Path to Guardian

Yun now sets out to find Kaelos. Within a few days, Yun reaches the Pacific Ocean in his private chopper and when the chopper is above the center of the ocean, Yun jumps down.

Before going into the ocean, he activates the Ichthyosaurus's Aquatic Dominance ability and starts moving down rapidly. But as he moves forward, the water pressure increases. But it makes no difference to Yun and he reaches the seabed.

Using the digging ability, Yun starts digging down rapidly and reaches 10K feet in 1 hour.

Phoenix's White Feather, Kurodos's Kokoro and Zephyr's Akira come out of system storage and start moving round and round in one place. In a short while, a dimensional door opens. The name of this door is 'The Clavcrest Castle'.

Yun slowly goes inside and his heart beat was getting faster. A huge figure appears in front of Yun, which is the Dragon King Kaelos. Kaelos was so huge that Yun looked like an ant in front of him. Kaelos comes in his humanoid form.

"Child Yun you have come."


K-Kaelos, I-I mean Dragon King how do you know my name?

"Child don't be afraid. I won't do anything to you."

I-I am not afraid of you. But your presence is so majestic that I can't stop trembling.

"Oh, my bad. It's been so long since I met anyone that I forgot to limit my powers."

It's ok. Can you answer my questions now?

"Yes, sure. You will get the answer to every question. How do I know your name? Kurodos must have told you this."

How do you know I have met Kurodos?

"As Kurodos told you, I have a blessing. Because of which I know everything about the past and the present. Those days, after the battle, a traitor of humans secretly called me to this place to tell me the way to destroy those weapons and spaceships which were huge flying ships. But this was a trap and I got caught in their trap.

After that, they sealed me in these chains. These chains seal the memories of the prisoner and limit his powers. These chains are so strong that even I, The Great Dragon King, could not break free from them. But these chains had no effect on my memories. Even if I broke this seal, I would not be able to go out of this dimensional door because the space here has been sealed. That is why I did not waste my energy in breaking these chains.

Do you know why we lost? Were we weak or were humans strong? There was nothing like that. Humans are not that strong even today and never were. Then why did we lose to weak humans? It's because of weapons and technology. Yes, because of the weapons and technology of humans.

The weapons modified by their technology were so powerful that they could easily break the defense of ancient beasts. If a very weak class of ancient beast is left free on this earth today, then that one alone can destroy the humans of the entire earth. So imagine how powerful the weapons would be to easily kill such a beast.

But still they could not kill me and the three beast kings easily, so they limited our powers and sealed us. After the four of us mysteriously disappeared, the morale of all the beast armies fell. They could not face human weapons without us. About 90% of the beasts were killed by humans and they started experimenting on the remaining 10%.

These experiments continued for thousands of years. Due to which the bloodline of the beasts kept declining and the animals you see today are the descendants of those beasts."

Yun says, I came to know about you people in a dimensional door. Where I had gone to search for some treasures. There I also found many giant and strong beasts.

"The huge and powerful beasts that you found in the dimensional doors are a part of the experiments conducted on humans or you can say that this dimensional door is an experiment lab. Due to these experiments, the rationality of the beasts vanished and they became unintelligent animals from an intelligent species. Many attempts were made to experiment on me as well. But they could not do anything in front of my power. They sealed me and left me in such a way that someday I would accept defeat and bow down before them. But this never happened and will never happen. If you want to ask anything else, you can ask."

Did humans not already live on earth and did those humans come from some other place?

"Our ancestral records which are 10M years old, state that since the first beast was born on this earth, no other creature other than the beast species has been seen or born on this earth. You can say that only animal species have lived on earth.

Those humans came from outside the earth 1M years ago or say from outside this universe."

Is there really another world outside our universe and if it is, then how can we reach there?

"As far as other universes are concerned, I cannot say anything about it. Maybe another universe may or may not exist. If it does exist, then I don't know how to reach there?"

Are there other planets in this universe apart from Earth where there are lifeforms? Are they intelligent lifeforms or not?

"Yes, there are many other planets apart from Earth which are habitual and whose ecosystem is similar to Earth. Where many different creatures live, intelligent and unintelligent of all kinds. In fact, on some habitual planets, no lifeforms even exist."

Can I reach those planets?

"Compared to ancient humans, today's human civilization is so far behind that not only can they not reach any other habitual planet, but they will not even be able to find the path to take them there. Because they do not have that means. The universe is very vast. But..."


"But till date I have never seen a person as powerful as you who has reached this level in just 500 years without any weapon and technology. And perhaps you will become even more powerful in the future. Then you will be able to easily discover the wonders of this universe. And I will also give you a gift so that perhaps you will be able to travel the universe easily."

I have heard from Kurodos that you can easily travel to those planets. How do you do all this? Can you teach me too?

"No, you cannot learn because only the Dragon King can do this. Although I have never physically traveled the universe, I used to do this in my soul form. I did not do this of my own free will, but this is a responsibility given to us dragon kings, in which the soul comes out of our body from time to time on its own and travels the universe and maintains the order of the universe. And this is also a part of that blessing."

I have another question that if the planet or universe of those humans had been destroyed and they were looking for another universe to live in and they had found our universe, then I do not understand when there are so many habitable planets in this universe, some of which do not even have any lifeforms. Then why did those humans choose the earth and then why did they do this to all the creatures living on it? Couldn't they have lived in peace as well?

"This is the nature of humans. Be it ancient humans or today's. The nature of humans is destruction. They can never live in peace. Neither with any other species nor with their own species. You can see its example. The human civilization which could cross the second universe in ancient times, today cannot even go to any distant planet in this universe. When those humans got bored by attacking us beasts and experimenting on us, they started fighting among themselves. Finally they started destroying themselves and started their civilization again from the beginning. Now my energy is about to end. I want to tell you one more thing before leaving this world."

How can you die now? You...

"Everyone has to die one day. When even the Phoenix Empress who has the Resurrection Blessing can die, why can't I? Although my physical body is still alive because of my treasure. But now this treasure cannot keep me alive because its responsibility for me has ended long ago. Till now it has not found its successor who can do the work given by this treasure. But now..."

Before you disappear, I want to give you something which the Phoenix Empress asked me to give you.

Yun takes out the White Feather from the storage and gives it to the Dragon King. The Empress comes out from it. There is an emotional drama between the Empress and the Dragon for a while.

"Ardentia says, Thank you. You fulfilled your promise to me, Yun. Now that I have met Kaelos for the last time, I can die in peace."

"Kaelos says to Yun, before we both disappear I want to give you a responsibility. Right now you are not that powerful but in the coming time you have to become the most powerful in this universe and maintain the world order. Before I leave I will give you my dragon bead which represents the water element. You already have four treasures - Ardentia's White Feather which represents the fire element, Kurodos's Kokoro which represents the earth element and Zephyr's Akira which represents the wood element.

We four tribes had the responsibility of maintaining the world order of the earth. That is why these four treasures were given to our ancestors. But now there is no descendant alive after us. That is why we are giving you these treasures.

It is said that whoever has these four treasures and the treasure representing the metal element and if he is successful in merging these five elements together, then he will become the guardian of this earth and will rule over the whole universe. He will be able to control the earth easily. That is why we want to make you the guardian of this earth."

But how do I find the fifth treasure?

"You already have it. There is a special method to merge those five treasures which I am imprinting in your mind. It will take some time to merge them and you cannot be disturbed during that time. So when you are ready to merge then you can come in this dimensional door. This door has my residual energy due to which this door will not collapse for a long time and will also keep you safe."

Wait, humans are your enemies and whatever humans did to you, it is natural for you to hate them. But I am also a human. Then why did you tell me all this?, gave me your treasures? And you want to make me, a human, the guardian of earth?

"Empress Ardentia says, we never hated all humans, but the humans who attacked our home and destroyed our home and family. If we are angry with humans, then what is your fault in that? You are different from all of them and if it is about you becoming the guardian of the earth, then it's the will of the world."

"Before leaving, Kaelos warns Yun that after becoming the Guardian, he should not think about the destruction of the earth or misuse his powers otherwise it can have bad consequences and the World's Will *****."

Saying this, both of them disappear. Yun now starts thinking where he has the fifth treasure? And starts searching in the system storage. But Yun finds nothing except weapons, herbs and some other treasures. Now how do I find the treasure representing metal element in so many treasures?

.... Wait a minute, the grade of the treasures of all the four beasts is earth and I have only one earth grade weapon, Terran Blade. But all its abilities are related to earth. But this blade is made of metal element only. What's the harm in trying it once.

System, find merging method in my mind.

[ Finding the merging method in the host's mind. ]

[ Blue print of the ancient spacecraft 'Stellar Voyager' and a method of merging five elements called 'Elemental Synthesis' have been found in the host's brain. ]

What? Blue prints of the ancient spacecraft. So is this the gift Dragon King wanted to give?