Project completion

What's this feeling. System, it feels like power is seeping into me. As if I am becoming more powerful. This feeling is completely opposite from Chaos Energy. The turmoil that started in my body due to Chaos Energy has now stopped. As if not only my physical body but also my soul has become more powerful. Is this the magic of universal energy?

[ Yes, it's the work of the Universal Energy. ]

But you said that I have reached the limit of this Universe and now I cannot become more powerful.

[ No, I didn't say that. I said that your energy level has reached the limit of this universe. Now your energy level will not increase further. That means there is no other level in this universe above Black, Grade Platinum+. But I never said that now you cannot become even stronger. ]

Oh! So that is the thing.

So can I become stronger in this universe?

[ Yes, you can. ]

Another question is like I got Inner Energy reward on collecting 1000+ Mystery Vouchers, so do I have to collect 1000+ Mystery Vouchers again to get a reward?

[ No. Earlier the requirement to collect Mystery Vouchers was 1K. But now it has become 10K. If you want even better rewards then you have to collect 10K Mystery Vouchers in future. Or you can collect less than 10K vouchers and still get rewards. But those rewards will not be as good as you will get on collecting 10K vouchers. ]

[ Now let's see what changes have happened in your third item. ]

[ 3. Congratulation! Host, there are some changes in the skill Lifespan Extension Breathing Technique which are as follows:

Skill: Lifespan Extension Breathing Technique.

Mastery Level: Lv. 1

Description: Master this ancient breathing technique to amplify your lifespan and vitality. By practicing this technique, you'll increase your lifespan and vitality by 2 times. For example, practicing for 1 second will grant you a lifespan of 2 seconds. After learning this skill it will be continuously activated even if you are walking, sleeping or doing anything. Moving from your place during practice will not negate the effects.

Condition to Learn: Spent 10000 Years on earth continuously.

Prerequisites: None

Cooldown: None

Maximum lifespan gain: Infinite.

Limitation: Can not be used in combat or while under attack.

Additional Effects:

1. Increased vitality and energy.

2. Enhanced mental clarity and focus.

3. Improved overall well-being.

4. Boosted immune system, reducing the risk of diseases and illnesses.

5. Enhanced cellular regeneration, allowing for faster recovery from injuries.

6. Increased physical strength and endurance.

7. Enhanced spiritual connection, granting wisdom and intuition.


1. Prolonged practice can lead to muscle atrophy and slightly decreased physical strength.

2. Excessive use may cause mental fatigue and decreased cognitive function.

3. Rarely, may cause temporal disorientation.

4. May attract unwanted attention from mystical entities.

Mastery Levels:

Level 1: Apprentice

1 second of practice = 2 second lifespan gain.

100 minutes of practice = 200 minutes lifespan gain.


Level 2: Adept

1 seconds of practice = 3 seconds lifespan gain.

1 minutes of practice = 3 minutes lifespan gain.


Level 3: Expert

1 second of practice = 5 seconds lifespan gain.


Level 4: Master

1 second of practice = 10 seconds lifespan gain.


Level 5: Grandmaster

1 second of practice = 100 seconds lifespan gain.


Mastery Benefits:

1. Increased lifespan gain efficiency: e.g., 1 second practice grants 100 seconds lifespan at Mastery Level 5.

2. Enhanced additional effects: At level 5 you will not need to eat, drink or breath. It means by reaching the grandmaster level by practicing this technique you will have enough energy to support your body and you don't need to breath in any unbreathable places.

3. Reduced risks: As your level of mastery increases, the muscle atrophy and mental fatigue caused by prolonged use of this technique will decrease.

Remember, the key to mastering this technique is consistent practice and patience. May your breath be long and your life be longer!

Note: That the lifespan gain increases exponentially with each Mastery Level. Additionally, the practices required to reach each level also increase exponentially.

To reach Mastery Level 2 you will have to practice this technique for 500 years. For Mastery Level 3 you will have to practice it for 1500 years, for Mastery Level 4 you will have to practice it for 3000 years, for Mastery Level 5 you will have to practice it for 5000 years. In total you will need 10K years practice to master this technique. ]

Yun then travels from there to a bakery in Mexico with just one thought.

The owner of "Sweet Delights" bakery, was busy preparing for the day's customers. She was expertly piping icing onto a batch of freshly baked cupcakes when the doorbell above the entrance to the bakery jingled, signalling the arrival of a customer. She looked up to see a familiar figure standing in the doorway, a huge smile spreading across his face.

"Yun!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise. She dropped the piping bag and rushed around the counter to throw her arms around Yun's neck, nearly knocking over a display of freshly baked bread in the process.

Yun laughed and hugged her back, lifting her off the ground in a tight embrace. "it's been ages!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with joy.

She pulled back, her eyes shining with happiness. "I can't believe it's really you! What brings you here?"

Yun grinned mischievously. "I heard about the best bakery in town and had to come check it out. And guess what? I found the owner is an old friend!"

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, sure, that's the only reason you're here."

Yun chuckled and hugged her again. "Maybe I missed you too."

As they hugged, the bell above the door jingled again, signalling the arrival of more customers. She reluctantly pulled away, wiping tears of joy from her eyes. "Welcome to Sweet Delights, everyone! Come on in!"

As the day went on, She and Yun caught up on old times, reminiscing about their past and sharing stories about their lives since they last saw each other. The bakery was filled with the sweet scent of freshly baked goods and the sound of laughter and chatter, making it a truly special day for her and her beloved Yun.

Yun says his goodbye to her and that he will come again soon to take her on an adventure.

Yun now goes to an underground research lab where Arkon and his scientist team were working on SV-11.

Yun's eyes narrowed as he stepped into the underground research lab, his gaze sweeping across the rows of sleek spaceships. The air was thick with the hum of machinery and the scent of fuel, a familiar smell that brought back memories of his own time in the lab.

Everyone is shocked to see Yun.

"Arkon, you've completed the order I gave you," Yun said, his voice firm but controlled. "But at what cost?"

Arkon trembled, his eyes darting to his team members before returning to Yun. "Y-You have come sir. We were waiting for you. W-We did as you instructed, sir. We built the SV-11 spaceships, just as you specified."

Yun's expression turned skeptical. "And did you think you could hide your deceit from me? I know about the spies you sent to follow me, the ones who tracked me to the Pacific Ocean. I know about your attempts to start SV-1 despite my warnings. And I know about your lies, Arkon. You thought you could deceive me?"

Arkon's face paled, his eyes wide with fear. "N-No, sir, we didn't mean to—"

Yun's voice rose, his words dripping with disdain. "Don't insult my intelligence, Arkon. I planned for every eventuality. I input my DNA and password into Steller Voyager, ensuring that no one can misuse SV-1 without my permission. You may try to copy SV-1 but you never be able to make a copy of Varitas. And without Varitas, your efforts will be futile. And as for you, Arkon, you're no longer trustworthy. Our collaboration ends here."

Arkon fell to his knees, begging. "P-Please, sir, don't abandon me! I'll do anything to regain your trust!"

Yun's gaze turned icy. "You should have thought of that before you betrayed me. Now, leave my sight, Arkon. Take your team and never come back."

Arkon is still on his knees and says, "I beg you please forgive me. If you don't want to forgive me, that's fine. But these people are not at fault. Please don't punish them for my actions."

Yun thinks about something for a while and then says. "Ok I will give you another chance, Arkon. I will forgive you this time, but warn you: do not betray me again. Do not think that you can deceive me and get away with it. I am always watching, always waiting."

Arkon nodded frantically, tears streaming down his face. "T-Thank you, sir. I won't betray you again, I swear it."

Yun's expression softened slightly, his voice taking on a more gentle tone. "Good. Then let us begin anew. Let us work together again And remember, Arkon, you are nothing in front of me. Do not forget that."

The other scientists and researchers in the lab looked on in awe as Yun forgave them and warned Arkon not to betray Yun again. They knew that Yun was a powerful and intelligent man, and they feared him. But they also knew that he was a just and fair leader, and they respected him for that.

"Let us continue our work," Yun said, his voice ringing out across the lab. "We have a lot to do, and not much time to waste. But with Veritas and Steller Voyagers by my side, I know that we can accomplish anything."

And with that, the lab erupted into a flurry of activity, the scientists and researchers working tirelessly. Yun watched over them, his eyes gleaming with pride and satisfaction. He knew that he had made the right decision in forgiving Arkon, and he was confident that their collaboration would lead to great things.

Yun tells the AI Varitas. "Varitas, be ready. In a few days I will give you the order and you take off all the spaceships. We still have a long way to go. And you will only follow the orders of those whom I tell you to."

Varitas's response was immediate, its digital voice filling the lab. "Affirmative, Yun. I am bound to you, and I will not allow anyone else to access the spaceships without your permission."

Yun nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Good. Then let us begin our next move. We have a lot of work to do, and not much time to waste."

Yun's eyes seemed to bore into Arkon's very soul as he spoke, his voice low and even. "Arkon, I'm glad you didn't take any action against the bakery where I was before going to the Pacific Ocean. If you had, I wouldn't forgive you. I would torture you before killing you."

Arkon trembled, his voice barely above a whisper. "N-No, sir. We didn't touch them. I wouldn't dare do that."

Yun says to Arkon, "Good. I'm glad you didn't harm them. They are innocent people."

Yun's gaze narrowed, his expression skeptical. "Why has your attitude changed so much towards me? You weren't like this 1000 years ago, begging for someone's alliance."

Arkon swallowed hard, his eyes darting around the room before settling on Yun. "It's because we now know who you are."

Yun's expression turned curious, his voice tinged with amusement. "What do you mean? Didn't you already know about me?"

Arkon nodded vigorously, his voice trembling. "Y-Yes. But we just found out that you are the guardian of the earth."

Yun's eyes seemed to gleam with a fierce light, his voice taking on a powerful tone. "And that changes everything?"

Arkon nodded again, his eyes wide with fear. "Y-Yes. We didn't know what we were dealing with. We thought you were just a powerful being, but...the guardian of the earth...that's different."

Yun asked him, "How did you find out about my real identity?"

Arkon hesitated for a moment before responding, "We also saw your huge form and hear you say that you are the guardian of earth."

Yun's expressions turned thoughtful his voice tinged with curiosity, Oh! But you guys couldn't see my face from so far."

Arkon reply to him, "Yes, no normal person could see your face from so far, but we have satellites and with their help, we came to know about your identity."

As Yun's gaze lingered on Arkon, he asked, "So, you used satellites to discover my identity?"

Arkon nodded, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and awe. "Yes, sir. We have advanced technology that allows us to see beyond the exosphere layer."

Yun says, "I see. And what about the others who might have seen me?"

Arkon hesitated before responding, "We hid this information from the general public and also explained to those who wanted to spread this information. We took care of them, sir. We made sure they wouldn't talk."

Yun says to him in angry voice, "What do you mean by 'took care of them'?"

Arkon swallowed hard, his voice trembling. "N-No, sir. It is not what you are thinking. We just gave them money to shut them up, sir."

Yun in a humble voice, "I see. Well, I suppose that's one way to handle it."

Arkon nodded vigorously, his eyes wide with understanding. "Y-Yes, sir. We just wanted to protect your secret."

Yun says to him, "I see. Well, now that you know, don't forget it. I won't hesitate to punish you if you betray me again."

Arkon nodded frantically, his eyes wide with fear. "Y-Yes sir. I won't forget."

As Yun leaned back in his chair, his expression seemed to soften slightly, his voice taking on a more measured tone. "Good. I'm glad we understand each other, Arkon. Remember, I am always watching. And if you betray me again...there will be no mercy."

As the conversation continued, Yun's gaze seemed to bore into Arkon's very soul, as if searching for any hint of deception. Arkon, on the other hand, seemed to be walking on eggshells, desperate to avoid arousing Yun's wrath. Despite the tension, the air was thick with an unspoken understanding - that some secrets were too big to be shared with the world.