Secret About Nexis Civilization

Yun felt a sense of frustration and disappointment. He had been so close to unlocking the secrets of the universe, but something had held him back.

Zorvath placed a hand on his shoulder. "Do not worry, Yun. This is not a failure. It is simply a sign that you are not yet ready to handle the truth."

Yun looked at her, searching for answers. "What do you mean? I thought I was ready."

Zorvath's expression was cryptic. "The universe is full of mysteries, Yun. And some of those mysteries are not meant to be uncovered by us. At least, not yet."

Yun's mind raced with questions, but before he could ask any of them, Zorvath continued.

"Come, Yun. Let us leave this place. You have been given a glimpse of the truth, but it is not yet time for you to fully understand it."

And with that, Zorvath led Yun out of the sacred place, leaving him with more questions than answers.

As they walked, Yun couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the mysteries of the universe. He knew that he had been given a rare gift, a glimpse of the truth that few humans had ever seen.

But he also knew that he had a long way to go before he could fully understand the secrets of the universe. And he was determined to continue his journey, no matter where it might lead.

Yun thinks about what he saw but he didn't want to tell her, "He saw himself as a child, playing on the streets of his home planet. He saw his parents, smiling and proud. He saw his journey through the galaxy, the friends he had made, and the battles he had fought.

And then, he saw Zorvath, her eyes shining with a fierce determination. He saw the pain and the sorrow that had driven her to seek revenge against the humans.

But most of all, he saw the truth. The truth about himself and about the universe itself."

Yun's curiosity got the better of him as he asked the leader about the ancient humans. "What did they do in the past?" he inquired, his eyes wide with wonder. "And what kind of revenge do you want to exact on them?"

The leader's expression turned grim, its eyes clouding over like a stormy sky. "They came out of nowhere, about a million years ago," it began. "They brought destruction and chaos to our planet Nexis, and many others. They claimed that this universe belonged to them, and that we were trespassing on their property."

Yun's eyes widened as he listened to the leader's words, his mind reeling with the implications. "So, you're saying that ancient humans came to your planet, destroyed everything, and claimed that the universe belonged to them?" "That's horrible," he breathed. "But why did they do it?" he asked, his voice laced with incredulity.

The leader nodded, its expression grim. "Yes, that's right. They left us with nothing but ruins and a deep-seated hatred for humans. We've been waiting for a chance to exact our revenge, but we never had the technology to reach your home planet."

The leader's expression turned bitter. "They didn't need a reason. They just did it because they could. And when our ancestors tried to resist, they were met with brutal force. The humans told them that they were the superior beings, and that we were just inferior creatures."

Yun felt a surge of anger at the ancient humans' actions. He couldn't believe that they had been so cruel and heartless. "And what about now?" he asked the leader. "Do you want to take revenge on humans for what they did in the past?"

The leader's expression turned cold, its eyes glinting like ice. "We want to make them pay for what they did," it said. "We want to destroy everything that belongs to them, just like they destroyed our planet."

Yun sighed, his heart heavy with the weight of his ancestors' actions. "I understand why you'd want revenge, but destroying entire planets isn't the answer. We've changed since then, we're not the same humans who committed those atrocities."

The leader's expression turned skeptical. "How do we know that? How do we know you won't come back and finish what your ancestors started?"

Yun hesitated, unsure of how to convince the leader of his sincerity. "I...I don't know. But I want to learn more about what happened, about the ancient humans and their motives. Can you tell me more?"

The leader nodded, its expression softening slightly. "We've passed down the stories through generations, but we don't know much about the humans themselves. Only that they were ruthless and destructive."

Yun's mind raced with questions, but before he could ask any of them, the leader continued.

"But we do know that they weren't from this universe. Dragon King Kaelos, the being who knows everything about this universe, never mentioned humans in any of his records."

Yun's eyes widened in surprise. "Dragon King Kaelos? You know about Kaelos."

The leader nodded. "He's an ancient being. He's said to possess knowledge of the entire universe, and has visited every planet at least once. His planet was Earth where humans live today."

Yun let out a long sigh, feeling a sense of sadness wash over him. He didn't condone the ancient humans' actions, but he didn't think that revenge was the answer either. "I understand how you feel," he said. "But revenge won't bring back what was lost. It will only lead to more suffering and pain."

The leader's expression turned thoughtful, her eyes narrowing slightly as she considered Yun's words. "I see your point," she said finally. "But it's hard to just forget what they did to us. They destroyed our planet, our homes, our lives. And for what? So they could expand their own territory?"

Yun nodded understandingly. "I know it's hard to forgive, but holding onto anger and hatred won't bring back what was lost. And it won't stop the cycle of violence either."

The leader sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly. "You're right. I know you are. But it's hard to let go of the past when it still hurts so much."

Yun reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know it's hard, but I'm here to help you. We can work together to find a way to move forward, to heal and rebuild."

The leader looked up at him, her eyes searching. "Why are you doing this, Yun? Why are you helping us?"

Yun smiled. "Because I believe that we're not so different, humans and your people. We both have the capacity for good and evil. And I believe that we can learn from each other, grow together."

The leader nodded, a small smile on her face. "Thank you, Yun. Thank you for understanding."

"I'm glad we can understand each other," Yun said, smiling back at the leader. "Now, tell me more about your planet and your people. What was your planet like before the humans came?"

The leader's eyes seemed to gaze into the past, a nostalgic expression on her face. "Our planet was beautiful," she said. "It was covered in lush forests, vast oceans, and towering mountains. We lived in harmony with the land, using our advanced technology to sustain the environment and support our civilization."

Yun's eyes widened in amazement. "That sounds incredible," he said. "I can't even imagine what that would be like."

The leader nodded. "It was a wonderful life. But then the humans came, and everything changed. They saw our planet as a resource to be exploited, not a home to be cherished. They ravaged our lands, destroyed our cities, and killed many of our people."

Yun's heart went out to the leader and her people. He couldn't imagine what they had gone through. "I'm so sorry," he said. "That must have been devastating."

The leader's expression turned grim. "It was. But we survived. We adapted. And now, we're fighting back."

Yun nodded, understanding. "I see. Well, I'm here to help you in any way I can."

The leader smiled, a fierce glint in her eye. "I appreciate that, Yun. Together, we can make a difference."

"I'd like to learn more about your technology," Yun said, curiosity getting the better of him. "You mentioned advanced technology that sustained the environment and supported your civilization. Can you show me?"

The leader nodded, leading Yun to a hidden underground chamber deep within the planet's core. Inside, Yun saw incredible machines that harnessed the planet's energy, purifying the air and water, and maintaining a perfect balance of nature.

"This is amazing!" Yun exclaimed. "How does it work?"

The leader explained the intricacies of their technology, and Yun listened intently, fascinated by the advanced systems.

As they explored the chamber, Yun noticed strange symbols etched into the walls. "What are these?" he asked.

The leader's expression turned solemn. "Those are the markings of the ancient ones," she said. "They hold the secrets of our past and the key to our future."

Yun's curiosity was piqued. "What secrets?" he asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

The leader hesitated, then nodded. "Come, I will show you."

She led Yun to a hidden chamber deep within the planet's core, where ancient artifacts and mysterious devices lay waiting. Yun's eyes widened as he explored the treasures, uncovering secrets that would change his life forever.

As Yun explored the chamber, he stumbled upon a strange device that emitted a pulsating glow. "What is this?" he asked, fascinated.

The leader's eyes seemed to cloud over, as if memories were flooding back. "it's a artifact made from the part of the core of the planet and it's called Nexarion," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It is the source of our power, the key to our survival."

Yun's curiosity was piqued. "How does it work?" he asked, reaching out to touch the device.

The leader grabbed his hand, her grip firm. "Don't touch it!" she warned. "You don't understand its power."

Yun pulled back, surprised by her reaction. "What do you mean?" he asked.

The leader took a deep breath, as if collecting her thoughts. " Nexarion is a powerful artifact," she explained. "It channels the energy of the planet, sustaining our civilization. But it is also a curse, a reminder of our past mistakes."

Yun's eyes narrowed, intrigued. "What mistakes?" he pressed.

The leader's expression turned somber. "We once abused its power, using it to dominate other planets. The consequences were catastrophic. We vowed never to repeat those mistakes, but the temptation remains."

Yun's mind raced with questions, but before he could ask any of them, the leader spoke again.

"We must leave now. The chamber is not safe."

As they exited the chamber, Yun couldn't shake off the feeling that he had uncovered a dark secret, one that threatened to upend everything he thought he knew about the universe.

As they left the chamber, Yun's mind was racing with questions. "What do you mean by 'abused its power'?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

The leader hesitated, as if unsure how much to reveal. "At first our ancestors used Nexarion to fuel our wars of conquest," she said finally. "We thought we were superior to other planets and their inhabitants. We were wrong."

Yun's eyes widened in shock. "You mean you used it to destroy other planets?"

The leader nodded, her expression somber. "No. But to defend themselves in war. And the consequences were devastating. But In the end they accidentally destroyed an entire civilization."

Yun felt a chill run down his spine. He had never imagined that the leader's ancestors had such a dark history.

Yun's mind reeled as he tried to process what he was being told. He had so many questions, but before he could ask any of them, the leader spoke again.

"That is why we are here now, Yun. We are trying to make amends for our past mistakes. We are trying to find a new way, a better way."