Confusing Memory

After descending to Earth and settling down, Yun instructed his crew that they all had less than 1000 years of lifespan left and that he couldn't extend it further. However, he could extend the lifespan of others except you guys at least 100,000 people to 2000 years.

"You all need to take students who are willing to spend their lives discovering the wonders of the universe," Yun said. "I will live on Earth for 10,000 years and then leave the planet. In that time, you all must build the Stellar Voyagers."

Yun's crew was stunned. They had grown accustomed to the infinite possibilities of the galaxy, and the sudden reminder of their mortality was a harsh wake-up call.

"But why can't you extend our lifespan further?" one of them asked, a hint of desperation creeping into their voice.

Yun's expression was sympathetic, but firm. "I've already pushed the boundaries of what's possible. Extending your lifespan further would compromise the fabric of space-time itself. But I can offer you a new purpose. You will be the mentors, the teachers, and the pioneers of a new generation of explorers."

As Yun spoke, a sense of determination began to stir within his crew. They knew that their time was limited, but they also knew that they had a responsibility to share their knowledge and experiences with others.

And so, they set out to find worthy successors, to pass on their wisdom and skills to those who would carry the torch of exploration forward.

After that, Yun goes to his new home with his wife Ariana, assuming a new identity to live a normal life. They settle into a cozy little house on the outskirts of a bustling city, surrounded by towering trees and a vibrant community. Yun takes up gardening as a hobby, finding solace in the simple joys of nurturing life.

Ariana, meanwhile, dives into her passion for art, her paintings and sculptures inspired by the wonders they encountered on their journey. Together, they build a life filled with love, laughter, and quiet contentment.

But as the years pass, Yun can't shake off the feeling that he's meant to do more. He begins to sense a stirring within him, a call to action that he can't ignore. And so, he starts to write, pouring his heart and soul into a book that will share their incredible story with the world.

One night, he's sitting on a couch, lost in deep thought, his eyes gazing into the abyss of his own mind. The soft hum of the TV fills the room, a gentle accompaniment to his introspection. Meanwhile, his wife Ariana is busy in the kitchen, the sizzle of vegetables and the aroma of herbs wafting through the air, a sensory serenade that wafts into his consciousness.

As he sits there, his mind begins to wander, drifting through the vast expanse of his memories, like a ship sailing through the cosmos. He thinks about the stars he's touched, the worlds he's seen, and the mysteries he's unraveled. And yet, despite all he's experienced, he can't shake the feeling that there's still so much more to explore, so much more to discover.


He blinks, "taken aback by the sudden interruption. His mind races, unsure how to respond?"

[ Yun, I am sensing that you are confused about something from the point when you touched the Cube of Truth. You can ask me, and I can solve your confusion. ]

Yun hesitates, unsure if he should share his concerns. "Even if I tell you, you won't be able to solve my problem or give me an answer," he says, his voice laced with skepticism.

[ What is it, Yun? Share your concerns, and I'll do my best to assist you. ]

Yun takes a deep breath and reveals, "Parents." He pauses, collecting his thoughts. "When I touched the Cube of Truth, I saw myself as a child, playing on the streets of my home planet. I saw my parents, smiling and proud. I saw my journey through the galaxy, the friends I made, and the battles I fought."

[ I understand. You're struggling to understand the revelation about your past and your parents. The Cube of Truth has shown you a glimpse of your childhood, which has left you with more questions than answers. ]

Yun nods, feeling a sense of relief that the system understands his confusion. "But I was raised in an orphanage and I was told that my parents died already. What does it mean?" he asks, seeking clarity."

[ I understand, Yun. It can be confusing and overwhelming to discover new information that contradicts what you have always believed. It's possible that the Cube of Truth revealed a suppressed memory or a hidden truth about your past. ]

Yun ask again, "But why would they lie to me? And who were those parents I saw? And why did I see them?"

[ Those are good questions, Yun. It's possible that the orphanage was trying to protect you from the truth about your parents. Maybe they were in danger or had enemies. Or maybe there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication. As for the parents you saw, it's possible that they were your biological parents or maybe they were just a vision of what your parents could have been like. ]

It's become so confusing to Yun, "But what about the memories I saw? They felt so real!"

[ Those are questions that only you can answer, Yun. The Cube of Truth has revealed a hidden memory or a suppressed truth about your past. You must explore your own thoughts and emotions to understand the meaning behind the vision. ]

Yun's mind raced with conflicting emotions, his thoughts tangled in a web of uncertainty. "I don't know what to believe anymore!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with desperation. The System's words had unleashed a torrent of doubt, eroding the foundations of his reality. He felt like a ship adrift in a stormy sea, lost and alone.

[ The Cube of Truth can manipulate memories and create illusions. It's possible that the memories you saw were fabricated or altered. But it's also possible that they were real and that your mind has been suppressing them. ]

The visions conjured by the Cube of Truth still lingered in his mind, taunting him with their ambiguity. Were they genuine memories or mere fabrications? His parents, whom he had always believed to be deceased, now seemed like strangers, their faces shrouded in mystery.

"I don't know what to believe anymore!" Yun repeated, his voice a mere whisper now.

[ That's understandable, Yun. Discovering new information about your past can be overwhelming. Take your time to process and reflect on what you've learned. ]

Yun's world was turned upside down, his mind reeling from the revelations. He felt like a puppet whose strings had been cut, left to navigate a maze of uncertainty. The System's words echoed in his mind, "The Cube of Truth can manipulate memories and create illusions."

Yun's thoughts were a jumble of questions and doubts. Were his memories real or fabricated? Who were the parents he saw? Why did they seem so familiar? He felt like a ship without anchor, lost in a stormy sea of confusion.

As he struggled to make sense of the visions, Yun's mind raced with conflicting emotions. He felt like a fragile leaf torn from its branch, helpless and disconnected from the universe. The System's silence was deafening, leaving Yun to confront the darkness within himself.

With each passing moment, the uncertainty grew, threatening to consume him whole. Yun's voice was barely a whisper now, "I don't know what to believe anymore!" The words hung in the air like a challenge, a plea for answers that seemed to vanish into thin air.

Yun's journey had begun with a simple quest for truth, but now he found himself lost in a labyrinth of questions and doubts. The Cube of Truth had unleashed a torrent of uncertainty, eroding the foundations of his reality. He was left to navigate the treacherous waters of his own mind, searching for a glimmer of truth in the darkness.

As Yun struggled to make sense of the visions, he began to question everything he thought he knew about himself. His identity, his past, his very existence seemed to be shrouded in mystery. He felt like a stranger in his own skin, lost and alone in a world that seemed to be full of lies.

The System's words echoed in his mind, "Take your time to process and reflect on what you've learned." But how could he process something that seemed so incomprehensible? Yun's mind raced with questions, each one leading to more confusion and doubt.

Just as he thought he couldn't take it anymore, Yun heard a faint whisper in his mind. It was a soft, gentle voice that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. "Yun, you are not alone," the voice said. "You are part of something much bigger than yourself. Trust in the truth, and it will reveal itself to you."