Take Off

Arkon says to Yun, "sir, I want to ask you something."

Yun says to him in cold voice, "Ask me what you want to ask."

Arkon ask him politely, "sir, did you become so powerful because of those five treasures? I mean, did you become the guardian of the earth with the help of those treasures?"

Yun stares at him and says, "You really want to know."

He trembled and reply, "N-No, sir. If you don't want to tell, then it's okay."

Yun looked at him and says, "Yes, I became the guardian of the earth with the help of those five treasures. But even if you had those treasures, you could not have become the earth's guardian. Do you know why?"

Arkon replies to Yun, "Y-Yes sir. Because it took you 1000 years and no ordinary human can live for so many years."

After hearing his answer Yun says to him, "Your answer is incomplete. Apart from 1000 years of lifespan, there are other requirements too. Which you do not need to know. You understand."

He shivers in fear and shout, " Y-Yes sir. I-I understand."

1 year later

After all the preparations are done, Yun goes to Sweet Delights Bakery and meets her. Specter, I have come to pick you up. Let's go on an adventure now.

"O-Oh! Why don't you call me by my real name."

Because I am used to calling you Specter.

"But you promised me that day that you will call me by my real name Ariana."

I never made such a promise to you.

"Remember what happened that day."

1111 years ago

I asked her to increase her lifespan by giving her a vitality potion but she refused saying that she has lived as much as she wanted to. Although she could not take her revenge but she is happy that I am with her in the last moments of her life....

"Looks like it's time for me to leave now. Take care of yourself Yun. Goodby..."

Open your mouth.


Yun forces Specter to open her mouth and As she lay on his lap, her body weak and fragile, he cradled her in his arms, his eyes filled with a deep concern. He held a glass to her lips, the liquid inside glistening in the dim light. "Come on, drink this," he coaxed, his voice soft and gentle. "It will help you feel better."

At first, she resisted, her head turning away from the glass. But he persisted, his hand guiding her head back, his fingers tracing the curves of her face. "Please, just a sip," he urged, his voice filled with a quiet desperation."

Slowly, he opened her lips, and he poured the liquid into her mouth. She coughed, her body spasming, but he held her close, his arms a gentle vice around her. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. "You're safe now. Just rest."

As the liquid coursed through her veins, she felt a strange sense of calm wash over her. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she gazed up at him, her vision blurry. "What did you drink me?"she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He smiled, his eyes filled with a deep relief. "Nothing," he replied, his voice low and soothing. "Just rest now. You're going to be okay."

And with that, after a while, she open her eyes, "I feel like alive again what did you drink me?"

"As she gazed up at him with renewed vitality, she asked, "What did you give me to drink? I feel alive again!"

He smiled enigmatically, "Just a little something I like to call a vitality potion."

Her eyes narrowed, "What kind of vitality potion?"

He chuckled, "One that will grant you an extra 2000 years of life."

Her expression turned fierce, "I told you I didn't want to live a long life! I've already lived enough!"

He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "I did this for your own good. You've never lived for yourself, only for your revenge. Think of this as a second chance. Forget your past and live the life you truly desire. Marry someone you love, have children, and be happy."

She crossed her arms, "I don't want to marry anyone."

He raised an eyebrow, "Not anyone, a worthy man."

She gazed up at him with a mischievous grin, "I want to marry you."

His eyes widened in surprise, "What?!"

She nodded, "Yes, you're the only worthy man for me."

He sighed, "I can't marry you."

Her voice trembled, "Why not? Am I not beautiful enough?"

He took her hand, "It's not that. I've just never thought about marriage. I don't know where I'll be in the future."

She pleaded, "But can't you just marry me and be with me for the rest of my lifespan?"

He hesitated, "I can extend your lifespan another 2000 years, but I can't promise to be with you forever."

She whispered, "Please, just be with me for as long as you can."

As their lips met, he whispered, "Okay, my love Specter. I'll be with you for as long as I can. For 2000 years, and beyond."

Their kiss deepened, the vitality potion coursing through her veins like liquid fire. She felt alive, renewed, and reborn.

As they pulled away, gasping for air, he smiled and said, "Let's make the most of our time together. Let's live every moment to the fullest."

She nodded, her eyes shining with tears of joy. "Yes, my love. Forever and always."

She ask him, "Call me by my real name."

Yun says, "It's just a name. I can call you Specter or Ariana."

She urged him, "No. Promise me you'll call me Ariana."

He then says, "Ok, I promise Ariana."

Present Time

Yun remembers that time and says to her, "Yes, I remember. I had promised you this. I am sorry, it has been a long time so I forgot."

Ariana hugs Yun and says, "And you disappeared for 1100 years after meeting me last time in the bakery. Saying that you had some important work to do."

Yun takes her in his arms and says, "Ariana, I really had an important work. Which is now completed. I told you that I want to travel this universe. Today I am going to fulfill my dream, so I want to take you with me. Are you ready to go with me?"

Ariana answers him with a smile, "Yes, I am ready to go anywhere with you."

Yun also asks her again with a big smile, "So let's go then?"

"She says happily, "Yes."

Yun says to her, "Hold my hand tightly."

As Yun led Ariana through the underground research lab, her eyes widened in awe. The vast array of futuristic equipment and sleek spaceships left her breathless.

Yun's hand in hers, she felt like a kid in a candy store, eager to explore every nook and cranny.

When they reached the Steller Voyager, Yun's pride was palpable. "Ariana, meet Varitas," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "She's the AI controlling this magnificent spaceship."

Ariana's gaze shifted to the ship's core, where a soft, ethereal glow emanated. "Varitas, this is Ariana," Yun continued. "She'll be joining me on our journey."

Ariana's heart skipped a beat as Varitas's melodic voice responded, "Welcome, Mrs. Yun. I'm honored to meet you. Together, we'll make Yun's dreams a reality."

As Yun smiled, Ariana knew she was about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

Ariana is surprised and says, "How do you know my name? And how do you know that I am Yun's wife?"

Varitas politely replies to her, "Mrs. Yun because Yun told me about you. Whenever Yun is with me, he always talks about you."

Ariana blushed and says in a low and soft voice, "O-Ok. But we both are not officially married yet, so you should call me Ariana only and not Mrs. Yun."

Varitas Denied her this order, "Mrs. Yun, your order cannot be carried out. Yun has commanded me to call you only as Mrs. Yun and not by any other name."

Ariana asks her, "Varitas, tell me what other commands Yun has given you about me?"

AI Varitas reply to her question, "Yun has asked me to always keep you safe and follow all your orders. But those orders of yours which are contrary to the orders given by Yun cannot be carried out."

Ariana's voice trembled with anger as she gazed at the sleek spaceships, her eyes flashing with accusation. "So, you were busy building all of this for years, and that's why you couldn't spare a single moment for me?" she spat, her words piercing the air.

Yun's expression softened, and he reached out to console her. "No, Ariana, it's not like that. I wasn't building these spaceships. I had entrusted these brilliant minds to create them. I was... elsewhere."

His voice trailed off, and he hesitated, as if choosing his words carefully. "Let's just say, if I hadn't been where I was, we wouldn't have these ships to travel in now."

Ariana's anger slowly dissipated, replaced by curiosity. "Where were you, Yun?" she asked, her tone gentle.

Yun's enigmatic smile hinted at secrets untold. "I'll tell you another day, my love. For now, let's focus on our journey ahead."

Ariana nodded, though her mind whirled with questions, and her heart still sought answers.

Yun's voice resonated through the underground research lab, "Varitas, make the announcement."

The AI's melodic tone echoed throughout the facility, "Attention, all space travelers! Prepare for departure. All Stellar Voyagers will launch in three hours. Please report to your designated ships immediately. There will be no delays or exceptions."

The room buzzed with excitement and urgency as people scurried to their assigned vessels. Three hours passed in a flurry of activity, and Varitas's voice boomed again, "All passengers, board your ships now. We will lift off in ten seconds. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0...Let's go!"

The next instant, the spaceships pierced the exosphere, leaving the Earth's atmosphere behind. Gasps of wonder filled the air as passengers exchanged disbelieving glances. "How did we reach here so quickly?"

someone whispered. "It felt like we didn't even move!" another exclaimed. The ships' advanced technology had made the ascent seemingly effortless, defying traditional notions of space travel. As the Stellar Voyagers soared into the cosmos, the passengers were left awestruck, grappling with the sheer marvel of it all.

Yun smiled knowingly, his eyes twinkling with pride, while Ariana's gaze remained fixed on the stars ahead, her heart racing with anticipation.

Yun looks at the confused faces of all of them and clears their doubts, "You guys don't need to be confused. We did not take off officially, rather I brought all the spaceships here. Because I did not want anyone to know about these spaceships. If we had taken off from the earth, everyone would have seen these spaceships and there would have been a commotion among those people. Which I do not want. Any further doubts?"

They all shout together, "No sir."

Then Yun says, "We will all stay here for a while and then leave for our journey."

System, mark the country of planet Earth, Mexico, to use the Teleportation Ticket.

[ Earth's country Mexico is marked on the Teleportation Ticket. ]

As the Stellar Voyagers vanished into the vast expanse, Yun's mind turned to the future. With a flicker of his wrist, he commanded the spaceship SV-1 to detach from the fleet and hover inconspicuously outside Earth's atmosphere. With a whispered incantation, the ship's advanced cloaking technology rendered it invisible, a secret sentinel guarding the planet. Next, Yun conjured a shimmering barrier around Earth, a protective shield to deflect any harm. His eyes aglow with determination, he activated his extraordinary ability - Planetary Protector Clone. A duplicate of himself materialized, a loyal guardian tasked with safeguarding the planet in his absence. With a final glance at the swirling blue-green globe, Yun embarked on his new odyssey, the cosmos beckoning like an unfurled canvas waiting to be explored. The stars aligned in his favor, and the universe trembled with anticipation, for Yun's legend was only just beginning to unfold.