New Understanding

The Stellar Voyagers, a fleet of advanced spacecraft, is ready to set off on their historic journey. Led by Captain Yun, their mission is to explore the vast expanses of the universe, searching for new life and new worlds. With their advanced propulsion systems, they can reach speeds of up to 1,000 light-years per year, making them the fastest ships in the galaxy. The voyage carries thousands of scientists, 600,000 soldiers, and nearly ten thousand members of the Hidden Families.

As they departed the Milky Way galaxy, the crew was filled with excitement and anticipation. They had been preparing for this moment for years, and finally, they were on their way. The ships' advanced sensors and scanners were on high alert, ready to detect any signs of life or habitable planets.

100 Years Later

The Stellar Voyagers have been traveling for nearly 100 years, and the crew is settling into a routine. They had found a few small asteroids, comets, and a few unhabitual planets. It is not that they did not find any habitual planets, but some did not have oxygen, some did not have water and some had low amount of oxygen. But they did not find a single planet on which any life form existed. It was not an important thing. Now, as they approached the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, they were ready to venture into a new galaxy.

As he stepped out of his galaxy, Yun felt like he had left his home and was looking for another.

A Few Light Years Away

"Captain Yun, we're detecting a planet ahead," said Varitas, the ship's AI. "It's a terrestrial planet, and our sensors indicate it may be habitable."

Captain Yun's eyes lit up with excitement. "Let's take a closer look," he said.

As they entered the planet's orbit, the crew began scanning the surface. They detected vast oceans, towering mountain ranges, and lush forests. But most importantly, they detected signs of life.

"Captain, I'm reading oxygen levels at 21%, and water vapor at 50%," said Ensign Amy K'Rhyn, the chief science officer. "This planet is teeming with life!"

Captain Yun smiled. "Prepare a team to investigate the surface. We may have finally found what we've been searching for."

As they ventured onto the planet's surface, they encountered diverse flora and fauna. They discovered strange creatures, unlike any they had seen before.

"This is incredible!" exclaimed Dr. Sophia Patel, the chief biologist. "We're seeing species that have evolved in ways we never thought possible!"

Captain Yun nodded, his eyes shining with wonder. "This is just the beginning. We have a whole galaxy to explore."

The away team spent hours exploring the planet's surface, collecting samples and data. After scanning the planet thoroughly, Captain Yun and his crew discovered many different lifeforms. However, these lifeforms were not intelligent and were barely surviving. Despite this, Captain Yun was intrigued and decided to use his skill, Terra Drain Lv. 1, to absorb abilities from the planet's inhabitants.

Captain Yun's eyes narrowed as he gazed at the planet's surface, his mind racing with the challenge ahead. He had been trying to find the core of this planet for what felt like an eternity, but to no avail. Varitas, his trusty AI, had attempted to scan for the core multiple times, but the results were always negative.

"System, what's going on?" Yun asked, frustration etched on his face. "Why can't we find the core?"

[ The core isn't visible to the naked eye. You won't find it in physical form. The core refers to the heart of the planet, and it's not something you can see or touch. ]

Yun's brow furrowed. "Then how do I find it?"

[ You need to communicate with the planet. As a guardian, you have a special connection to the planet. It can sense your presence and know your position. Try reaching out to it. ]

Yun's eyes widened in surprise. "How do I do that?"

[ Just try. The planet will communicate with you if it chooses to. But it's up to you to convince it to reveal its heart. ]

Yun took a deep breath and focused his mind. He closed his eyes and reached out with his thoughts, trying to connect with the planet. At first, there was silence, but then, he began to sense a gentle hum, like the vibration of a harp string.

"Hello?" Yun thought, his mind tentative. "Is anyone there?"

Slowly, a response formed in his mind. "We are here, Guardian," the planet said, its voice like a gentle breeze. "We have been waiting for you."

Yun's heart raced with excitement. "Waiting for me? Why?"

"We sense your curiosity, your desire to understand us," the planet replied. "We will share our secrets with you, but first, you must prove yourself worthy."

Yun's mind raced with questions, but he knew he had to tread carefully.

The planet presented Yun with a series of tests, each one designed to challenge his wit, courage, and determination. Yun approached each test with caution and focus, using his skills and experience to overcome the obstacles.

First, the planet created a maze of illusions, where Yun had to navigate through a seemingly endless labyrinth of mirrors and hallucinations. Yun used his knowledge of psychology and perception to distinguish reality from illusion and emerged victorious.

Next, the planet summoned a storm of elemental forces, unleashing powerful gusts of wind, water, and fire upon Yun. He drew upon his training in elemental manipulation and calmly countered each assault, demonstrating his mastery over the forces of nature.

Finally, the planet presented Yun with a moral dilemma a choice between saving a group of innocent creatures or protecting a powerful artifact that could benefit humanity. Yun carefully weighed the consequences of each option and chose to save the creatures, prioritizing compassion and empathy over personal gain.

With each test, the planet nodded its approval, acknowledging Yun's growth and wisdom. When Yun had passed the final test, the planet spoke to him in a voice that resonated deep within his mind.

"Well done, Guardian," the planet said. "You have proven yourself worthy of our secrets. Listen closely, for we shall reveal to you the mysteries of the universe."

Yun leaned forward, his heart racing with anticipation. But as the planet began to share its secrets, Yun's mind was met with an unexpected obstacle a persistent beep sound that drowned out the planet's words.

The planet starts to tell him the secrets," The first *** and then ***** but ******* they ******* ".

"Wait, what's going on?" Yun asked, confusion etched on his face. "I can't hear you!"

The planet's response was patient and enigmatic. "It seems the secrets we share are not for your ears yet, Guardian."

With the planet's permission, Yun entered the sacred place where the core was hidden. As he approached the core, he was met with an breathtaking sight. The core was a glowing, crystalline structure that pulsed with an otherworldly energy.

Yun's eyes widened in shock as he gazed upon the core. "What is this?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Yun's mind raced with questions. "What's the mystery of the core?" he asked.

[ The core is the heart of the planet, Yun. It's the source of the planet's energy, consciousness and the core is a vast repository of knowledge, Yun. It contains the history and secrets of the planet and its inhabitants. ]

Yun's eyes sparkled with wonder. "A repository of knowledge?"

[ Yes, Yun. The core holds the secrets of the planet's creation, its evolution, and the secrets of its inhabitants. It's a treasure trove of information, waiting to be unlocked. ]

Yun's heart swelled with excitement. He knew that this discovery would change everything. He was no longer just a guardian of a planet; he was a keeper of its secrets and knowledge.

Yun's face fell, disappointment etched on his features. He had been so close to unlocking the secrets of the planet.

Undeterred, Yun sat near the core, determined to learn something. He focused his mind and tried to copy the abilities of the creatures of the planet. But nothing happened.

He asked System, "Why can't I copy their abilities?"

[ These creatures don't have any abilities, Yun. They're surviving on instinct alone and are very weak. ]

Yun's eyes widened in surprise. "Weak? But they're alive and thriving on this planet!"

[ Yes, but their existence is fragile. They don't possess any special abilities or powers. They're simply existing, not truly living. ]

Yun's mind raced with questions. "But how can that be? Every living being has some kind of ability or power!"

[ Not always, Yun. Sometimes, beings simply exist, relying on instinct and basic survival instincts. These creatures are an example of that. ]

Yun's eyes gazed at the creatures with newfound understanding. He realized that he had been expecting too much from them. They were simply living their lives, unaware of the complexities of the universe. He realized that the lifeforms on this planet weren't specialized in anything and were merely struggling to survive. Disappointed, Captain Yun canceled the skill and decided to explore the planet further.

Yun sat in silence for a moment, absorbing this new information. He had been so focused on finding abilities to copy that he hadn't considered the possibility that the creatures might not have any.

"What can I do, then?" Yun asked System. "How can I learn from them if they don't have any abilities?"

[ You can learn from their instincts, Yun. Their ability to survive and thrive in this environment is remarkable. You can study their behavior, their social structures, and their adaptability. ]

Yun nodded, intrigued. "That's a good point. I can learn from their instincts and behavior."

[ Exactly, Yun. And who knows? You might discover new ways of thinking and problem-solving by studying their simple, yet effective, ways of existing. ]

Yun smiled, feeling a sense of excitement and purpose. He was eager to start his new studies and see what he could learn from these fascinating creatures.

And so, Yun began his observation and study of the creatures, learning from their instincts and behavior. He spent many hours watching them, taking notes, and asking System questions. As he learned more about the creatures, he began to appreciate their unique place in the ecosystem and the importance of preserving their habitat.

As Yun continued his studies, he began to notice something peculiar. The creatures, despite their simplicity, seemed to be connected to the planet in a way that he couldn't quite understand. They appeared to be in tune with the planet's rhythms and cycles, and their behavior seemed to be influenced by the planet's energy.

[ Ah, yes. The creatures are indeed connected to the planet's energy. They are attuned to the planet's resonance frequency, which allows them to survive and thrive in this environment. ]

Yun's curiosity was piqued. "Resonance frequency? What do you mean?"

[ Every planet has a unique energy signature, a frequency that resonates through every molecule and atom. The creatures have evolved to sync with this frequency, allowing them to tap into the planet's energy and resources. ]

Yun's mind was racing with questions. "That's amazing! Can I learn to sync with the planet's frequency too?"

[ Yes, Yun. With practice and patience, you can learn to attune yourself to the planet's energy. But it will require dedication and a willingness to let go of your preconceptions. ]

Yun's determination grew. He was eager to learn this new skill and connect with the planet on a deeper level. And so, he began his training, focusing his mind and energy on syncing with the planet's resonance frequency.

[ Yun, I'm afraid you failed to resonate with the planet's core because you don't meet the requirements. ]

Yun's face fell. "What do you mean? I thought I was doing everything right!"

[ Resonating with the planet's core requires a specific set of skills and abilities. You don't possess those skills yet, Yun. ]

Yun felt a pang of disappointment. "What skills do I need? I'll work harder to develop them!"

[ It's not just about working harder, Yun. You need to have a specific connection to the planet, one that can only be developed through certain experiences and circumstances. ]

Yun's eyes widened in understanding. "I see. So it's not just about me, it's about the planet choosing me."

[ Exactly, Yun. The planet chooses its guardians, and sometimes, even with hard work and dedication, it's just not meant to be. Or you could say that the Will of the World doesn't want that.]

Yun took a deep breath, accepting the truth. "I understand. I'll continue to unveil the mysteries of the world.

[ That's the spirit, Yun. ]

As they ventured deeper, they discovered that the planet was incredibly young, with an age less than that of Earth. The lifeforms were still in their infancy, and their abilities were rudimentary. Captain Yun realized that this planet was a blank slate, full of potential but lacking in developed skills.

He decided to leave the planet, knowing that his skill wouldn't work here. But he made a mental note to return one day, hoping that the lifeforms would have evolved and developed unique abilities that he could absorb.