Find.. Truth.. Save.. Empress

Yun goes inside "The Hidden Oasis Of Vitality" and is surprised to see the view there.

Wow! Such a beautiful place.

Yun had never seen such a condition of any THG before. There are trees and plants growing everywhere. The air there was smelling very fragrant of flowers. There are no winding paths at that place, rather that place is like a big open field. Where the figure of a big statue was standing in the middle of the field.

Yun goes towards that statue. But the statue has no head. But seeing the shape of the claws and wings of the statue, Yun understands that it is the statue of a bird beast. A crystal is kept under the statue. Seeing which Yun without thinking anything takes that crystal in his hand and waits for a while. When nothing happens, Yun understands that there is really no beast here.

System, analyze this statue.

[Analysing the broken statue...]

[Analysing complete.]

[It's the statue of the *****. Made by the ***** in the ****. The purpose of this statue is***.]

Ugh! This censored information. What is the use of "The Great System 7.0" when you can't even give the correct information.

[First of all it's "The Greatest System 7.0" and it's not my fault that this information is hidden. Just understand that I want to tell you but the world order of the Earth or you can say world's law doesn't let you hear this information.]

When did you change your name?

[This is my name from the beginning. Because all my features were not open, that's why I used to call myself The Great System 7.0.]

[Only 1 minute is left for the door to close.]

Yun comes out of THG and asks the system to analyze that crystal.

[Treasure: The Crystal of Vitality

Grade: Mythical

Description: This Crystal of Vitality was built by a long-lost civilization that understood the secrets of harnessing the body's inner energy. The Crystal of Vitality, a powerful natural treasure, is hidden within the temple. It is said to increase the body's energy, allowing for enhanced strength, agility, and mental clarity.

Crystal of Vitality:

a. A glowing crystal nestled within a golden pedestal.

b. Emits a powerful energy field that enhances the body's inner energy.

c. Can only be used by the person whose energy level is above Orange. Otherwise the person will explode with overflowing energy.]


[What are you waiting for? Quickly absorb the energy of this crystal.]

Hmm, I was thinking about something. Use Crystal of Vitality.

[Using Crystal of Vitality. Host Please do not move from your place until the energy of the crystal is absorbed in your body.]


[Absorbing Crystal of Vitality's Energy.]

[Time left: 1hr.]

Yun's body is glowing like flame. White light is coming out of his eyes and mouth. Yun is unconscious but still has consciousness.

I am not able to move my body at all. It feels like someone has held me. What kind of place is this? How peaceful is it here? I can feel my body. My body is surrounded by flames.

But I am not burning in this fire. These flames do not want to harm me. It feels like these flames are conscious and want to embrace me. That it is a part of my existence and is requesting me to accept it. It wants to tell me something. Yes, yes. Tell me what do you want to say? I am listening.

" The TR..U..TH"

truth? What kind of truth?

"S.. Save"

save who?




[You have successfully absorbed the energy of the Crystal of Vitality.]

[Congratulation! Your energy level has increased.]

[Yun's Energy Level: Red, Grade Platinum.]

Yun tells the system everything he felt in this 1 hour...

System, after absorbing the energy of the Crystal of Vitality, a place is repeatedly appearing in my mind. But I don't know where that place is.

[Check the map once to see if that place is marked on this map or not.]

No. I have already checked but that place is not marked on the map.

[Host give me permission to merge this map with your mind.]

I don't know what you want to do but I give you permission.

[Permission accepted.]

Swish! System THM disappeared.

[Merging the THM with the host's mind.]

[Merging complete.]

[Host THM is now merged with your mind and you can only recall the map in your mind.]

[Try recalling THM in your mind.]

Let me try. Hmmmm

You are right. I can see the map clearly in my mind. But another location has appeared on this map. Which is the same location that I got from Crystal of Vitality. System, if there is a THG at this location too, then why was it not marked on THM earlier? You must know something.

[Host, even if I try to tell you, you will not be able to hear.]

.... Yeah.

Yun gets ready to go to that location which is in a forest in Australia. Yun completes his journey slowly and searches for treasure in other THGs on the way. In some of them he found weapons and in some ancient herbs, in some he found nothing and in some he found both weapons and herbs.

[1. Name: Dragon's Tooth

Grade: Epic

Appearance: The Dragon's Tooth spear has a sleek, dark wood shaft adorned with intricate silver runes that seem to shimmer in the light. The spearhead is a gleaming white tooth-shaped blade, said to be forged from the very essence of dragon bone.


1. Dragon's Breath: The spear can channel the elemental force of fire, unleashing a 5-foot cone of flame that deals massive damage to enemies.

2. Dragon's Eye: The spear's tip glows with an eerie blue light, allowing the user to pierce through illusions and deceptions, revealing hidden truths and secrets.]

[2. Name: Thundercrusher

Grade: Epic

Appearance: The Thundercrusher mace has a sturdy oak handle wrapped in worn leather, topped with a massive iron head adorned with ancient runes of the elements. The head is shaped like a thunderbolt, with jagged edges and a pointed tip.


1. Thunderclap: The mace can unleash a deafening shockwave, stunning enemies within a 10-foot radius and leaving them vulnerable to attack.

2. Elemental Fury: The mace grants the user resistance to lightning damage and increases their strength in combat, allowing for crushing blows.]

[3. Name: Starlight

Grade: Rare

Appearance: The Starlight lance has a slender, crystal-tipped shaft adorned with intricate engravings that shimmer like stardust. Its hilt is crafted from a rare, glowing wood, and its length is etched with tiny, pulsing stars.


1. Stellar Strike: The lance can channel the essence of the stars, unleashing a blast of radiant energy that deals massive damage to enemies and illuminates the surrounding area.

2. Celestial Guidance: The lance grants the user increased accuracy and critical hit chance, as if guided by the celestial bodies themselves.]


1. Moonpetal: A delicate, pale flower that blooms only under moonlight.

Grade: Uncommon

Ability: Grants the user increased intuition.

Time Limit: 5 minute

2. Embermoss: A fiery, glowing moss that thrives in volcanic regions.

Grade: Uncommon

Ability: Enhances the user's strength and agility.

Time Limit: 11 minute

3. Dragon's Breath: A rare, fiery herb that grows in areas with high dragon activity.

Grade: Uncommon

Ability: Grants the user resistance to fire and increased vitality.

Time Limit: 10minute

4. Unseenroot: A mysterious, invisible root that can only be detected by those with heightened senses.

Grade: Uncommon

Ability: Allows the user to become temporarily invisible.

Time Limit: 7 minute

5. Windrunner's Grass: A swift-growing grass that thrives in windy areas.

Grade: Uncommon

Ability: Enhances the user's speed and agility.

Time Limit: 10 minute.]

Yun reaches his destination. But this time, no door opens on the map.

System, what is happening? You said that this map will open all the hidden doors. But..

[Be patient host.]

After waiting for a while, red flame comes from inside that place and forcefully tears the space and opens the door. "The Abyss Of Flames" is written on this door.

Yun is pulled inside forcefully. Yun regains consciousness. Yun's eyes open at the end of the treasure hunting ground. Yun sees red flames in front of him which are touching the ceiling. These flames take the form of a huge bird.

"Child, who are you and why are you here? How can I sense a familiar energy of my tribe from you? Are you a human or a mix blood phoenix? What is your purpose?"

Yun whispers system Energy Sense.

[Target's Energy Level: Black, Grade Silver.]

Yun whispers, so powerful. And then say..

Are you a phoenix?

"Yes, I am. My name is Ardentia."

Are you the Empress?

"Yes, I am the Last Empress of the Phoenix Tribe."

My name is Xiao Yun and I am a human. I am not a mix blood phoenix. I recently absorbed energy from a Crystal of Vitality. Maybe that is why you are feeling familial energy. Ever since I have used the Crystal of Vitality, I have been hearing a voice in my mind. "TRUTH, SAVE, EMPRESS" these three words are being heard repeatedly. This energy has guided me to come to you and I have come to know what that truth is?

"Child, maybe I know to some extent what that Crystal of Vitality is and why are you hearing those voices?"

Saying this, Phoenix turns into her humanoid form and says to Yun, "I don't know if you are telling the truth or not. But I can't leave you alive. I don't know why I am so angry when I see you? My instinct is telling me to kill you." Phoenix starts attacking Yun. Yun dodges her attack. When Yun dodges the attack, Phoenix now starts using her ultimate attack. Yun realized as soon as he dodged Phoenix's first attack that he cannot defeat Phoenix.

System, Shield, Strength, Speed, Omni Harmony Mastery.

[Activated successfully.]

Phoenix gets shocked by Yun using these powers and attacks Yun with her powerful flames. Yun uses the Dragon King's regeneration and healing ability. But these flames are not going off. Yun is feeling burning but at the same time he is also getting healed repeatedly. Seeing this Empress Phoenix gets shocked and stops her attack and says.

"Y-You, how can you use Kaelos' powers? Do you know where he is?"

No. I don't know.

"You lowly creature how dare you lying to me?"

Phoenix again wanted to attack Yun in a very angry mood. Seeing this Yun's got scared and he stops Phoenix and says.

Wait! Empress, listen to me first. Are you talking about Dragon King Kaelos?

"Yes. The dragon king Kaelos. That disappe....."

Yun shows the scale of the Dragon King to the empress and says that I got a scale of Dragon King due to which I am able to use the powers of Dragon King.

"Oh! So, you wanna say dragon king approves himself to use his powers by you."

.... Y-Yes. You are right.

"Looks like you are speaking the truth. No common man can use the powers of Dragon King without the permission of Kaelos. Okay, I will tell you the truth. Actually I don't know how long I have been trapped here. Now my physical body is also gone and only a fragment of soul is left. Most of my original memories and powers are sealed. I only remember that very powerful creatures came from outside this universe. They started wreaking havoc everywhere as soon as they came here. After some battles with them, Dragon King disappeared and we tried our best to defeat those intruders. But when I opened my eyes, I was trapped here. I don't know what happened after that. Now I have very little energy left."

How can I save you?

"Child you cannot save me. If you want to do something for me then before I disappear from this world I want to make a request to you. You find the Dragon King and give him this white feather. In return I will give you one of my Phoenix Feathers. And yes one more thing if you want to find the Dragon King then you will have to first find the Black Tortoise and the White Tiger. This white feather will help you find them both. They will also be trapped somewhere like me. When you are close to them then this feather will give you a signal."

The Phoenix Empress gives the Phoenix Feather and the White Feather to Yun and disappears. Yun comes out of The Abyss Of Flames...