Change of Hearts

After hearing everything from Zorvath, the leader of the planet Nexis, Yun asked for permission for his people, who are in spaceships, to come to the planet, roam around and explore it.

"I can give you permission, but what happens next is up to you," Zorvath replied.

Yun frowned, not understanding what she meant. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Zorvath explained, "I have already forgiven the humans because of you, but what about my people's generational hatred for humans, which they have learned from ancient teachings? Even if I allow humans to come to our planet, I cannot convince my people to forget their hatred. What if my people harm the humans who come to this planet from spaceships? I cannot guarantee the safety of those humans."

Yun's eyes grew thoughtful. "Your people believe in Nexarian, right? If you tell them that I have passed Nexarian's test, won't they believe me?"

Zorvath shook his head. "No, only you have passed Nexarian's test, not the other humans. My people can only accept you, but not all the other humans."

Yun's face lit up with understanding. "Hmm, you are right. What if I can convince your people and change their view of the existing humans?"

Zorvath raised an eyebrow. "How? How would you do that?"

Yun's smile widened. "You told me that the Nexarian is made from part of the core of the planet Nexis, right?"

Zorvath nodded. "Yeah. So?"

Yun's eyes lit up with excitement. "So, if your planet Nexis vouches for me and my credibility that I will never allow any human to harm the people of this planet again, would it make a difference?"

Zorvath's expression turned to confusion. "What do you mean? How? I don't quite understand."

Yun's smile turned mischievous. "I am a Guardian," he said, his voice full of confidence.

Zorvath's eyes widened in surprise. "Excuse me? What did you say?"

Yun's smile widened even wider. "You heard that right. I am the Guardian of my home planet Earth."

Zorvath's face turned pale, her voice barely above a whisper. "Are you talking about the legendary being who is allowed to control his planet and protect the planet from any harm?"

Yun nodded seriously. "Yes, you are right."

Zorvath's eyes lit up in disbelief. "But that's just a legend. There are no Guardians in this universe anymore. They were extinct long ago. Otherwise, those humans wouldn't have been able to do those terrible things to this universe. According to our ancient records, there was a time when every planet had a Guardian, but one day something happened that planets stopped choosing the next Guardian and no planet has ever found anyone worthy of becoming a Guardian again. I thought it was just a legend. Are you sure you are a Guardian?"

Yun nodded again, his expression serious. "I am a guardian, Zorvath. And I have dedicated my life to protecting my planet and its inhabitants from harm."

Zorvath's eyes widened in amazement, her voice barely above a whisper. "I...I can't believe it. The legends are true?"

Yun smiled, his face radiating a sense of calm and authority. "Yes, they are. And as a guardian, I have the power to communicate with the planet's heart and harness its energy."

Zorvath's eyes sparkled with curiosity, her voice filled with wonder. "That's incredible! Can you show me?"

Yun nodded, I can prove it to you. Just give me some time. His hands weaving intricate patterns in the air. The room began to glow with a soft, pulsing light, and the air vibrated with an otherworldly energy.

Zorvath watched in awe, her mind struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of Yun's power. She had heard stories of the guardians, but she had never thought she would meet one in person.

As the light faded, Zorvath turned to Yun with a determined look on her face. "I believe you," she said. "And I will do everything in my power to help you convince my people to change their perspective on humans."

Yun smiled, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Zorvath," he said.

After that Yun said, "You don't need to do anything. The planet itself will vouch for me and help me convince your people to change their perspective on humans," he began to focus his mind and connect with the planet's heart.

As he did so, he felt a surge of energy course through his veins, and the planet's heart began to glow with a soft, pulsing light.

Yun's eyes closed, and his breathing slowed as he reached out with his senses to touch the heart of the planet.

After a few moments of silence, he spoke in a voice that was both his own and yet, somehow, not his own.

"I have made contact with the planet's heart," he said. "And I have made a request that the inhabitants of this planet no longer bear a grudge and hatred towards humans."

Zorvath's eyes widened in shock. "What did the planet say?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yun's expression turned serious. "The heart accepted my request, but with a condition: I must pass a test of the heart."

And with that, Yun stepped forward, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead.

The test of the heart, Yun thought to himself. What could that possibly entail?

As if reading his thoughts, the planet's heart spoke up. "The test of the heart is a trial of courage, wisdom, and compassion," it said. "You must face your deepest fears and desires, and emerge victorious."

Yun steeled himself, his mind racing with anticipation. "I'm ready," he said. "Let the test begin."

The planet's heart pulsed with energy, and Yun felt himself being transported to a mystical realm. A fantastical landscape unfolded before him, with rolling hills, shimmering waterfalls, and towering trees that seemed to touch the sky.

"Welcome to the realm of the heart," a gentle voice said. "Here, you will face your greatest challenges and discover your deepest truths."

Yun took a deep breath, his heart pounding with excitement. He knew that this was a journey he had to take, no matter how daunting it seemed.

As Yun journeyed through the realm of the heart, he encountered a figure cloaked in shadows.

"Who are you?" Yun asked, his voice firm but curious.

"I am your deepest fear," the figure replied, its voice low and mysterious. "And I have been waiting for you."

Yun's heart raced, but he stood tall, his determination unwavering. "I'm not afraid of you," he said. "I'm ready to face whatever you throw my way."

The figure stepped forward, its features revealing a dark mirror image of Yun himself.

"You are your own worst enemy," the figure said. "And you must confront the darkness within."

Yun's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the challenge ahead. He knew that this was a battle he had to win, not just for himself, but for the sake of his mission.

And with that, the test of the heart began. Yun stood tall, his eyes locked on the dark mirror image of himself. He could see the fear and doubt in its eyes, but he refused to back down.

"I am not afraid of you," Yun said, his voice firm and resolute. "I am in control of my own heart and mind."

The dark mirror image sneered, its voice dripping with malice. "We'll see about that," it said, and launched a wave of dark energy at Yun.

Yun raised his hand, and a shield of light energy appeared, deflecting the attack. He counterattacked with a blast of his own energy, but the dark mirror image was relentless, striking back with wave after wave of darkness.

Yun dodged and weaved, his movements swift and precise, but the dark mirror image was a formidable foe, and Yun found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with its attacks.

Just when it seemed like the dark mirror image was about to overpower Yun, he remembered the words of the planet's heart "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to face it head-on."

With newfound determination, Yun charged forward, his energy blazing with a fierce light. The dark mirror image let out a deafening roar as Yun confronted it, their energies clashing in a spectacular display of light and sound.

In the end, Yun emerged victorious, his light energy overpowering the darkness. The dark mirror image dissipated, and Yun stood tall, his heart filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

"Well done, Yun," the planet's heart said. "You have passed the test of the heart. You have faced your fears and emerged victorious."

Yun smiled, his eyes shining with a sense of pride and wonder. "Thank you," he said. "I couldn't have done it without your guidance."

The planet's heart chuckled. "You are a true hero, Yun. Now go forth and spread your message of hope and courage to the people of this planet."

Yun's journey continues as he exits the realm of the heart and returns to the physical world. He finds himself back in the presence of Zorvath, who looks at him with a mixture of curiosity and admiration.

"Welcome back, Yun," Zorvath says. "I see that you have passed the test of the planet Nexis. You must be proud."

Yun nods, still feeling the effects of his journey. "I am," he says. "But I also know that this is just the beginning. I have a long way to go before I can fulfill my mission."

Zorvath smiles. "You are indeed a true hero, Yun. And I will be happy to help you on your journey. Together, we can achieve great things."

When Yun completed the test given by the planet, he asked the planet to convince the habitats of this planet to not have any ill feelings for humans.

"Planet Nexis, I have passed your test," Yun said. "Now, I ask that you help me change the hearts of the habitats residing on your surface. Please, help them understand that humans are not their enemies."

Planet Nexis pondered Yun's request for a moment before responding.

"Very well, Yun. I shall use my energy to influence the hearts of my habitats. But remember, this will not be an easy task. Many have been hurt and traumatized by human actions. It will take time and effort to heal these wounds."

Yun nodded understandingly. "I know, Planet Nexis. But I believe that with your help, we can make a difference. Please, begin the process."

And so, Planet Nexis began to emit a gentle, pulsing energy that enveloped the entire planet. The energy resonated with the hearts of the habitats, slowly but surely melting away their fears and mistrust.

As the energy worked its magic, the habitats began to see humans in a new light. They realized that not all humans were the same, and that many were genuinely interested in coexisting peacefully.

Over time, the habitats' hearts began to heal, and they started to reach out to humans in a spirit of friendship and cooperation. And Yun, well, he became known as the human who helped bring peace to Planet Nexis.

As the habitats' hearts continued to heal, Yun noticed a remarkable change in the planet's atmosphere. The air seemed cleaner, the water clearer, and the land more fertile. The planet's energy, once filled with anger and resentment, was now radiating love and compassion.

"Planet Nexis, what's happening?" Yun asked, amazed by the transformation.

"I am healing, Yun," the planet replied. "My habitats' hearts are healing, and so am I. I am returning to my natural state of balance and harmony."

Yun's eyes widened in wonder. "This is incredible! I had no idea that the habitats' hearts were connected to your well-being."

"Everything is connected, Yun," Planet Nexis said. "The habitats, the land, the air, the water – we are all part of a delicate web of life. And when one part of the web is healed, the entire web is strengthened."

Yun nodded, deeply moved by the planet's words. He realized that his journey had not only changed the habitats but also the planet itself.

"Thank you, Planet Nexis," Yun said, his voice filled with gratitude. "You have taught me the true meaning of connection and compassion."