The Truth

Yun has comes out from The Abyss of Flames. In his hands were the two feathers The White Feather and The Phoenix Feather given to him by Phoenix Empress Ardentia.

[Detected a new relic. activating skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead

The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Ardentia

Energy Level: Black, Grade Silver

Description: Ardentia is the last Empress of the Phoenix Tribe. There were 9 more Empresses before Ardentia. Ardentia was born in the heart of a volcano, her body forged in the fiery depths of the earth. From a young age, she was destined for greatness, her powers growing stronger with each passing day. She ruled her people with wisdom and courage, leading them to victory against countless foes. Empress Ardentia vanished mysteriously ***** years ago after a brutal battle with intruders. After which the destruction of Phoenix Tribe and other beasts tribes started.


1. Fiery Rebirth(Locked Permanently): Ardentia resurrects herself from her own ashes, restoring her health and vitality.

2. Solar Flare: Ardentia unleashes a devastating blast of solar energy, dealing massive damage to enemies and igniting flammable objects.

3. Pyrogenic Telekinesis: Ardentia manipulates fire with her mind, creating waves of flame to scorch enemies or ignite flammable objects.

4. Fiery Transformation: Ardentia transforms into a being of pure fire, granting her increased power, speed, and agility.

5. Inferno's Wrath: Ardentia unleashes a frenzy of fiery attacks, striking multiple enemies with waves of flame and increased strength.

6. Phoenix Shield: Ardentia summons a shield of ashes, absorbing damage and protecting her from harm.

7. Ardent Blaze: Ardentia creates a massive blaze, dealing damage to enemies and healing her allies.]

[Copying abilities of the Empress Ardentia except fiery rebirth.]

[Abilities being copied.]

[Congratulation! Host you have learned new abilities.

Limitation: Your energy level is not enough to use the full power of Empress Ardentia. You can use only 40% of the power now.]

Wait, Wait, Wait. Why is this Fiery Rebirth ability permanently locked and why did you not copy this ability.

[It's a blessing given to only Phoenix Tribe. No one can use this ability except them.]

You said that if someone's energy level is higher than mine and if I copy their abilities, then my body may hurt like hell due to energy overload and I may even die.

[Yes, but this is for dead creatures. But if a living creature trusts you and accepts you, then you do not need to worry about energy overload. Because it means that they have given you permission. Like in the beginning, to copy someone's ability, you had to max his Favourability, only then you could copy his ability.]

Oh! So that's it.

[Detected Treasures.

Description as follows:

1.The Phoenix Feather: This feather is also called by another name The Resurrection Feather. An Empress level Phoenix has 10 resurrection feathers. When Phoenix Empress is happy with someone, she gives this feather as a reward. The soul mark of the one who becomes the owner of this feather gets imprinted on it forever. Which cannot be erased. This feather cannot be destroyed. Due to being Soul bound, this feather returns back to the owner if it gets lost.

Grade: Mythical

Use: After the owner dies, he becomes alive again within 100 days.

Limitation: One Time Use Only.

2. The White Feather: This feather is the treasure of Phoenix Empress. It will help its user to find White Tiger and Black Tortoise. Apart from this, The White Feather is ****.

Grade: Earth

Use: It can be used to *****. When *** **** are **** together then one *** ***. Whoever has **** will be *** *** *** ***.

Limitation: Only ***** **** **** **.]

Censored again. Now I have become used to it. System, you said that no one has been given the blessing of resurrection except Phoenix Tribe. Then what does Resurrection Feather mean that it has the ability to resurrect its owner once.

[Phoenix Empress has only ten Phoenix feathers. That means she can resurrect only ten times. If she give her permission to use this feather to others then anyone else can also use this ability. But other creatures can only be resurrected once, no matter how many such feathers they have.]

[Congratulation! Host, your energy level has increased after copying Phoenix Empress's abilities:

Red, Grade Silver > Blue, Grade Silver.

As a reward you get:

+500 Years Vitality Potion

Mystery Voucher +200

Wormhole Voucher +5

Time Slow Voucher +3

Self Future Prediction Voucher +1

Mask Voucher +2]

System use Self Future Prediction Voucher.

[Using Self Future Prediction Voucher.]

5 seconds later

[What did you see this time?]



I did not see anything this time either. There was nothing at that place except darkness. It seems that there is still time for my destiny to be decided.


50 Years Later

Yun searches half the earth to find the whereabouts of White Tiger and Black Tortoise. But he is unable to find them. During this time, Yun searched more than half of THG in which he found many types of weapons and herbs and other treasures. But he does not find any treasure above Epic grade.

Yun, tired and exhausted, now comes to SSO headquarters for fun where the auction was going on. But Yun does not like anything there. After all, how could he like it when he had much better treasures than these. Yun starts leaving from there, then the system stops him and tells him about the movement in The White Feather. Yun asks to take the feather out of the storage. As soon as it comes out of the storage, the feather starts flying towards north and stops in the secret basement of the headquarters which is 100 feet below the auction hall. Yun also reaches the secret basement while chasing The White Feather.

I did not know that there would be such a place below the SSO headquarters.

[Host, this is a secret organization. This is a normal setting. Such an organization is bound to have secret places and many secrets.]

The White Feather was roaming in the same place. Suddenly a dimensional door opens at this place. The name of this door is 'The Hidden Prison'. Yun goes inside and sees that two very huge creatures were tied in chains. On looking closely, Yun understands that these are the Black Tortoise and White Tiger about whom the Empress had told.

On seeing Yun, both of them start roaring loudly in anger. Both of them angrily move towards Yun as if they have seen their archenemy. But being tied in chains, they could not do anything and say, "We will kill you. We will kill all humans." And repeating the same thing again and again, they try to free themselves from the chains.

Seeing them doing this, Yun starts laughing and making fun of them. But those chains were very old and broke in a short time. Now both of them are laughing and are about to attack Yun when Phoenix Empress's white feather appears in front of them and creates a protective barrier around Yun.

Seeing the white feather, Tiger and Tortoise are shocked and stop and ask Yun where did you get Empress Ardentia's feather and why is it protecting you?

Yun tells them both, I have not only Empress's feather but also the Dragon King's scale and Yun takes out the scale from the system storage and shows it to them both.

Seeing this, both of them are shocked even more. Both of them look at each other and come in humanoid form.

"My name is Kurodos and everyone also called me Black Tortoise and this is Zephyr, the white tiger.

Since White Feather is protecting you, you have already met Empress Ardentia and the empress has accepted you. But have you met the Dragon King Kaelos too? Where is he?"

Kurodos, I have never met the Dragon King. I got this scale from somewhere else. But yes, I have met the Empress and she has sent me to find you two and the Dragon King. The Empress could not tell me the complete truth. Can you tell me the truth about your condition? How, why and who did this to you all? Who were those intruders? And where are they now?

Kurodos and Zephyr look at each other. Zephyr growls and says, "I will tell you what happened?"


"Everything was going well those days. All the beasts were happy. The four tribes, Dragon, Phoenix, Black Tortoise and White Tiger, maintained order and law and managed their kingdoms. Then suddenly one day, God knows where, thousands of big flying ships started appearing in the sky which were heading towards the earth. Although we also used flying ships, but we had never seen such flying ships. We understood that these were not from this earth but outsiders because we had never gone out of the earth. It is not that we did not want to go, but no one was allowed except the Dragon King. But we knew that apart from this earth, there are other worlds where many other types of creatures live apart from us. The Dragon King had come to those worlds many times but he too had never seen such flying ships. Those were such big ships that all the beasts could easily come in just 100 ships. The Dragon King takes the lead and goes to those ships and asks the purpose of their coming here and asks to meet their leader.

But without listening to anything, those people start attacking the Dragon King and the King falls on the ground. Fire starts raining everywhere and explosions start happening. There is panic among all the beasts. The Dragon King gets up and destroys one of their ships but they come out of that ship without any injury. Their whole bodies were covered with armor and they had strange weapons in their hands. We had never seen such weapons before."

Who were they?

"Kurodos and Zephyr say together humans."

Shock! Humans? How? Why? Didn't humans already live on Earth?

"Kurodos says, no. Only beasts used to live on Earth. This earth used to belong to us beasts. Apart from our four tribes, many other tribes also used to live here."

Is this the reason why you started attacking me as soon as you saw me?

"Yes, because we don't know for how long we have been imprisoned here and as soon as we suddenly saw you here, we lost our rationality and started attacking you without thinking anything."

Then what happened next?

"We fought many battles with humans. We were winning in the first few battles. But one day when we were fighting humans and came back after defeating them, after resting for a while the Dragon King started going somewhere. When we asked him, he told us that he wanted to go to a place and would return in a while. But he never came back and disappeared as if he never existed. But still we did not give up and kept fighting them. But after a few battles the Phoenix Empress also disappeared. Since then everyone's morale was shaken. Because after the Dragon King, the most powerful was the Phoenix Empress. After losing the two most powerful allies, we kept losing.

And finally they sealed both of us here as well. We also don't know what happened after that? But the Dragon King must know. Because the Dragon King knows everything. He has got the blessing that no matter where he is, he knows what has happened or is happening on earth. If you find the Dragon King, you will get the answer to all your questions.I want to ask you something. Is our species or any other beast still alive?"

No. no one is alive right now.

"You don't need to hide anything. We know that we were defeated. But we are not sure what happened after the war? Did humans kill all the beasts or make them slaves?"

It is not at all what you are thinking. Powerful beasts like you are no longer in this world. And neither are there any powerful humans left.

"Are you telling the truth?"


"It seems that a lot of time has passed since that incident. Now it is time for us to leave. We have been sealed here for a long time. Our physical bodies have already been destroyed and only a part of the soul is left. Whatever little energy was left, we wasted in breaking the chains."

But how do I find the Dragon King Kaelos?

"Just like you found us."

But it took me so long to find you guys. The Phoenix Empress gave me this white feather with the help of which I was able to find you guys.

"We will give you our treasures which are a part of our bodies. With the help of the treasures of both the Empress and us, you will be able to find the Dragon King even more easily."

White Tiger Zephyr and Black Tortoise Kurodos disappear after giving the treasures to Yun.