
100 Years Later

Yun spent these 100 years living like a normal person. Though there were some assassination attempts on Yun in the initial years, those attempts stopped later. Maybe they also understood now that they cannot kill Yun.

Yun laughs and remembers an old incident when an assassin comes to kill him but fails and how later both of them become sparring partners.

What happened was that after Yun gave a deadline of 100 years to the hidden families, he starts living the life of a normal person. But for 3 years, there are continuous assassination attempts on him. But all the attempts fail. After that, no assassin attacks Yun for 2 years. Yun thinks that now they have realized Yun's strength and will stop chasing him. But one day, an assassination attempt is made on Yun again. Yun catches the assassin and in the scuffle, the assassin's mask falls off.

Eh? You, you are a girl? Can girls become assassins too? But so far I have only seen male assassins. What is your name?

" ..."


Oh, she's gone.

A few days later, Yun is attacked again. But Yun still survives and catches the assassin. "Hey! You again?" The same assassin attacks Yun again and again and now 20 years pass with such attacks.

One evening


You are here, Specter. So how was today's assassination?

"I was successful in my assassination."

Well done. Who was today's target?

"You don't need to know."

So let's go for your practice.

"Hm let's go."

Yun and Specter go to an underground basement which Yun had built for Specter's assassin practice. Both get into fighting position.

As the two of them circled each other, the air was electric with tension. Specter darted in and out of the shadows, her movements lightning-fast but precise. Yun, on the other hand, stood still, his eyes fixed intently on his opponent.

The first strike came from Specter, a swift kick aimed at Yun's chest. But Yun was unfazed, his hand shooting out to catch the kick with ease. With a gentle smile, Yun twisted Specter's leg, sending the assassin crashing to the ground.

Specter sprang to their feet, eyes widening in shock. She had never encountered an opponent so powerful. Yun's strength was like a tidal wave, crushing and unrelenting.

The battle raged on, Specter unleashing a flurry of strikes and kicks. But Yun countered each move with ease, his movements almost dance-like in their grace. With every exchange, Specter felt her energy waning, their blows growing weaker.

In contrast, Yun's fists flew like thunderbolts, each strike landing with precision and deadliness.

As the fight drew to a close, Specter stumbled back, her vision blurring. Yun approached, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. Yun attacks her with a powerful punch. But when the fist comes close to her face he stops and flicks her on the forehead.

"Phew! I lost again."

To be precise this is your 9998th defeat.

"How are you so strong?"

I was a common man once but there were some twists and turns in my life that I needed to become strong and I slowly became strong.

"I have been watching you for twenty years. You are the same today as you were twenty years ago. I have heard that people call you immortal. Are you really immortal?"

Hmm. First you tell me your name then I will answer your question.

"You already know my name."

No, your real name. Your story, why did you choose this path? You are not made for this job. I can feel you're forcing yourself to do this job. Why did you force yourself to choose this path?

" ...."

If you don't want to tell then it's okay. I am not immortal. Because I have been alive for so many years, maybe that's why people consider me immortal. This is nothing new for you. Where you come from, you must have heard about those people who can live for hundreds of years and...

"My real name is Ariana Richmon. I belong to an assassin family. Which is one of the best assassin family. I am the only female assassin. In any assassin family, females are prohibited from becoming assassins, only males can become assassins.

My father Aric Richmon was the eldest child of the family. But he had no interest in becoming an assassin. He wanted to live the life of a normal person away from this bloodshed. Or you can say that he was never made for this job. His body was very fragile compared to other children. He was not able to do any physical training. But my grandfather loved him more than other children. Because of this, all my uncles, aunts and family members used to make fun of him, beat him and bully him.

Which became the reason for my father's doom. When I was 6 years old, someone murdered my father mysteriously. My father died due to his throat being slit. After looking at the scene of crime, anyone could say that this was the work of a murderer.

My grandfather tried a lot to find that assassin but nobody could find him. I knew that the person who killed my father was in this house. A few days later a trainee confessed that he had committed the murder.

But somewhere I doubted this. From that day itself I decided to find the real killer and I started taking training to be an assassin. Although my grandfather had given me permission, I had to face criticism from my cousins and family members. But I never gave up and became a top assassin at the age of 17.

My grandfather died just before my 15th birthday. My second uncle became the family head. Before dying my grandfather told me that if I want to find that killer then I will have to become the family head first.

That is why I started taking the most dangerous missions to become a more skilled assassin.

When I was 20 years old, I came to know about you that you are such a target that no one could kill you. That is why I came to kill you that night.

But I don't understand one thing, when you are so powerful then why did you not kill any assassin and let them go back?"

Because I had promised all the hidden families that I will not kill any member of any family for 100 years and I also don't like killing anyone.

"But you also know some basic level assassination techniques. Have you ever taken assassin training?"

That is a different matter. I will tell you about that some other time.

After that Ariana and I stayed together like this for 40 years. After completing her target, she would come to me for sparring. 10 years ago she was on deathbed. I asked her to increase her lifespan by giving her vitality potion but she refused saying that she had lived as much as she had to. Although she could not take her revenge but she is happy that I am with her in the last moments of her life....

Present Time

Yun was sitting at the promised place since morning. Where 100 years ago Yun had invited all the hidden families. But no one reached there. While Yun was sitting there, morning turns into afternoon, afternoon into evening and evening into night and only a few minutes are left for today's day to end and today is the last day to complete the 100 years deadline.

After a while

Now only ten seconds are left.


Yun hears something and smiles.


More than 100 choppers land around Yun, surrounding him.

Yun gets up and says, welcome my guests. Hey! You all are oldies. I thought you all would still be young.

"As if you are not old."

Now who are you?

"My bad. Let me introduce myself. I belong to the most ancient family. The one that started all this and the family that first found the diary. My name is Arkon and I have come here today to talk to you as a representative of all the hidden families."

Oh! So oldies what have you decided? Do you want to work with me or not? I will not force you to work with me nor will I kill you. But when I leave this earth to travel the universe in a spaceship, then do not come to me with a sad face.

"All that is a later matter. First tell me if you can really increase our lifespan."

Yes. Here, drink this. After consuming this, your lifespan will increase by another 1000 years.

"Glug! Glug! Oh my god. Ah! This feeling. I-It feels like I-I- I have become young again. All my tiredness, pain of old age, everything is gone."

Yun thinks in his mind, I wish I could also use this vitality potion. But according to the system, the grade of this vitality potion is less than the vitality potion given by the system and due to which this potion will not be effective on me.

Chatter! Chatter!

"Silence, everyone be quiet. We are ready to work with you boss."

You agreed so easily. You wasted my 100 years.

"I-I apologize. Sir, since when do you want to start this project?"

Right now and right here.


Yun kicks the ground and a path opens up. Which was going downwards. Yun takes all of them with him on that path. After going a little further, there were many huge elevators. Which were going downwards. Yun takes all of them 200ft down through the elevator. Everyone was surprised to see this place.

Yun tells them that he has built this underground place in these 100 years which is spread over 100M sq ft.

Everyone was surprised to see this place. Yun shows them the detailed drawing of the blue print of 'The Stellar Voyager'. Seeing this, they were even more surprised. Yun also shows them all the resources and treasures he has collected which will be used to build this spaceship.

Yun asks them to bring all their scientists, researchers, mechanics and all those who can be used to complete this project.

In a short time, they all gather there. Yun gives them all the lifespan increasing potion and explains them all the things about the blueprint. Yun was also there to help them.

After 100 years

With Yun's help, the first spaceship is built. Yun names this spaceship 'SV-1'. Yun orders them all to build 10 more such spaceships with all their resources in the next 1000 years and says that he will return after 1000 years.One more thing, no one should try to start this SV-1 until I return. Before leaving, Yun gives everyone some bottles of Extra Vitality Potion. When everyone's attention is off him, he goes inside SV-1 and comes out after a while. Now he bids goodbye to everyone and leaves from there.

After Yun leaves, the family head Arkon send some people to follow him. Those guys see Yun going to a bakery from where he buys some cakes and leaves in his private chopper.

They see Yun going inside the Pacific Ocean, so they also follow Yun. They were surprised to see Yun going inside the seabed.

But they could not go inside the seabed. When Yun did not return for almost 1 year, they went back. On returning, they told everything to the family heads. Hearing this, Arkon asks the scientists to start SV-1 to test it and take a ride.

Some people say so, but Yun has forbidden to start this spaceship.

Arkon says, Yun will not return for 1000 years. We will have made so many new discoveries in these 1000 years. And anyway, we have so many bottles of vitality potion. We can easily live in space. Even if Yun returns, we will have gone very far from the earth. We will take all our family members and all the necessary things with us.


Do as I say.

When they try to start SV-1, the AI of the spaceship asks for the owner's DNA or Password. The scientists pick up many DNA samples from the lab. Which do not belong to any of them, so they think that these DNA samples are of Yun.

But they are unable to give neither the correct DNA nor the password. On giving the wrong password and DNA repeatedly, the AI starts giving a warning that on giving the wrong password or DNA one more time, this spaceship will self-destruct.

Hearing this warning, they all back off and no one tries to start it. Because they all knew that if this spaceship explodes, 10% part of the Earth will be destroyed.

Hearing this, Arkon starts laughing loudly. Yun, oh Yun so you are going to do all this. You never trusted us. Ha Ha Ha Ha..