes a master builder, capable of harnessing the power of the earth to create incredible structures that inspire wonder and awe!]

[Copying Abities of Terrance.]

[Copying.... ]

[Warning! Host, Terrance is of a higher level than you. I need the host's permission to copy Terrance's abilities. Do you want to copy Terrance's abilities?]


Ugh! Again.


