King's Location

Yun comes out of The Hidden Prison and sees a shell given by Kurodos and a crystal given by Zephyr.

[ Treasure Detected:

1. Name: Kokoro(Kurodos's Shell)

Grade: Earth

Use: It can be used to make *****. When *** **** are **** together, a *** *** will be created. Whoever has the **** can make *** *** *** ***.

Limitation: Only ***** **** **** **.

Appearance: Kokoro is a magnificent, ancient shell that shines with a deep, rich brown color, like the earth itself. The shell is adorned with intricate, swirling patterns that seem to shift and glow in the light, like the stars on a clear night. The shell's surface is smooth and cool to the touch, with a subtle texture that seems to absorb and deflect energy.


1. Energy Absorption: Kokoro can absorb and store energy attacks, protecting it's user from harm.

2. Energy Reflection: Kokoro can reflect energy attacks back at their source, creating a powerful counterattack.

3. Healing Properties: Kokoro has the power to heal wounds and soothe the sick, channeling the earth's energy to mend and restore.

Legends say that Kokoro was forged in the heart of the earth, imbued with the ancient wisdom and power of the land itself. It is said that the shell can only be wielded by one who is pure of heart and strong of spirit, and that its true potential is only revealed to those who seek to use its power for the greater good.

2. Name: Akira(Zephyr's Inner Core)

Grade: Earth

Use: It can be used to make *****. When *** **** are **** together, a *** *** will be created. Whoever has the **** can make *** *** *** ***.

Limitation: Only ***** **** **** **.

Appearance: Akira is a shimmering, crystalline core that radiates a brilliant, snowy white light. The core is surrounded by a delicate, swirling pattern of silver and gray, like the gentle wisps of a cloud.


1. Clarity of Thought: Akira grants it's user clarity of thought and purpose, allowing to navigate even the most treacherous paths.

2. Wind's Fury: Akira can unleash the full fury of the wind, summoning powerful gusts and gales to aid it's user in battle.

3. Serenity's Embrace: Akira can also bring a sense of serenity and peace, calming the minds and hearts of it's user.

Legends say that Akira was forged in the heart of a storm, imbued with the raw energy of the wind and the skies. It is said that the core can only be wielded by one who is pure of heart and strong of spirit, and that its true potential is only revealed to those who seek to use its power for the greater good. ]

[ Detected a new relic. activating skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead and Energy Sense.

The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Kurodos

Energy Level: Purple, Grade Gold

Species: Black Tortoise

Appearance: Kurodos has a sleek and powerful shell that is as black as coal. His eyes glow like embers, and his scales shimmer with a subtle, dark energy. He moves slowly and deliberately, but with a quiet strength that is unmistakable.

Personality: Kurodos is a wise and ancient creature, with a deep understanding of the world and its workings. He is a guardian of the land and its secrets, and is fiercely protective of those he cares about. Despite his slow and deliberate movements, he is a formidable opponent when provoked.


1. Earth Manipulation: Kurodos can control the earth and its elements, summoning rocks and soil to do his bidding.

2. Time and Space Manipulation: Kurodos can manipulate time and space, teleporting himself and others across vast distances.

3. Shell Shield: Kurodos can withdraw into his shell for defense, protecting himself from attacks and environmental hazards.

4. Enhanced Strength: Kurodos possesses incredible physical strength, allowing him to move massive objects and overpower foes.

5. Regeneration: Kurodos can regenerate his physical form, healing wounds and restoring his vitality.

6. Earth Sense: Kurodos has a deep connection to the earth, granting him enhanced senses and intuition.

7. Elemental Resistance: Kurodos is resistant to elemental attacks, such as fire, water, and air.

8. Geo Empathy: Kurodos can sense disturbances in the earth's energy, tracking changes in the natural balance. ]

[ Copying abilities of the Kurodos... ]

[ Time left until abilities being copied: 40 minutes. ]



[ Abilities being copied. ]

[ Congratulation! Host you have learned new abilities.


1. You can only use 70% of the power of Kurodos' abilities right now.

2. You can only use 20% of the Time and Space Manipulation ability but when your energy level reaches Black Platinum or above, you will be able to use 50% of this ability.

3. You cannot use the Shell Shield ability because this ability is not compatible with your body. ]

[ Detected a new relic. activating skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead and Energy Sense.

The information about relic is being retrieved which is as follows:

Name: Zephyr

Energy Sense: Purple, Grade Gold

Species: White Tiger

Appearance: Zephyr has a sleek and muscular build, with a thick, snow-white coat that seems to shimmer in the light. Her eyes are a piercing blue, with a sharp, intelligent glint that misses nothing. She moves with a fluid grace, her tail twitching with a life of its own.

Personality: Zephyr is a fierce and independent creature, with a strong sense of self and a deep connection to the wind and the skies. She is a hunter and a warrior, with a quick mind and a sharp instinct for survival. Despite her fearsome reputation, she has a soft spot for those in need and will go to great lengths to protect and defend those she cares about.


1. Wind Manipulation: Zephyr can control the winds, summoning gusts and gales.

2. Enhanced Speed: Zephyr is incredibly fast, able to run with the wind and outrun most foes.

3. Sharp Claws: Zephyr's claws are razor-sharp, capable of tearing through even the toughest opponents.

4. Keen Senses: Zephyr's senses are incredibly sharp, allowing her to track and hunt with ease.

5. Aeromancy: Zephyr can control the skies, summoning storms or clearing the air with a wave.

6. Healing Winds: Zephyr can channel the wind to heal wounds and soothe the sick.

7. Flight: Zephyr can take to the skies, using her wings to soar and glide with incredible agility and speed.

8. Wind Shield: Zephyr can summon a shield of swirling wind to deflect attacks and protect herself and others. ]

[ Copying abilities of the Kurodos... ]

[ Time left until abilities being copied: 40 minutes. ]



[ Abilities being copied. ]

[ Congratulation! Host, you have learned new abilities.


1. You can only use 70% of Zephyr's abilities right now.

2. You cannot use Sharp Claws ability because this ability is not compatible with your body. ]

[ Congratulation! Host, your energy level has increased after copying Kurodos and Zephyr's abilities.

Blue, Grade Silver > Purple, Grade Silver ]

System, I had increased one level after copying Phoenix Empress's abilities. But even after copying the abilities of both of them, my level increased only by one and not two.

[ Host, although both of them are very powerful, but as your energy level increases, you will need more energy to reach the next level. ]

Ok, I understand.

[ As a reward for reaching the next level, you get:

+500 Years Vitality Potion

Mystery Voucher +250

Wormhole Voucher +1

Time Slow Voucher +2

Mask Voucher +1

Teleportation Ticket +2 ]

[ Voucher Name: Teleportation Ticket

Description: This voucher allows the user to teleport to a marked location from anywhere. Simply activate the voucher, select the destination, and hold on!


1. Instantaneous transportation to the marked location.

2. No need for a physical transport vessel.

3. Marked location must be specified at time of voucher activation.

Special Conditions:

1. Can only be used by the voucher holder.

2. Destination must be a marked location (cannot be used to teleport to an unknown or unmarked location).

3. User must be in a safe location to use the voucher (cannot be used in mid-combat or while in danger). ]

After copying the abilities of both of them and receiving his rewards, Yun sets out to find the Dragon King.

50 years later

Yun does not know the whereabouts of the Dragon King. He has also acquired the treasures of all the THGs marked on THM. Yun has not left a single corner of the earth where he has not tried to find the Dragon King. He has searched every inch of the land, sky and sea. But he does not give up and tries once again.

10 years later

I give up. I can't do it anymore. What should I do? I also took help from all my network. But no one could give me a single clue.

[ You have really asked everyone and some even told you the truth. But aren't you forgetting something? ]


[ It is your job to think. Use your brain a little. Is there any link that you have not yet connected? Even if some people know the truth, why would they tell you? Sometimes we need to try other methods to get the truth out. ]


I've asked all my friends and I don't have any enemies. I've looked at every organization, old or new... wait a minute, new organization, I get it. SSO. Why didn't I think of this before? Why did SSO build a basement and headquarters where Kurodos and Zephyr were imprisoned?

Now that I think about it, why is their basement exactly 100 feet below where they were locked in the dimension door?

[ Only they can tell you that. ]

Yun heads straight to SSO headquarters and enters the SSO chairman's office.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Guards. Guards...."

There's no need to call the guards. They won't come.

"What did you do to my guards?"

Nothing, they're fast asleep. Leave all that aside and answer my questions truthfully.

Tell me, what do you know about the Dragon King Kaelos?

"What are you saying? Dragon? What Dragon? That's just a myth. I don't know anything about it."

It seems you won't tell the truth like this.

Pow! Pow!


Smack! Smack! Thud!

...A While Later

Are you ready to tell the truth now?


Then tell me.

" ...."

Looks like I'll have to explain a little more.

"N-No. If I tell you the truth, they'll kill me."

Who are they?

"The Real Owners Of This Organization."

Owners? How many such owners are there in this organization?

"Yes, every Ancient Hidden Families of the world is the real owner and investor of this organization."

Don't worry about that. You must be recognizing this mask.

"0-07. Y-You are the mysterious person behind this mask. You are the one about whom it is rumored that you are immortal and have been living on earth for thousands of years. Even Ancient Hidden Families have not been able to find out anything about your background."

What? For thousands of years? What rumors have people spread.

"So are you not immortal?"

You don't need to know all that stuff. Tell me more.

"If you are that mysterious hidden figure, then I am ready to tell you everything. But you have to protect me from them."

Don't worry about that. Take my mask. As long as you have this mask, no one will dare to touch you.

"T-Thank you. This organization was not formed a few decades ago but has been in existence for thousands of years. Many thousands of years ago, some people found many ancient diaries.

Which were completely intact and whatever was written inside them was also completely intact as if this diary was written recently. But it was not so. After research, it was found that these diaries are thousands of years old.

The text written in the diary is magical because no matter what language you speak, you can easily understand that text in your own language.

Ancient Hidden Families came into existence from that diary. Using the information they got from that diary, they acquired powerful hidden ancient treasures, herbs and knowledge scattered around the world and gradually became powerful. But they could not find anything about the ancient beasts mentioned in the diary.

Which also includes mythical beasts like dragon, phoenix, black tortoise and white tiger. The families who found these diaries were finally stuck at one place. Because all of them had found the locations where those beasts were imprisoned But they did not understand how to open the dimensional doors. Due to which everyone gave up and united and formed this organization.

But we have found some clues a few centuries ago in the research of opening the dimensional door of Black Tortoise and White Tiger. Due to which we are very close to our success and in the coming few decades we will open this door which is under this headquarters.

That is why we brought ourselves in front of the world. The thefts that we had committed were proof to the world that no matter what we do, no one will be able to harm us.

They were not happy with the treasures and herbs that they had acquired. Because according to that diary, whoever will acquire the treasures of these four mythical beasts will rule not only this earth but the entire universe."


"And that's it. This is the truth which has been hidden from the world."

About the location?

"Location? Whose Location."

...💢 You mothe*fuc*ker.

Bam! Pow!


"Argh! S-Stop beating me. S- Sorry I forgot. The Dragon King's location is in the ocean."

He's not there. I've searched the entire ocean.

"The Dragon King is neither on the earth, nor in the sky, nor is he imprisoned in the ocean. But..."


"He's under the ocean."


"I-I mean he's under the seabed. To be specific, go to the middle of the Pacific Ocean and 10K feet below the seabed, the location of the Dragon King's dimensional door is there. Because no human can reach there, so we first focused on these three mythical beasts."

Do you know the location of Phoenix Empress too.?

"Yes, but since we are working on this project, no one has been deployed at Phoenix's location. Anyway, what can anyone do if their location is unguarded?"

"Do you want to ask anything else?"

No, I'll leave now.



"Don't tell me... no human can reach there."

But I can. Afterall I am the SO-CALLED immortal. Before leaving, as a reward, I also want to give you some information. There is no use of working so hard. Because I have already met Kurodos, Zephyr and Ardentia and one more thing, do not tell this to anyone and always keep this mask with you. It will save you.

"Kurodos, Zephyr, Ardentia...? D-Don't tell me.. But how is this possible? How can he open those doors?

Ha ha ha ha ha

If all this is true then this organization has no meaning. What will you all do now Ancient Hidden Families.

Ha ha ha..... "