Earth's Guardian

In The Clavcrest Castle Door

System What do I do now?

[ After activating the skill Elemental Synthesis Method, sit in Lotus Position for 1000 years without moving from your place and close your eyes. Do not open your eyes or move from your place until you hear my voice. You do not have to worry about food and water. These five treasures will provide you energy for 1000 years until it turns into an artifact. ]

System, use Skill Elemental Synthesis Method and merge these five artifacts.

[ Using The Elemental Synthesis Method and merging these five artifacts:

1. Ardentia's White Feather (Fire element): A radiant plume imbued with the essence of flames.

2. Kurodos's Kokoro (Earth element): A sturdy, crystalline structure pulsing with geothermal energy.

3. Zephyr's Akira (Wood element): A delicate, petal-like core infused with the vitality of nature.

4. Kaelos's Dragon Bead (Water element): A shimmering, iridescent bead containing the essence of the ocean's depths.

5. Terran Blade (Metal element): A sleek, silver blade forged from the heart of the Earth's metallic core.

When these artifacts are combined through the Elemental Synthesis Method, they form a new, powerful artifact known as the: Guardian Orb.

Time: It will take 1000 years. ]

1000 Years Later

[ Ding! ]

[ Host open your eyes. It's time.]

Yun slowly opens his eyes.

[ Congratulation! Host, the five treasures have merged into one and formed an artifact called the Guardian Orb. ]

[ Do you want to combine this artifact with yourself? ]

[ Y/N. ]

Yes. I give you permission. Do it now.

[ Combining the artifact with the host. ]

[ It will take 1 hour. ]




1 Hour Later

[ Combining completed. ]

[ Artifact Name: Guardian Orb

Grade: Earth+

Description: This magnificent sphere glows with a soft, ethereal light and pulsates with the combined energy of the five elements. The Guardian Orb is a powerful tool for protecting the Earth and maintaining balance among the elements. Its user becomes a formidable guardian, capable of defending the planet against those who would seek to harm it. As the user becomes one with the Guardian Orb, they gain:

1. Control earth's terrain: create mountains, valleys, or even earthquakes.

2. Manipulate plants: grow forests, summon vines, or even control the cycles of nature.

3. Command earth's resources: summon minerals, metals, or even control the weather and Ability to manipulate the planet's natural resources (land, water, air, etc).

4. Protect the earth: deflect natural disasters, calm turbulent skies, or even purify polluted lands.

5. Form a protective barrier around the earth: shield the planet from external threats, such as asteroids or hostile entities.

6. Additional powers: Such as elemental manipulation and they can manifest themself as a giant projection over the entire earth.

The Guardian Orb also grants the wielder the ability to sense disturbances in the earth's balance, allowing them to respond quickly to threats and maintain harmony.

Guardian Orb's Additional Skill:

Name: Planetary Protector Clone

Description: As the guardian of the Earth, you have the ability to create a clone of yourself that will protect the planet in your absence. This clone will serve as a powerful safeguard, ensuring the Earth's safety and security while you are away.

Activation Condition: To activate this skill, you must be leaving the Earth for a period and will not be able to return for some time.

Clone Characteristics:

a. The clone's energy level will be one level lower than yours.

b. The clone will only have access to a subset of your abilities.

c. The clone will be able to protect the Earth for up to 100 years.

d. If you return to the Earth before the 100-year period is over, the clone will automatically disappear.

Time Limit: 100 years

Cooldown: 100 years

Purpose: This skill allows you to ensure the Earth's protection while you are away, providing a powerful and reliable guardian that will defend the planet against any threats.

Strategy: Use this skill wisely, as the cooldown period is quite long. Plan your departure and return carefully, taking into account the clone's limitations and duration. With this skill, you can have peace of mind knowing that the Earth is protected, even when you're not there to defend it yourself. ]

[ Congratulation! Host you have become the Earth's Guardian. Now you can feel, hear, see and control all the creatures, rivers, mountains and all the things on earth.


1. You cannot control the mind of any creature.

2. You cannot destroy Earth.

3. You cannot kill the creatures.

4. If you harm the earth to a certain extent, then you will lose your position as the guardian.

5. You cannot do anything that endangers the earth or disturbs the world order.


1. If you make some changes on earth for the good of earth, then you will not lose your position as the guardian.

2. If for some reason you have to kill creatures, then you can kill only 30% or less creatures. But there should be a valid reason to do so. ]

Hmmm, I don't want to do anything like this anyway. Anything else apart from this.

[ Yes, host you can go anywhere on this earth or as far as the Exosphere is just by thinking. You will not be able to breathe if you go above the Exosphere. But...]

Exosphere? You mean space.


Let's go to space.

[ W-Wait.. ]

Wow, I have become so huge like a giant that earth looks so tiny in front of me. Earth looks so beautiful from here.

You were saying something system.

[ ... Never mind. ]


What is this? This is a satellite and is coming towards me. System, do something or else this satellite will collide with me.

[ Don't panic. ]


Hm? Nothing happened to me and it passed right through me.

[ Host, think a little. Now that you are the guardian of earth, what harm can this small satellite do to you? ]

Ahem! I know. I was just saying that if this satellite collides with me and falls on earth, then someone might get hurt.

[ Don't worry you are now the guardian of earth and as long as you stay close to earth no one can do anything to you. But if earth gets destroyed then you will also be affected. But you will not die. ]

Wow, I can now feel everything that is happening on earth, the heartbeat of earth, the flow of rivers, ants looking at the sky.. hm? Why are all these animals looking upwards? Why is there so much noise among humans all of a sudden and why are all these humans looking upwards too and taking photos? Is there something in the sky? But I can't see anything.

[ They are looking at you. Because they can all see you. ]

Whaaaat? Why didn't you tell me before?

[ :( ]

Can they even hear me?

[ No one can hear or see you unless you want them to. If you had controlled your powers earlier, this wouldn't have happened.]

What should I do now? I can't just disappear without doing anything.

[ Nothing, just convince them so that there isn't much fuss.]

Ok. Ahem!


So how did I do it?

[ Good Job. Will you stay here now? Let's go. ]

O-Ok. Let's go to a quiet place.


I was scared for a moment. Now what?

[ Now it's time for rewards. ]

[ Congratulation! The condition to upgrade Skill: Energy Sense (⊹) has been met. ]

[ Unlocking the skill. ]

[ The skill is unlocked. ]

[ Upgrading the skill. ]

10 Minutes Later

[ Upgrade Complete. ]

[ Skill Name: Energy Profile Lv. 5

Description: This advanced skill allows you to scan an individual's energy signature, revealing not only their strength level but also their personal information, personality traits, and potential abilities. You can access this information with a mere thought, making it a powerful tool for understanding those around you.

New Features:

1. Personal Information: Access a person's name, age, occupation, and other relevant details.

2. Personality Profile: Gain insight into their personality traits, values, and motivations.

3. Potential Abilities: Discover latent talents, skills, and abilities they may not even be aware of.

Condition: Requires a clear and focused mind.

Time Limit: None

With Energy Profile, you can gather a wealth of information about an individual, allowing you to tailor your approach, build stronger relationships, and make informed decisions.


Person: Maya, a colleague.

Energy Profile:

1. Personal Information: Maya, 32, Marketing Manager.

2. Personality Profile: Creative, driven, values teamwork and innovation

3. Potential Abilities: Hidden talent for public speaking, potential leadership skills.

Now, you have a more comprehensive understanding of Maya's strengths, personality, and potential, enabling you to collaborate more effectively and support her growth. ]

[ Congratulation! The condition to upgrade Skill: Ability Extraction+ Dead (⊹) has been met. ]

[ Unlocking the skill. ]

[ The Skill is unlocked. ]

[ Upgrading the skill. ]

5 Minutes Later

[ Upgrade Complete. ]

[ Skill Name:Terra Drain Lv. 1

Description: Terra Drain is a powerful ability that allows the user to drain and absorb abilities from others of a planet at once. This ability can be used to drain the abilities of enemies or allies, whether they are dead or alive.

Range: One Planet


1. Absorbs abilities from others.

2. Can drain abilities from enemies, allies, or the dead.

3. User gains access to drained abilities.

Cost: High energy cost, potentially draining the user's own energy reserves.

Condition to use:

To use this skill, you have to find the core of the planet and sit close to it. Only then you will be able to use this skill and copy the abilities of all the targets.

Cooldown: Long cooldown period, requiring strategic use. 1 Year.

Time: It depends on how many abilities you are acquiring at once. If the number of abilities is less than 1M then the time taken will be almost 2 years. It takes almost 1 minute to copy one ability.

Other Conditions:-

For Human Species (Intelligence): NONE

For Other Species(Unintelligence):

1. Only one ability of an Unintelligence species can be copied.

2. This skill can be used only once on one species of an Unintelligence species.

For Dead: You can copy the ability of any dead. No matter when the death occurred.

Limitation: There's no limitations.]

[ Congratulation! Host you have become the Guardian of Earth and your energy level has increased:

Purple, Grade Silver > Black, Grade Platinum+ (⊹)

As a reward you get:

Mystery Voucher +350

Wormhole Voucher +2

Time Slow Voucher +3

Teleportation Ticket +1

Self Future Prediction Voucher +1

Merger Voucher +1

Soulbind Voucher +1

Mask Voucher +2]

[ Merger Voucher: This voucher can be used to merge the abilities and properties of any three things, such as a voucher, treasure, artifact, skill, ability etc. into each other and these three things will not disappear after merging but some new features or ability or upgrade or max level or any new thing will be created in all three. ]

System What does this (+) mean?

[ Host This means your energy level has reached the max level. ]

So can my energy level increase further? Because my energy level has a (⊹) {lock} on it like skills and abilities.

[ Your energy level has reached the limit of this universe and cannot go beyond that. ]

How powerful am I now? I mean you said that no one has yet reached energy level black and grade platinum. And I have reached platinum plus.

[ Very strong. ]

I am not just asking by the standards of earth but by the standards of this universe.

[ Host Long ago there used to be many guardians like you in this universe but right now there is no guardian of any planet. ]

[ But it is true that no one's energy level has reached Black, Grade Platinum till date. Even those guardians could only reach Black, Grade Gold energy level. ]

Then why is my energy level so high that it is with a + sign?

[ ... ]

System, please tell me something.

[ It's the will of the WORLD. ]