Chapter Seventeen | Frostbitten Find


Chapter Seventeen | Frostbitten Find


Dorian and Rey crouched in the snow by the banks of the stream, admiring the way the water bounced and glistened over the rocks under the surface. Everything was starting to melt. The piles of ash gray snow scraped off of the roads. The ice coated limbs and branches from nearby trees. The sheets of ice on the roof.

It was still cold, but it was nothing like that Christmas night three months ago. It was still terrifying to remember. Rey and Dorian both still were having nightmares about it. A dark, shadowy figure towering above them. The two of them being no bigger than their little friend, Ashlynn, as they tried running from the man. The sound of Soren's scream of pain reverberating all around them.

It had been better and, reluctantly, the boys had returned to sleeping in their own beds a while ago. It was still a comfort when Soren allowed them to spend the night with him. Nothing felt scary when he was around, even the dangerous stuff.

Now, however, wasn't one of those times. There was a little metal pipe that led to a makeshift creek in their neighborhood. It wasn't very deep, unless it was storming heavily. Maybe a foot or so deep by two feet wide. It had obviously been carved by the storm drains that weaved in and around the neighborhood when it was first put in, and it was the local HOA that had decided to make it more aesthetic within the past year.

On occasion, Soren would let them go out there on their own and play. It was one of those things that he hoped they could bond over, their love of water and nature. It also was a good exercise for both Soren and the boys to not be together constantly. The two younger siblings needed to experience limited independence, and time by the creek let them do just that.

So, that's where they were. Playing in the stream was fun, especially in the fall when they made sure the creek could flow smoothly from one end to the next. During the winter, however, they needed games to occupy themselves by the water's edge, and they had just the thing.

They'd collected little bits of sticks, twigs, and leaves and were racing them down the stream. So far, Rey was winning.

"How do you keep doing that?" huffed Dorian. "My leaves look exactly like yours."

"I'm just lucky," grinned Rey. "Do you want to trade?"

"Maybe," Dorian grumbled. "If I don't win the next one, I want to pick one from your pile."

"Okay, but if I win then that gives me a whole ten and I should get a prize." The youngest had a confident gleam in his eyes, almost teasing his own downfall. Dorian sighed. He knew what his younger brother wanted.

"No! I don't want to give it to you," he puffed.

"Hey, you wanted to do prizes if we reached double digits. If you win next time we play, you can get it back," pointed out Rey. Dorian sighed and, reluctantly, the two boys shook on the terms. "Okay? Three. Two. One. Go!" They dropped their decaying, frayed leaves into the creek and ran alongside them as they bumped and spun around the water. Down one waterfall. Across the bumpy stones. The two boys cheered wildly, unable to alter their makeshift vessels' fate, as Rey's leaf crossed the finish line first.



"Can we make it the next one?"

"No, now hand it over. You shook on it." Rey held out his hand expectantly and, with a sour face, Dorian shoved his hand into his pocket and slapped a game cartridge into Rey's awaiting palm. The cartridge was a video game set they both enjoyed, and it was one that Soren said he played when he was a kid. Sometimes, when they were allowed to play games, Soren would let them play on his old Nintendo Gameboy. Now that Rey had the cartridge, he would get dibs to play first when they went back inside for lunch.

"Thank you," Rey grinned.

"You're welcome." Dorian didn't want to, but he did shake on it. A deal was a deal, even if he didn't like it.

"Want to play again? We can bet something else and start from scratch," suggested Rey. Dorian, feeling disheartened, sighed heavily and kicked a nearby rock into the water.

"Fine, but only if I get to use one of your leaves!"

"Deal, not that it'll help you," teased Rey as both boys bounded back up the slope. Chests heaving, they continued their climb and were almost to the top when Rey noticed something drop out of the storm drain. He wouldn't have paid it any mind, but watching it pass as it began drifting down the creek made him stop dead in his tracks.

"What? It's just leaves," Dorian muttered between puffs of air.

Rey looked between Dorian and the dark lump as he said, "Leaves don't have hands." With that, Rey darted back down the stream before the bumpy rocks and tugged his glove off of his hand. He dipped it into the frigid water just as the lump started to drift by and snagged it with his fingers.

The moment he lifted the mass out of the water, Rey felt a chill surge through his body. It wasn't because of the cold water on his fingertips. It wasn't the sound of Soren calling them from their garage telling them to come back because it was getting late.

It was because he could make out the distinct wound on the small figures head.

His eyes were wide. The child's heart was skipping every few beats as he examined the miniscule person. She had different features than Ashlynn, but it was still obvious that they were the same kind of person. If Rey was right, this one was a girl too.

Her arms were laying limp, along with the rest of her body, and it was obvious she was unconscious. She was wearing furs and other heavy pieces of clothing. There were tears in her boots and parts of her looked stiff, almost like they were frozen. There was something that looked like a bow and arrow on her back and, with her cloak off to the side, Rey noticed what looked like a rusty nail at her side.

"What on earth are you – oh…." Dorian's voice trailed off when he made it back to where Rey was standing by the creek. His eyes widened as he noticed the things Rey did. "There's another one? Do you think Ashlynn knows her?"

"I don't know, but I think we need to get her back to Soren. She looks frozen," muttered Rey, lowering his voice like how he would talk to Ashlynn. "You don't think she's… you know… dead… do you?" Dorian shook his head and carefully pointed to the wound on her head.

"That looks fresh, so no I don't think so. And I think you're right. Let's get back asap!"


"So, that's what makes a fajita?" asked Ashlynn. She continued to slice up the part of pepper Soren had given her so she could have a few things her size to eat. Soren struggled cutting things small and fine enough for Ashlynn to eat, so instead he'd been giving cooking lessons to her for the past three months. Between Rey and Soren's inventions and Dorian's suggestions for dinner and snacks, they had a plethora of things to learn and discuss.

The boys had, together, made a miniature kitchen on one of the counter spaces for Ashlynn. It had a proper counter, a makeshift candle stove and oven, and even a washing station. It had taken nearly a month to convince Ashlynn that having a space of her own down in the boys' home would be beneficial. It took even longer for Ashlynn to admit that she liked staying down with the boys doing anything and everything. She wasn't sure if it was her loneliness that drove her down into the human world more and more often, but Ashlynn had stopped fighting those urges that told her to retreat back into the walls every time one of the boys approached her.

She'd even moved her campsite to beneath the floorboards of Soren's room because their late night conversations left her going home exhausted, and that climb was tedious when she was tired and planned to be back down the very next morning.

During those conversations, Ashlynn learned a lot about Soren, and he learned a lot about her. Things she wouldn't usually tell someone were things he was able to tease out of her. Things about her parents and everything that happened between them to lead to her father leaving. She talked about her brother and how he hated her because she'd lied about what happened to their dad.

She talked about how she thought she'd been seen in the place she was living before and with everything going on she decided to leave. The rules. Things she wanted out of life. What she would do if she were human for a day. Dreams.

Soren returned the information in kind. He talked about his own dad and how he'd gotten sick. He talked about how Brady came into his life and how, in the beginning, things seemed alright; at least, until the accident. One night after drinking too much, Brady had crashed the car. Soren's mom was in the front seat, and they were having a fight before the crash. Soren only remembered because his mom had told him crying from the bathroom saying that it was over between her and Brady and to protect the boys no matter what.

Soren talked about his dream of wanting to be a doctor to help cure people of the thing that took his dad from him, but how all of that came to a screeching halt when he assumed custody of his brothers. He joined the firefighters and never looked back. It was a good gig. He was able to spend time with his brothers and even bring them into the station on occasion.

Real conversation. Raw. Meaningful. It was a connection that Ashlynn had been craving since the day she left, and now she'd found it again with the boys in her life.

And she wouldn't change it for the world.

"Yep, that's all it is. Of course, you need the seasonings and everything, but peppers, onions, and usually some kind of meat mixed together," replied Soren. He glanced to the front door and then at the kitchen door that led to the garage. "And then you add all of the other fixings like sour cream, guacamole, lettuce, tomato, and anything else that might suit your fancy on tortillas or chips." He sighed and wiped his hands on a crumpled dishcloth on the counter. "Where are those two?"

"They were by the creek, right?" asked Ashlynn. "Do you need to go look for them?"

"No, but if they're not back in a few minutes, I'm g-"

"Soren!" Dorian's voice, muffled from the walls in the garage, instantly sent a chill down his brother's spine. Something's wrong. Soren was at the door in the blink of an eye, throwing the door open and scanning the space for his brother. The eldest brother noticed Dorian running ahead while Rey, who was way behind him, was walking calmly, one step in front of the other, with his hands cupped in front of him.

"Dorian? What is it? What's wrong?" asked Soren as he knelt and grasped Dorian's shoulders, seeking any clue in his brother's face as to what was going on.

"We… found…" Dorian puffed. "Another… one."

The statement was stunning. "Another one? Another wh…" Soren's voice trailed off. "You mean…"

"Yeah! By the creek… Rey saw… something floating in… the water and… snagged… her. She's… not awake… and I think… she has a… cut… on her head," stated Dorian between breaths. Soren glanced from one brother to the next. Rey was just barely on the other side of the road, walking carefully and focused on something cradled in his hands.

"Um… alright. You said she's hurt? Then get the first aid kit from under the sink, tell Ashlynn, and get some towels and put them on the table," instructed Soren. "And let Ashlynn know. She'll be able to help us." He left Dorian to scurry into the house.

Ashlynn, who only picked up on the worried tones as her focus was elsewhere, glanced toward the slightly cracked door that Soren had left open as he stepped outside. She was drying her hands on a snippet of dish cloth when Dorian burst through the door, making her instinctually reach for the pin she no longer carried at her side, and looked into the child's discombobulated features.

"Dorian? What's wrong?" she asked. There were dozens of emotions in the boy's face, but it didn't matter. His words were what truly seized her attention.

"Ashlynn, we need your help. Rey and I… we were playing by the creek and…" He paused for a breath, obviously trying to calm down his excitement, before continuing. "We found someone, another – like you. We think she's hurt, so we need to get the table ready and th-"

Ashlynn felt completely frozen in place. The words continued, but she didn't register them. He stopped speaking. Paused. Then carried on. As Dorian bounded past and asked if she wanted some help getting onto the table, all she could think was the same word over and over.


There was someone else. There was another Borrower, and they were hurt.

What had happened? Why were they here? Did Ashlynn know them? How badly were they hurt? More concerning… what would they think if they saw Ashlynn? What would they say once they saw her out in the open?

The questions felt like rocks weighing down her stomach, but the sudden eclipsing face of Dorian standing in front of her took priority to her scattered thoughts.

"Ashlynn? You okay?" asked Dorian.

The Borrower nodded vaguely, the need to clear her throat apparent as she finally was able to respond with a weak, "Yeah. I mean, yes, please." She stepped onto the child's waiting hand, clutching on for dear life as he spun around and walked at a pace that he obviously thought was slow and steady. He set Ashlynn down and began unfolding the different kits, but didn't get far as her eyes picked up movement from the kitchen door.

Soren walked alongside Rey, who was stepping heel to toe slowly, and stepped around his youngest brother to check that the supplies Dorian was in charge of were laid out. A cup of water would've gone unspilled if it were placed on Rey's head, each step placed carefully. It reminded Ashlynn of how she walked on squeaky floorboards.

Have they been picking that up from me? Or has he always been this careful?

"Here. Put her here," said Dorian as he pet the towel he'd snagged from the bathroom.

"I'm gonna," Rey breathed. He stepped up to the table, eyes flicking momentarily to Ashlynn, before setting down the unconscious figure onto the comfortable surface. Ashlynn picked up on the way the Borrower was dressed. Heavy. Thick. Meant to keep in the warm. Not meant for a quick trip.

It was everything she had when she was running from her own home. So, this Borrower was either seen and running or she's an Outie. Ashlynn nearly tripped on the edge of the blanket, taking an involuntary step forward that she didn't realize she'd taken. Thankfully, she recovered from her stumble by covering it up as her crouching beside the newcomer.

Already, she could see a few obvious injuries. There was a clear gash on her temple that started above her left eyebrow and ended almost at her ear. There were a few smaller scratches next to the larger laceration, as if she'd ducked something clawing at her face that had barely missed her eye, but it wasn't deep. There was also part of a splint on her ankle, but it was loose and in bad shape.

There was also some dark staining by the top of her right shoulder, but Ashlynn couldn't tell anything without removing the Borrower's clothing.

"Ashlynn?" Soren's voice made her startle. She looked back at him, soothed by those golden hazel orbs, and let herself relax.

"Yes? Sorry. Did you say something?" she asked.

"No, I didn't. Sorry. I just…. Do you know her?" Ashlynn searched the woman's features and shook her head. "Well, regardless we need to help her." Despite Soren's words, he didn't move. Neither boy did either. It was a solid minute before Ashlynn directed her attention to the boys, who were looking at her hesitantly.


"Well… um… you're kind of… the same," pointed out Rey.

"And? It's not like you haven't seen someone small like me."

She wasn't sure what the child was trying to imply until Soren added, "And we remember what you said about the rules and the whole touching thing. Just trying to be respectful is all. We don't want to start moving her around while you're standing here if it'll make you uncomfortable."

That's right… the rules… No touching. How… how did I forget?

"I… er… right." Ashlynn's cheeks burned with embarrassment. She hoped her size played to her advantage and that the boys couldn't see the pink in her cheeks. To distract, she knelt and began methodically pulling off different pieces of equipment. The knots were simple and easy to remove, as were the weapons. Ashlynn counted nearly a dozen different implements in total that could be used to stab and slice attached to different hiding spots on the stranger's body.

It was awkward having three humans watching her. She wasn't sure if she could feel their breath on her neck or if it was just her imagination. There were other things to focus on, but the thought lingered in the back of her mind. It actually wasn't until she began removing some of the heavier pieces of clothing that she began feeling uneasy.

I need them to back off a bit.

"Um… guys? Could…" Ashlynn thought quickly of something – anything – she could request to get the boys out of her hair for just a minute. "Um… could you… get some warm water? And some towels? She'll probably need to be cleaned up. Small and big pieces if that's okay."

"Yeah! Absolutely," Rey said eagerly as he tugged Dorian's shoulder and the two hurried around the corner to the bathroom. Once out of earshot, Soren knelt and looked at Ashlynn. It was that golden hazel stare Ashlynn feared would happen. She only glimpsed his eyes, but she knew what was coming. Every time he looked at her like that, one of two things happened. One, she felt self-conscious as her skin burned and her heart fluttered like a butterfly in spring. Two, he was reading her mind.

She guessed it was the later.

"Ashlynn." There it was. That tone he took. It was the second. "What's wrong?" Was it even worth trying to deceive him? He was able to discern so much at a glance. Could she keep her mind and body steady as she attempted to throw him off?

No. He… Soren's earned the truth. He'll guess it anyway.

"It's… I've just forgotten a few things. And it's weird, being on the other side of it all," Ashlynn muttered. She heard the human beside her sigh, obviously in understanding, before pushing himself off of the ground and heading to the kitchen to warm some water.

A minute of silence passed, the only sound being the youngest two's muffled voices as they excitedly cut pieces of washcloth into different sizes, before Soren asked, "Do you want us to leave you two alone? So you can work on her and be undisturbed?"

Ashlynn shook her head as she stood and walked to the edge of the table so Soren could hear her, quickly responding, "No. I… I don't want to be alone right now with her. I know I should want to be alone, for her sake, but not yet. If we can get her patched up quickly and then close to the walls, I can take her back to my camp before she knows she was s…"


The sharp inhalation just behind Ashlynn sent chills up her spine. She whipped around to see the Borrower woman, eyes blown wide open, attempting to scurry away while prone. Each movement made her wince, but it was obvious fear was driving her adrenaline to do her bidding. It was obvious that she saw where she was and who was in the room, which was Ashlynn's worst nightmare.

The Borrower's eyes quickly flicked down at her sides as she searched for the weapons that were obviously too far away for her to grab before shifting from Ashlynn and then back to Soren. There was only wilderness in the Borrower's eyes. Primal fear. Terror. Concern. The Borrower rules playing over and over in her mind. Ashlynn immediately knew the feeling, but something else stung more than the fear in the Borrower's eyes.



Ashlynn could see the word in her face as if it were written there in ink.

I need to fix this. Before things happen and she gets hurt.

"Hey, it's okay," Ashlynn said as she crouched to be at eye-level with her fellow Borrower. "I get it. There's a lot going on in your head right now, but you're hurt. W-…er… I… can help."

The Borrower's face twisted in disbelief as she clenched and unclenched her jaw. Her eyes darted in between Ashlynn, Soren, and the removed weapons. The feeling of vulnerability – being small – radiated off of her like the smell of mildew on her clothes. Ashlynn knew what she had to do, and it would take nothing short of a miracle for her to be able to pull it off.

Ashlynn continued to crouch as she shifted her weight and inched her way to the weapons. She snagged one of them, a rusty thumb tack dulled from overuse, and held it up. The Borrower's eyes gleamed venomously, but surprise overtook her features as Ashlynn tossed it over to her.

"I get it," Ashlynn said quietly, like coaxing a mouse to her side. "You're hurt. Your supplies are probably low. This is all probably a lot right now. Your mind's racing. You're having thoughts, doubts, about me, but I swear it's not what you think. So, please, let me help you and I'll explain everything."

With little hesitation, the Borrower leaned forward and snatched the rusted tack. She didn't back up, but she didn't lower her guard either. She kept the tack by her side and continued to eye Ashlynn suspiciously. The tension was thick in the air, like snow in a blizzard. Nothing could be predicted more than a few inches in front of their faces. It was instinct alone that guided the next steps.

Ashlynn continued to crouch as she approached, snagging a bandage fragment from the nearby kit as she did. Each movement was slow and methodical. Each movement met scrutiny and a hostile glare. She was only an inch away when, to her dismay, Ashlynn heard more pounding footsteps.

No. Dorian and Rey!

"Soren! Ashlynn! We've got the towel for y-" Dorian said, stopping in his tracks as he noticed the scene on the table.

"Oh good! You're awake. We were r-" Rey began to say before everything else happened.

Ashlynn had turned her head just a fraction to the side to glimpse Dorian and Rey, but evidently that was what the new Borrower was waiting for.

In an instant, she slashed her tack at Ashlynn's face, bitterness seething in her features as Ashlynn pulled away in the nick of time. Ashlynn had only a moment as the newcomer swung wildly again, slicing at the air in an attempt to cut the Borrower before her.


All three boys said her name at the same time and took a bold step forward, but Ashlynn threw up her hands and shouted, "Stay back!" The Borrower stood shakily, confusion only a glint in her wild eyes as she noticed all three of the humans stop dead in their tracks. It didn't stop her though.

The new Borrower, obviously determined, began slicing and cutting at the air, missing Ashlynn by millimeters. Weeks of good eating and practice being nimble while the two young boys carried her was obviously doing her some good. She blocked over a dozen blows, whacking the inside of her attacker's wrists to deflect the oncoming attack. Frustration drove the Borrower as she stabbed forward, aiming for Ashlynn's chest.

But she was ready.

As the Borrower lunged, Ashlynn dodged across the body and wrapped her arm around her attacker's arm, keeping the makeshift blade far away from her. With a quick hit to her hand, the new Borrower was once again defenseless as the thumb tack clattered to the table. Ashlynn, barely a breath away from the Borrower, could see every detail of her emotions as they changed in rapid succession.



Betrayal again.


Ashlynn forced herself to look past all of that to see the true fear, remembering everything she felt when she was trapped in the drawer, hurt and alone. The scene was undoubtedly an alarming one, and not knowing who to trust didn't make things any easier.

So, as she stared her in the eyes, Ashlynn breathed calmly and spoke as reassuringly as she could. "I know what this must look like." Each word was slow and deliberate, barely above a whisper so only the two of them could hear. "But you're hurt. You're weakened. Let me help you. I swear, they – the humans – won't bother us if I ask them to."

Ashlynn kept a firm grip on the Borrower's arm, forcing the stranger's gaze, and watched the realization of being beaten sink in. There were hints of doubt in her features as well. To prove it, Ashlynn would have to send the boys away. It was unideal. It was dangerous.

Ashlynn had no other choice if she wanted to earn some modicum of trust.

"Guys, could you leave us?" called Ashlynn, the volume of her voice making the new Borrower wince. The boys were obviously uneasy, but a quick nod from Soren made the two brothers begin to back away. Soren, however, remained stationary. His eyes were fixed on the two of them. She didn't have to look over her shoulder to feel the human's eyes on them.

"Soren, go." Ashlynn directed again.

Soren, clenching his jaw and his fists just for a moment, grabbed a bowl, filled it with warm water, and carefully set it on the table as he passed. He also snagged the cloth fragments from Dorian's cupped hands and set them down on the opposite end of the table. For just a moment, he shot a warning glance at the stranger, making her shiver visibly, before turning his back on the two Borrowers and ushering his brothers into his room.

"If you need anything, shout," instructed Soren as he vanished around the corner with his brothers. And if you get hurt, I swear she'll regret it, Soren thought silently.

Nearly five minutes passed before Ashlynn felt the stranger's body relax in her grip, which was still firm around her arm. The thought of letting go was daunting, but Ashlynn knew she couldn't earn trust by restraining the new Borrower. Ensuring she had her attention, Ashlynn gave a little tug and squared her shoulders.

"When I let go, you're going to stay calm. Got it? Don't reach for your weapons. Don't charge off of the table. You play nice and I'll play nice." Ashlynn made sure understanding was in her eyes before slowly releasing her arm. Immediately, Ashlynn took a few large steps backward and snagged the thumb tack off of the ground. The stranger's chest heaved, but she didn't move. Instead, her eyes flicked to the corner where the brothers had disappeared.

"Don't worry. They'll stay away unless I call them back," reassured Ashlynn. She dared to turn her back to the stranger as she collected the other weapons and pushed them as far away as possible. Turning back, she asked, "Now, do you want help? Or do you think you can help yourself?"

The stranger glared at Ashlynn as her eyes flicked from the bowl of still steaming water to the bandages Ashlynn stood beside. She winced as she forced herself to her feet and staggered over to the bowl of water, eyes wide at the vastness of the bowl. Slowly, the Borrower pulled off a few more layers and examined her blood stained shirt. She pealed it back, obviously evaluating whatever wound was underneath, before dipping her hands into the water to wash them.

Now scrubbed, she began washing the drying blood from her forehead, getting nowhere fast. Ashlynn took the moment to grab the towel fragments from the edge of the table and, cautiously, brought them closer and closer. Like a frightened animal, every little motion made the newcomer twitch. The offering of perfectly sized towel fragments did nothing to ease the stranger's apprehension. All while she scrubbed, she shot warning glances at Ashlynn to stay away.

Hurt lingered in her eyes.

Minutes passed.

Finally, after half an hour of silence and Ashlynn quietly bringing supply after supply within reaching distance, the stranger spoke.

"Why are you here?" Her voice was gruff and low. She was trying to keep her voice from being heard by Soren and his brothers. Ashlynn had to think about the question for a moment. Here could mean a lot of things. Here as in helping her? Or here as in here in the human world?

"I'm not sure what you m-"

"How long have you been their pet?" asked the Borrower. Ashlynn bristled at the question. Her blood boiled. She gritted her teeth and glared at the stranger. It took everything she had to not storm off right then and there.

"I am no pet. Get that through your head right now." The words came out more threatening than Ashlynn wanted, but just the word made her stomach churn.

I'm not a pet. I'm not a pet. I'm their friend. I'm not a pet.

"Then what are you? How do you get them to listen to you?" spat the Borrower. "And what kind of deal do you have with them?"

"I'm their friend, and they're mine. Friends listen to one another, so there's no deal going on," Ashlynn responded in kind. "I can come and go as I please."

"Then I ask again – why are you here?" There was desperation in the other's voice. It was a legitimate question, and one that deserved an answer.

"I guess… I choose to be here," replied Ashlynn. "I was like you. Alone. Afraid. Hurt. Sick. I was found and thought it was going to be the end of me, but they patched me up and let me go."

"Were they the ones who hurt you? Poisoned you? Made you sick?" scoffed the Borrower as she shook her head in disbelief. "Do you even know how you sound? Friends? With a human?"

Ashlynn's heart began racing. She felt herself trembling, each statement feeling like a punch to the gut. Each question was valid, and she had to admit that some of those answers did involve the boys. Poisoned? No, but she'd eaten after them when they were sick. So, technically, they did make her sick. Her arm had been dislocated because of Dorian, so the answer was yes to that question as well.

She balled her fists and kept her chin up while suppressing these thoughts, not having a good answer to give the stranger.

"Just like I thought," muttered the stranger. "You're no Borrower. You're nothing but a pet."

"Enough!" growled Ashlynn as she met the Borrower's gaze and glared. Her heart was pounding, and it was obvious the stranger's words were getting to her. She didn't care. She was going to speak her mind, regardless of the consequences. "Those boys – my friends – were the ones who found you and brought you here. You're getting patched up by their things that they gave willingly."

"I didn't ask to be saved, and if you were a real Borrower then you would've rejected their so-called help too," the stranger growled back. "Humans and Borrowers can't be friends. You're being tricked by them, but none of you are going to trick me."

Ashlynn stared down this new Borrower, loathing every moment subjected to her presence, and simply replied, "It's no trick, and I don't care if you don't believe me. When you're patched up and resupply, you can be on your way."

She turned away and stormed off to the supply box where she knew Soren kept crackers and tugged a few free from the package and practically threw them at the stranger's pack. All the while, the stranger didn't let Ashlynn out of her sight. Only once was there a flicker of surprise as she saw Ashlynn beginning to resupply her pack, but no gratitude was uttered and only skeptic distrust filled her eyes.

She'd had enough.

She marched to the edge of the table and, with all the breath in her body, called, "Soren!"

The Borrower jumped, eyeing her weapons once again, but instead crouching behind the immense bowl of water now stained brown and red from her blood and dirt. Ashlynn heard the quick thumps of Soren's approaching feet and turned toward the Borrower.

"Remember this kindness, from one Borrower to another, and remember you can be safe here. They didn't have to save you, and they don't have to let you go – but they're going to. Remember that," Ashlynn said quietly. In an instant, Soren had whipped around the corner, a hint of fear in his eyes as he assessed the scene. Seeing Ashlynn standing there, perfectly safe, his body visibly relaxed as he turned to Ashlynn for direction.

"Everything okay?" he breathed. Ashlynn wasn't sure how to answer that question. In a word, she felt raw. Emotions swirled like a whirlpool in her heart and mind. She didn't think the stranger's words would hurt her so much, but the constriction in her throat that strangled her voice told her otherwise.

Ashlynn nodded instead and stepped up to the edge of the table, gesturing for Soren to approach. She hoped his mind reading would pick up on everything she was feeling and keep her from breaking in front of the one who had hurt her. As reliable as the sun's rising and falling, Soren did just that. He stepped up and rested his hand on the table, letting her step on wordlessly, and steadied her as he carried her out of the room.

He walked past his bedroom where Ashlynn glimpsed the eager faces of the two young boys she'd come to care for like her own brother and into the bathroom where he quickly flicked on the light, shut the door, and set her down onto the bathroom sink, though she didn't move a muscle. She stayed crouched there in Soren's hand as the stranger's words repeated over and over in her head, head dipped as she closed her eyes.

Humans and Borrowers can't be friends. You're being tricked by them, but none of you are going to trick me.

Do you even know how you sound? Friends? With a human?

You're no Borrower. You're nothing but a pet.




You're no Borrower.

She felt Soren's fingertips press against her back, and she couldn't bring herself to pull away from such a tender touch. It didn't quiet the echoing words, but it pulled her other senses to the present. At least, enough to hear Soren.

"Ashlynn, you're shaking all over. Please, what happened?" The gentle urge in Soren's voice was saturated with concern. It was heart crushing. There was so much care in his voice. Such tenderness.

Ashlynn dared to open her eyes only to be met with blurred vision. Her eyes continued to sting as she tried blinking, realizing only when reaching up that tears were the reason she couldn't focus her gaze. She tried wiping them away, but it was no use. Suddenly, with no say or control, a sob erupted out of her. The Borrower's heart hammered relentlessly. Everything felt warm, making her want to crawl away into the shadows.

But she didn't.

Instead, some impulse overtook her as she laid down in Soren's hand and curled into a ball. Eyes averted, Ashlynn dared not look at him now. It was too embarrassing. It was too personal. How could she even begin to describe what she was going through?

To be accused of not being what she was, and the sense that the accusation was right, was crushing. It called everything good that had been going on for the past few months into question.

Is she right? Am I really not a Borrower anymore? I'm not a human, and I don't remember the last time I really had to "borrow" anything. I… have I really changed so much? Am I really so different now? What's… next? What do I do?



Someone… help me.

I don't know anymore!

"Ashlynn, please." Soren's touch suddenly ceased, the pressure against her back easing until it was gone. "Is… it me? Is it that stranger out there? If she did something to you, I c-." Ashlynn shook her head, which silenced her human counterpart. The two of them stayed in silence for a minute more as Ashlynn's breathing began to calm.

I need to calm down. I can't think clearly if I have a headache from crying like a weakling. Ashlynn pushed herself upright and wiped her eyes on the inside of her shirt. As if on cue, Soren offered just a fragment of tissue he'd pinched, which Ashlynn took gratefully. She stayed curled up, knees to her chest, but at least now she was upright.

Words were never Ashlynn's strong suit, but something about talking to Soren always felt natural. She relied on that as she wiped her eyes once more.

"She didn't really… do… anything. It's not her fault. I… I heard some things from her that are messing with me. That's all," stated Ashlynn quietly. She glanced up into Soren's golden hazel eyes, warmth spreading back through her shivering limbs.

"What kind of things? Is she in danger? Are you?"

"No… no. Nothing like that." Ashlynn felt her chest clench as she summoned the words. "She… basically said that I've gone soft. That I'm not a… well… what I am." The tension, like tendrils fastening themselves to her and consuming bits and pieces of her insides, now crawled up her throat and ensnared her vocal cords. More tears slid down Ashlynn's cheeks. "S-she…"

Curses! Get it out!

"Sh-sh-she c-called me a p-pet."

Ashlynn couldn't stop the second round of sobs racking her body. She buried her face into her folded arms which rested on top of her knees and let herself shake. The reassuring pressure of Soren's fingertips returned, spreading warmth as they did. He didn't need to think hard about it to know this was an extreme insult and a very hurtful statement, like a derogatory word meant to wound.

"Ashlynn, you know that's not true, right? None of us – Dorian, Rey, me – would ever see you like that."

"I know! I know, and I believe you, but it still hurts. And it calls everything into question." Ashlynn's frustration strangled her tone, making her words harsh and bitter.

"What do you mean?" asked Soren. Ashlynn frustratingly threw her arms in the air and let the words explode out of her.

"I mean everything, Soren! What am I doing out here? Do I plan on living like this for the rest of my life? What I am! There are rules and things you're supposed to do. Don't talk to humans. Don't be seen. Immigrate if you think you've been noticed. Dozens of rules preventing exactly what is going on right now! I've basically been living with you guys, not around you guys. That's not what a Borrower is supposed to do! It's in the name! Borrow! If I'm not living in the walls and keeping to the shadows, then I'm not a real Borrower! It's a fact!"

The flicker in Soren's eyes matched perfectly with Ashlynn's realization of what she just said. During her evacuation of emotion and swirling thoughts, she'd let it slip.

She told Soren what she was – a Borrower.

Her stunned silence followed by Soren obviously processing everything Ashlynn just said led to an awkward pause between them. It was the first one that had happened in a while, making Ashlynn feel like her skin was crawling. Something – anything – would be better than this.

"Has it really been so terrible? Staying with us?" asked Soren.

Well… anything except for that question. She detected his attempt at changing the subject, but the question was barely better than the rant or the silence that followed it.

"I… no… that's not what I meant. It's just… my life has meaning for me when I'm doing what I do best. I'm good at what I do. Being stealthy. Snagging things that won't be missed. Surviving. I just… haven't been doing that… for a while now," said Ashlynn, once again drawing her legs and arms to her chest.

Soren watched Ashlynn's crestfallen posture for a minute longer before reaching over and gently stroking her arm with his index finger. "I can't imagine what that's like," he muttered. "But I do know that no one can tell you what or who you are except for you. What some stranger says doesn't matter, Ashlynn. You know who you are."

Soren heard a muffled, "Do I?" from Ashlynn as she buried her face in her folded arms once more. She sounded so sad. So broken. Soren wasn't sure what he could say or do to make her feel better, but he could see that her mind was reeling with everything occurring through recent events.

Feeling absolutely sick to her stomach, Ashlynn knew nothing would come of her thoughts now. She needed to think.

She needed time.

It felt like it was taking every ounce of strength in her body to stand. Her knees felt like jelly. Those terrible tendrils of tension still had a death grip around her chest and her throat. Every breath was a struggle, especially an even one.

Soren watched Ashlynn stand and shakily step off of his hand and onto the bathroom counter. She looked exhausted, completely emotionally drained. It was a gut wrenching sight. She had been so excited for dinner earlier, and everything was going so smoothly until the stranger was brought into their home.

I guess cruelty through words exists no matter what size you are. Human or… Borrower. Soren thought about the word for a moment, barely suppressing a smile as he thought about how well that word fit Ashlynn. He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Ashlynn look up at him, tear streaks still slightly visible on her cheeks.

"I… I think I need a little time on my own… if that's okay," she said.

He wanted to say no. He wanted to insist that she stay. The last thing Soren thought Ashlynn needed was to be on her own. Soren also knew Ashlynn understood her own mind and what she needed. Making decisions for her wasn't going to solve the issue or calm down whatever thoughts were going on in her head.

With a reluctant heart, Soren nodded slowly. "Okay, but… Ashlynn… don't do anything rash or make any decisions right now. Let yourself take some time and think about everything. And… maybe this is selfish, but I'm going to ask it anyway. If you could, run whatever you're thinking by me? At the very least, I need to make sure I have something to tell the boys."

Ashlynn could hear the hurt in Soren's voice, but once again his character shone through. Even though it was obvious he didn't want her to go, he was letting her.

Would you let a pet do that? Or is that something you do for a person? I'm not a pet. They've never treated me like one. It's not a trick. It's not a trap. I'm a person. I'm a Borrower… and… if that's what I am… maybe I should be acting like one.

Ashlynn nodded without voicing her thoughts and headed for the electrical socket on the edge of the sink. The darkness, more daunting than before, swallowed her form as she vanished into the walls.