100 Years Deadline

[ Ding! ]

[ Detected a new treasure. ]

[ Name: Draconic Nexus(Dragon King's Bead)

Grade: Earth

Use: It can be used to merge with the other four treasures. When the five treasures with elemental properties merge together, a new powerful treasure will be created. The one who possesses this new treasure can become the guardian of the Earth and control the Earth.

Limitation: Only the one who is considered by the Dragon King as its worthy successor can use this treasure.


The bead is about the size of a small marble. It has a shimmering, iridescent surface that seems to shift and change color in the light. The bead is surrounded by a delicate, intricate carving of a dragon's claw. The carving is made of a strange, glowing material that seems to pulse with energy.

History: The Draconic Nexus was born with the first Dragon King Drakonius. The Draconic Nexus was passed down through generations of Dragon Kings and each Dragon King has added their strength and knowledge to the Draconic Nexus over the years, increasing its power.


1. The bead amplifies the wielder's elemental abilities, allowing them to cast more powerful spells and manipulate the elements with greater precision.

2. The bead enhances the wielder's physical abilities, granting them increased strength, speed, and agility.

3. The bead grants the wielder resistance to elemental attacks, making them more durable in combat.

4. The bead holds the power to purify and protect the land, allowing the wielder to heal polluted areas and drive back darkness. ]

System open the Blueprint of 'The Stellar Voyager'.

[ Opening the blue print of 'The Stellar Voyager'.... ]

[ Blueprint: Stellar Voyager

Description: The Stellar Voyager is a cutting-edge, interstellar exploration vessel designed for long-range missions into the unknown reaches of the cosmos. Its sleek, silver hull is emblazoned with the insignia of the Galactic Union of Explorers, and its advanced propulsion systems enable it to traverse vast distances in a relatively short period. The Stellar Voyager is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, a skilled and diverse crew, and a flexible mission profile to adapt to a wide range of scenarios, making it the ultimate vessel for exploring the mysteries of the universe.

Speed: It can travel the distance of 1000 light years in just one year making it one of the fastest vessels in the galaxy.

Hull: Streamlined, aerodynamic design for optimal navigation through space-time continuums.

Mass & Length: Its mass is 3M tons, its length is 8000ft and width is 4000ft. This spaceship can accommodate 800K people and 100T weight at a time.


1. Primary: Fusion-powered Alcubierre Warp Drive for faster-than-light travel, capable of reaching 1000 light years in a single year.

2. Secondary: High-efficiency ion thrusters for maneuvering and station-keeping.

3. Power Generation: Advanced zero-point energy module.

Crew Accommodations:

1. Command Center.

2. Crew Quarters (Up to 1M personnel).

3. Mess Hall/Galley.

4. Medical Bay.

5. Science Laboratory.

Sensors and Scanners:

1. Advanced spectrometric sensors (optical, infrared, UV, X-ray).

2. High-resolution gravitational wave detectors.

3. Exotic matter detectors.

4. Energy shield sensors.

Defensive Systems:

1. Energy shields (protective and defensive).

2. Point-defense laser systems.

3. Advanced ECM/ECCM systems.

Teleportation System:

Name: Stellar Transporter

Purpose: Enables transportation of personnel between Stellar Voyager spaceships.

Limit and Time: Teleportation between Stellar Voyager spacecrafts depends on the distance, it will take 1 hour to teleport 1 light year and only 1000 kg of weight can be teleported at a time.

Technology: Advanced quantum entanglement-based teleportation.

Range: Unlimited, as long as the destination spaceship has a compatible Stellar Transporter system.

Safety Features:

Automatic DNA encoding and decoding. Consciousness transfer protocol. Safety protocols for emergency situations.

User Interface: Intuitive control panel with biometric authentication.

Power Requirements: Moderate energy consumption, drawing from the ship's zero-point energy module.

Integration with the Stellar Voyager:

The Stellar Transporter system will be integrated into the ship's existing systems, allowing for seamless operation.

The system will be connected to the ship's sensors, scanners, and communication systems for optimal functionality.

The teleportation platform will be located in a designated area of the ship, easily accessible by crew members.

Teleportation Process:

1. Initiation: User authenticates and initiates the teleportation process.

2. Scanning: The system scans the user's DNA and consciousness.

3. Encoding: The user's information is encoded and transmitted to the. destination spaceship.

4. Decoding: The destination spaceship receives and decodes the information.

5. Materialization: The user materializes on the destination spaceship.

The Stellar Voyager is designed to:

1. Explore uncharted regions of the galaxy and beyond.

2. Conduct scientific research in various fields (astrophysics, exoplanetary science, cosmic biology).

3. Establish diplomatic relations with newly encountered civilizations.

4. Provide humanitarian aid and assistance to distressed worlds or civilizations.

5. Gather intelligence on potential threats to galactic stability and security. ]

[ Host, do you want to learn the Elemental Synthesis Method? ]

[ Y/N. ]


[ Congratulation! Host You have learned a new skill, Elemental Synthesis Method.

Description: Elemental Synthesis Method is a versatile and powerful skill that allows the wielder to combine any elements in a specific ratio to create a new, unique element or artifact with distinct properties. This skill enables the wielder to experiment with different elemental combinations, discovering new and innovative results. With the Elemental Synthesis Method skill, the possibilities are endless. Wielders can create novel elements, craft innovative artifacts, or even discover new materials with extraordinary properties.

1. Flexibility: Merge any element, including fire, earth, wood, water, metal, and more. Treasures and artifacts that have elemental properties can also be merged.

2. Customization: Adjust the ratio of elements to achieve specific properties or effects.

3. Creativity: Discover new elements, artifacts, or materials with unique characteristics.

4. Experimentation: Test different combinations to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Limitation: Only those things which have the properties of elements can be merged.

Time: This depends on how powerful elemental properties the elements being merged have. ]

You said that no one in this universe has any skills other than abilities.

[ Host, there is an exception to everything. ]


System, does Terran Blade represent metal element and can be merged with other elements.

[ According to Elemental Synthesis Method, Terran Blade can be used as metal element. ]

System, how much time will it take to merge these five elements?

[ Calculating the time.... ]

[ Using Skill Elemental Synthesis Method, it will take 1000 years to merge these five treasures. ]

Gasp! 1000 years.

[ Do you want to start merging? ]

[ Y/N. ]

No. Not now. First, I have to make some preparations. I can't stay without doing anything for so many years. I have to build an empire for the future. Because when I go back from this door after 1000 years, I wanna go on another new adventure.

Some Days Later

Yun invites the heads of all the hidden families to come to the SSO headquarters in Mexico.

A few days later, after receiving the invitation from Mask 07, all the family heads gather at the SSO headquarters. Where Yun was already sitting wearing his mask.

When everyone gathers, Yun introduces himself and says that he has a dream that he wants to travel the whole universe. For which he needs their help. Everyone was listening to him carefully without saying anything. After which Yun says that to fulfill this dream, I need a spaceship and I know that you people are already building such a spaceship. Without the right technology and vision, you are facing a lot of problems. If you people keep working like this, then your spaceship will not be built even in the next 10K years.

Don't worry, I have not come to snatch away the half-finished spaceship you have prepared with so much effort. Even if you somehow prepare this spaceship, will that spaceship be really safe and will it be able to save you from the dangers lurking in the universe? Forget defense, how much distance will your spaceship be able to cover in 100 years? Will you be able to go out of your galaxy with that spaceship? And who knows, by the time you prepare the spaceship, the people you want to save may die?

With the help of the information I will give you, you will be able to prepare a spaceship better than your spaceship in just a few decades. I have a detailed blueprint of the spaceship. Its name is 'The Stellar Voyager'. It will have many such features which you people must have only thought about but due to lack of advance technology, you will not be able to install those features. Examples of which are teleportation, advanced AI etc.

And this spaceship can cover a distance of 1000 light years in just 1 year. And you guys will help me in building this spaceship. You guys are also building your spaceship for the same reason that you can see the wonders of the universe with your own eyes, discover new habitual planets and meet new lifeforms, new civilizations. All this is possible only with this 'The Stellar Voyager'.

If you guys are thinking of snatching this blueprint from me then get this idea out of your mind. You will never be able to harm me.

I also know that you guys have some selected ancient weapons and treasures. And there are some treasures with the help of which you guys can stay alive for about 500 to 1000 years.

Those old fogies who are trying to keep themselves alive for about 100,000 years are nothing but living corpses. They are alive in the hope that someday you guys will find the treasures of those dimensional doors and they will become immortal. So this is all your misunderstanding.

Those five treasures, yes they are five treasures and not four, I have them. Although I have not used them yet but they do not have any effect that makes its user immortal.

Saying this, Yun takes out those five treasures from the system storage and shows them to everyone.



Then one of those heads gets up and attacks Yun with his weapon and a huge explosion takes place. Due to which nothing is left except those heads and the five treasures in a radius of 5km. Everything was destroyed.

But they see Yun safe and sound there. There was not even a scratch on Yun. Now all of them together start attacking Yun with their weapons. In a short while the energy of their weapons gets exhausted. But Yun is still absolutely safe.

Yun takes off his mask and says, Sigh, I knew this was going to happen. I had already warned you guys. Whether you attack me with any of your weapons, humanoid robots, superhumans or weapons of the whole world, you cannot harm me. Although I am not immortal but I am no less than immortal.

I give you guys 100 years. We will meet again at the same place after 100 years. But on that day you will come here in person and not send your superhumans in disguise of heads. In these 100 years, I will live like a normal person without any disguise. You can also try to assassinate me. I will not kill any member of any family for 100 years. I will wait for your decision. This is not a request but an order.

Do you guys think that I cannot build spaceships without you? It is not like that but I don't have time, I have to make many more preparations. I am giving you people an opportunity, which not everyone gets.

If I am getting some work done from you then you will also get rewards for that. I can increase your life span up to 1000 years and not only yours but also of all those who will work for me in this project.

Do you people think that if I have been keeping a low profile for so many years, then I am a good person. Saying this, Yun kills those fake heads of the hidden families and leaves after keeping those treasures in the system storage.