New Adventure

[Host, you are now powerful enough to do treasure hunting. Host, you are given a treasure hunt map. With the help of which you can easily find the treasure hunting grounds.]

[Treasure Hunt Map: This is a map that shows you the way to those treasures and can help you find different types of treasures. This map will work like a key. Without it, you will not be able to enter those hidden treasure grounds. But once the doors of those hidden treasure grounds are opened, they cannot be closed.]

Yun takes the map in his hands and tries to understand.

System Most of the locations marked on this map are inhabited by humans. How will I bring out the treasure without damaging anyone's property?

[Don't worry host those places are hidden in different dimensions and no common man can go there without the help of this map. Once you go inside, you will have only 30 minutes to come out. If you don't come out in this time, you will be stuck there. And yes, the one who is inside can come out once the door opens. But when you take the treasure located at that place, that place will collapse. After taking the treasure, you will have only 5 minutes to get out of there.]

Ok, let's go to our first and nearest destination.

Since Yun was in India. So the first place he went to was the forest of Kondagaon, a place in India, which is present in the state of Chhattisgarh. The forest of Kondagaon is very dense and desolate. People believe that ghosts reside here, so people are afraid to go there.

Yun reaches the forest of Kondagaon as per the directions of the map and as soon as he reaches the middle of the forest, a white light comes out of the map and starts moving round and round in one place and a wormhole opens there. Which is the door to go inside.

On which the name "The Shadowed Scourge" was written. Yun hesitates to go inside but on the system's force, he enters the wormhole.

As soon as he enters the wormhole, Yun vomits and uses soul purifying water which makes him feel a little better.

Woah! Isn't this a beautiful place? System what is all this? I thought that Treasure Hunting Grounds would be a very beautiful place. I will get to see new things but this place is completely ruined.

[Did you think this is a game dungeon?]

Yeah, something like that. Anyway where's the treasure.

[You will find the treasure at the end of this place. But be careful...]

What do you mean?

[You will find out.]

Yun starts going towards his goal. But he sees nothing but ruins around. Yun now reaches the end of Treasure Hunting Ground.

What is this? There is nothing here. You said that there will be treasure here.

[When did I say that you will definitely find treasure in the treasure hunting ground.]

... Yeah, you are right.

This means that out of all the locations marked on this treasure hunt map, only a few locations will have treasure. Let's go somewhere else..

Thud! Argh!

Yun had not even finished his words when something attacked him from behind and Yun went flying and hit a wall.

When Yun looked ahead, there was a huge scorpion. Seeing which Yun wonders what is this thing? Yun thinks in his mind whether he will be able to defeat it.

System, use skill energy sense.

[Activating Skill Energy Sense.

Energy Level: Orange, Grade Gold.]

Whaaat? So powerful. But less than me.

Saying this, Yun starts attacking that huge scorpion bare handed but the scorpion easily dodges Yun's attack and attacks Yun. It had happened many times that Yun would attack but he himself would get attacked. Seeing this, Yun was surprised that I am much more powerful than this scorpion. Still how am I losing to it?

[How many times have you fought someone using your power?]

... Oh! You mean I have no experience of fighting. That is why I am losing.

That means this is a practice material for me.

Saying this, Yun comes out of THG fighting with this scorpion and wreaking havoc in the surrounding area. On coming out, the scorpion starts running away instead of fighting with Yun. Yun stands there and watches it go.

See System, how that scorpion is running away in fear of me.

[Host, this scorpion's energy level is Orange, Grade Gold.]


[Humans have no energy level.]

Aaaah! If this scorpion goes near humans, they will all die.

[Not just them, the creatures of the entire earth will be in danger.]

Aaaaah! I have to do something.

Yun activates his abilities, speed, shielding, strength and reaches near that scorpion and punches it hard. Due to which the scorpion is blown to pieces and the area around 5km becomes barren.

... System, whose strength ability did you activate?

[Dragon King.]

Why? Why did you do that? You could have activated someone else's strength ability.

[I did what I thought was right considering Scorpion's level. Anyway, you can only use 40% of Dragon King's power right now.]

This was only 40% strength. So what would 100% be? Wait a minute but you said that as my energy level increases, this percentage will increase. But my energy level is Red, 3 levels lower than Dragon King. Then why did this percentage only reach 40% till now?

[Because each energy level is more powerful than the previous one. 1 Black grade Silver can defeat 10 Purple grade Platinum and 100 Blue grade Platinum. As your level increases, this percentage will also increase. Anyway, find any part of this Scorpion and copy the ability.]

Uegh! I don't want to do this. This is so gross.

[You've touched even grosser things than this.]


[Using Skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead on the Dead Scorpion.

The information about the dead scorpion is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Behemoth Scorpion

Behemoth Scorpion was sleeping at this place for last ***** years which woke up from its slumber due to THG's door being opened. Behemoth Scorpion was **** here because of the ******. *** were the cause of the fall of all the ****** in the *****. Behemoth Scropion is the descendant of ****. Behemoth Scorpion's real memories and powers are sealed because of *****.

Origin: Unknown


1. Venomous Sting: The scorpion's tail is capable of delivering a deadly venom that can paralyze its victims, making them easy prey.

2. Crushing Strength: The scorpion's massive claws can crush boulders and snap steel with ease, making short work of any obstacles in its path.

3. Whirlwind Tail Swipe: The scorpion's powerful tail can generate massive whirlwinds, knocking enemies off their feet and leaving them vulnerable to attack.

4. Camouflage: The scorpion's armor-plated shell allows it to blend seamlessly into the shadows, making it nearly invisible in the dark.

5. Enhanced Durability: The scorpion's shell is resistant to most attacks, able to withstand even the most powerful weapons.

6. Regeneration: The scorpion has the ability to regenerate its lost limbs and heal its wounds at an alarming rate.

7. Darkness Adaptation: The scorpion's eyes glow in the dark, allowing it to navigate and hunt in even the most pitch-black environments.

8. Seismic Sense: The scorpion can feel vibrations in the ground, detecting the footsteps and movements of its prey.

9. Poisonous Spit: The scorpion can spit a stream of poisonous venom at its enemies, weakening them before closing in for the kill.

10. Territorial Dominance: The scorpion is fiercely territorial and will stop at nothing to defend its lair from intruders.]

[Choose one of the Behemoth Scropion's ability.]

Nothing's special here. Sigh! Copy 7th Ability Darkness Adaptation.

[Time Left: 4m58s]


[Copying complete.]

[Congratulation! Host for your knew ability.

Limitation: NONE

Time Limit: 10Minute.]

Now Yun comes to his country China and opens another treasure door there. Which is named "Terran Blade".

System activates Digging.

[Activating Ability Diggi... Wait a minute what do you want to do?]

You just keep watching.

After going inside the door, Yun does not walk on the straight path but digs underground to the treasure room and using his ability to sense the location of the beast there and attacks it directly. Due to which the beast dies right there.

[You are not doing right. You are not playing according to the rules.]

Rules? What rules? Where I am there are no rules. Ha ha ha ha

This time Yun gets the treasure which is a sword. Yun was about to take the sword when

[Wait. First copy the ability of this beast otherwise once you take out the treasure you will not have time and this place will collapse.]


[Using Skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead & Energy Sense on the Dead Snake.

The information about the dead snake is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Khaost

Energy Level: Orange, Grade Silver

Khaost was sleeping at this place for last ***** years which woke up from its slumber due to THG's door being opened. Khaost was **** here because of the ******. *** were the cause of the fall of all the ****** in the *****. Khaost is the descendant of ****. Khaost's real memories and powers are sealed because of *****.

Origin: Unknown

1. Crushing Constriction: The snake can wrap its massive body around its prey, squeezing with devastating force.

2. Venomous Fangs: The snake's fangs deliver a deadly venom that can paralyze or kill its victims.

3. Camouflage: The snake's scales blend seamlessly into its surroundings, making it nearly invisible.

4. Regeneration: The snake can regenerate lost scales, heal wounds, and even regrow severed body parts.

5. Elemental Resistance: The snake has resistance to fire, ice, or other elements, making it a formidable foe.

6. Darkvision: The snake can see in the dark, striking fear into the hearts of those who dare to confront it.

7. Mind Control: The snake can hypnotize its prey, making them vulnerable to attack.

8. Swallow Whole: The snake can consume its prey whole, digesting them slowly over time.

9. Coils of Doom: The snake's coils can trap and crush multiple opponents at once.]

[Choose one of the Khaost's ability.]

Sigh! Nothing's special here too. Copy 7th Ability Mind Control.


[Copying complete.]

[Congratulation! Host for your knew ability.

Limitation: Can use only on creatures of a lower level than you.

Time Limit: 30 seconds.]

System analyse the sword.

[Analysing the sword...]

[Analysing complete.]

[Description Of The Treasure:

Name: Terran Blade

Grade: Earth.

Forged from the very essence of the earth, the Terran Blades are a pair of ancient swords imbued with the power of the land itself. Their blades are crafted from a unique blend of metals, infused with the essence of the earth's core, making them virtually indestructible. The hilts are adorned with intricate carvings, depicting the cycles of nature and the balance of the elements.

When wielded, the Terran Blades radiate a gentle hum, resonating with the pulse of the earth. They seem to come alive in the hands of their wielder, channeling the raw energy of the land to unleash devastating attacks.

The blades are said to hold the following properties:

1. Earth's Fury: Unleash a torrent of seismic energy, creating a localized earthquake that can stun and disorient foes.

2. Terra Shield: Summon a barrier of compacted earth, absorbing incoming attacks and protecting the wielder from harm.

3. Nature's Balance: Restore balance to the elements, healing wounds and soothing the land.]

What does Earth grade mean?

[Treasure also has many grades, whether it is a herb or weapon or any other treasure.

1. Common

2. Uncommon

3. Rare

4. Epic

5. Mythical

6. Earth

7. ***

8. ***

9. *** Etc.

I can't tell you anything beyond this.]

System, I was thinking that some of the given information is hidden and it is not a coincidence that the memories and powers of both THG beasts are sealed.

Someone must have sealed their powers and memories and kept these places hidden from everyone. Something must have happened in ancient times.


Yun uses the same method on other THG. But he doesn't find anything in the next 10 THG. Neither any beast nor any treasure.

Now in despair, Yun goes to Mexico and opens a door there. Which is named "The Hidden Oasis of Vitality".