
[ Ding! ]

[ New Artifact Detected. ]

[ Name: Chrono Crystal

Grade: Earth

Description: An ancient artifact that amplifies inner energy, allowing you to tap into your hidden potential. This crystal resonates at a frequency that harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit, granting the wielder increased vitality, enhanced spiritual connection, and amplified inner energy.


1. Inner Energy Amplification: +20%

2. Enhanced Spiritual Connection: +15%

3. Harmonized Frequency: +5%

Acquisition Status: Acquired

Current Location: In Yun's possession

Artifact Requirements: Xanthean's Permission Required. ]

As Yun grasped the Chrono Crystal, he felt an extraordinary surge of energy coursing through his veins. He could sense his inner energy growing. His inner energy, once a simmering flame, now roared to life like a blazing inferno.

"System, I feel... transformed," Yun exclaimed, his voice trembling with awe. "It seems my power has doubled, I'm not sure what's happening, but I can feel it coursing through every fiber of my being!"

[ Yun, your inner energy has indeed increased substantially. Your current readings indicate a +1% increase in power. ]

Yun surprisingly says to system, "Whoa, that's amazing! I can feel the energy coursing through my veins like never before."

As Yun returned to the President of Xanthean's chambers, he was greeted with a warm smile. "Ah, Yun, my friend, I see you've returned triumphant!" The President exclaimed.

Yun nodded, still feeling the excitement of his recent discoveries. "Yes, Mr. President. I've made some incredible breakthroughs. And I see you've been busy as well."

Ariana, Yun's wife, approached him, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "I took the liberty of gathering all the scientists exploring Xanthean. They're eager to share their findings with you."

Yun's eyes widened as he scanned the room, filled with familiar faces. "This is amazing! I can't believe how much progress we've made."

The President nodded, his expression serious. "We've made tremendous strides, indeed. And I'm pleased to say that Xanthean's habitats have accepted humans as friends. A remarkable achievement, Yun."

As Yun and his crew prepared to leave Xanthean after 20 incredible years, the President approached him with a small, elegantly carved box. "Yun, I know the leader of Nexis gave you a token of appreciation. I'd like to present you with my own token of gratitude."

Yun opened the box, revealing a stunning crystal pendant. "This is breathtaking, Mr. President. Thank you!"

The President smiled. "With these tokens, you'll find it easier to convince other planetary leaders of your intentions. And as a token of my esteem, I offer you anything you desire. Name it, and it shall be yours."

Yun's eyes sparkled with wonder. "Your generosity is overwhelming, Mr. President. I'm not sure what to ask for..."

"Mr. President, I'm humbled by your generosity," Yun said, his eyes shining with excitement. "I'd like to request..... and beside that I have like to request an updated map of the galaxy Z42H. With our journey taking us further into the unknown, a comprehensive map would be invaluable."

The President nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Ah, an excellent choice, Yun. I'll have our cartographers create an updated map, incorporating all the latest discoveries."

With a wave of his hand, a holographic display flickered to life, projecting a stunning 3D map of the galaxy Z42H. Yun's eyes widened as he took in the sheer scope of the galaxy, with new star systems, planets, and anomalies revealed.

"Thank you, Mr. President," Yun said, his voice filled with gratitude. "This will be an invaluable resource for our journey."

With the updated map in hand, Yun and his crew bid farewell to the President and the people of Xanthean, setting course for their next destination. As they left the planet's atmosphere, Yun gazed out at the stars, his heart filled with wonder and anticipation.

"Where will our journey take us next?" Ariana asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Yun smiled, his eyes fixed on the stars. "With this map, the possibilities are endless. We'll explore new worlds, discover hidden secrets, and forge new alliances."

After more than 800 years of exploring the galaxy Z42H, Yun and his crew finally reached the end of their journey. They had discovered countless planets, soothed the anger and grudges of various habitats towards humans, and accumulated invaluable knowledge and experiences.

Yun collected many resources from every planet they visited in the galaxy Z42H. With these resources, they could manufacture approximately 1000 Stellar Voyagers in just 10,000 years. Previously, it took them 100 years to build only one, but now, with the advanced technology they acquired from galaxy Z42H, they could construct one Stellar Voyager in just 10 years.

As they prepared to return to their home planet, Earth, Yun reflected on the incredible journey they had undertaken. It had been 1000 years since they first set out, and now, they were about to return home.

Yun had strategically placed the Stellar Voyagers, SV-1 to SV-6, throughout their journey, creating a network of teleportation points that would allow them to travel vast distances instantly. SV-1 was left outside the Earth, SV-2 in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy, SV-3 at the entrance of the second galaxy UI67S and SV-4 in the middle of the galaxy UI67S , SV-5 outside the Planet Nexis, SV-6 in the middle of the galaxy Z42H, and SV-7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 at the end of the galaxy Z42H. With these teleportation points in place, Yun and his crew could easily traverse the vast expanse of space, exploring new worlds and civilizations.

With a sense of excitement and nostalgia, Yun and his crew boarded the Stellar Voyager, ready to teleport back to Earth. Yun's primary motivation for returning home was to spend quality time with his wife, Ariana, who had a limited lifespan of less than 2000 years remaining. He also sought to spend 10,000 years on Earth to learn a new skill, one that would further enhance his abilities and contribute to the betterment of humanity.

As the Stellar Voyager activated, Yun felt a mix of emotions: excitement for the new chapter ahead, gratitude for the incredible journey they had undertaken, and a hint of sadness for leaving behind the wonders of the galaxy Z42H. The teleportation process began, and in an instant, they vanished from the galaxy, bound for Earth, their home planet.

As they teleported through space-time with the help of the Stellar Voyager's Teleportation System, Yun felt a strange sensation, as if his molecules were being rearranged. The journey was instantaneous, yet eternal. When they materialized on Earth, Yun took a deep breath, feeling the familiar gravity and atmosphere envelop him.

As they return to Earth's orbit in the SV-1, Yun collects his thoughts and reflects on the journey. He thinks about the incredible sights they've seen, the alien species they've encountered, and the advanced technologies they've discovered.

For a month, Yun remained on board the SV-1, overseeing the arrival of the remaining crew members and resources. But not everyone was eager to return to Earth. Some soldiers, enthralled by the wonders of the galaxy, opted to remain in the SV-8, choosing hibernation over the uncertainty of life back on their home planet. Only 10,0000 soldiers returned, a mere fraction of the original expedition.

Once the crew and resources were accounted for, Yun turned his attention to the next phase of their journey. He summoned Arkon, the enigmatic representative of the hidden families, to arrange for accommodations and storage for their vast array of resources.

"Arkon, we need a secure location to store our resources and a place for my crew to rest," Yun said, his voice firm but weary.

Arkon nodded, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. "I will contact my descendants, Yun. They will prepare a sanctuary for you and your crew. But first, we must ensure the resources are secured. The hidden families will not take kindly to such power falling into the wrong hands."

Yun nodded, his mind racing with the implications. He knew that their return to Earth would not go unnoticed. The hidden families, with their ancient secrets and mysterious motives, would be watching closely.

With a sense of foreboding, Yun gazed out at the blue-green planet below, wondering what lay ahead for him and his crew. Little did he know that their journey was far from over.

Arkon's words hung in the air like a challenge, leaving Yun to ponder the weight of their responsibility. The resources they had gathered were not just mere trinkets; they held the key to unlocking new technologies, new possibilities. And with that power came the burden of protection.

"Very well," Yun said finally, his voice firm. "Let us proceed with the arrangements. But I must warn you, Arkon, my crew and I will not be easily swayed. We have seen the wonders of the galaxy, and we will not be intimidated."

Arkon's smile was enigmatic. "I would expect nothing less, Yun. You and your crew have proven your worth. Now, let us ensure that your sacrifices are not in vain."

With that, Arkon vanished, leaving Yun to oversee the transfer of resources to the designated sanctuary. It was a painstaking process, but Yun knew it was crucial. The fate of humanity depended on it.

As the resources were secured, Yun's thoughts turned to his crew. They had been through so much together, and yet, their journey was far from over. He knew that some would struggle to adjust to life back on Earth, while others would thrive.

But for now, they had a new home, courtesy of the hidden families. A place to rest, to recover, and to plan their next move.

And so, Yun gazed out at the stars, his heart filled with a sense of wonder, his mind racing with the possibilities. For he knew that their journey was not just about exploration; it was about the future of humanity itself.

What will happen next? Will Yun and his crew be able to adjust to life back on Earth? Will they be able to unlock the secrets of the resources they gathered? And what role will the hidden families play in their journey? The adventure continues...