Divine Council

The Throne Room of the Gods hung suspended in the infinite cosmos, a marvel of celestial architecture that defied mortal comprehension. Its crystalline walls pulsed with living constellations, and columns of pure light stretched endlessly upward, supporting a dome that seemed to cradle the universe itself. The air hummed with raw power—the very essence of creation itself.

At the chamber's heart stood two thrones. The smaller, though still magnificent, seated the current ruler of the divine realm—God Indra. His form radiated golden light, and his eyes held the weight of eons. His mere presence commanded absolute authority, wrapped in robes that shifted like auroras in the night sky.

Behind him loomed the Greater Throne—a colossal seat ten times the size of Indra's own. Its emptiness spoke volumes, a constant reminder of powers beyond even the gods themselves.

The chamber held the most powerful beings in existence: the Draconian Nexus. Though they wore elegant human forms, their true nature leaked through in subtle ways. One had eyes that swirled with galaxy-like patterns, another's skin shimmed with microscopic scales, and yet another's shadow somehow retained its wings despite their human appearance.

The True Dragon, their leader, stepped forward. Even in human form, an aura of primordial might rolled off them in waves. Their voice carried the echo of mountains: "It will happen in six years."

God Indra's lips curved into a knowing smile, his fingers forming a steeple beneath his chin. "Yes," he replied, his voice carrying both certainty and a hint of satisfaction. "It is done."

Whispers erupted among the council members, a symphony of ancient tongues and worried tones. Finally, one of them—a being with hair like flowing mercury—dared to ask: "How have you prepared for this, my lord?"

"You will know when the time comes." Indra's response cut through the whispers like a blade, brooking no argument. His eyes, filled with cosmic fire, swept across the assembly.

Turning to the True Dragon, Indra's gaze softened fractionally. "Have you arranged what we discussed?"

"Yes," the True Dragon confirmed with a respectful inclination of their head. "The grand banquet is prepared. True Dragons from every corner of existence will attend." A pause, then: "But are you certain? Will he truly be able to bear such responsibility?"

Indra's response carried absolute conviction. "It is the only path forward. He must become stronger than any who came before." His expression grew serious. "Your kind possesses the strongest natural defenses among all creatures. This will serve our purpose well, though we must be subtle in our influence."

The implications hung heavy in the air. Whatever they planned would reshape the very fabric of reality itself.

"Dismiss," Indra commanded, his word rippling through space itself.

As the council members departed, their forms dissolving into streams of light and shadow, the empty Greater Throne seemed to pulse once—a reminder of powers yet to awaken.

Far below, in a modest village untouched by these cosmic machinations, a young man named Sebastian Nightshade went about his daily life, unaware that he stood at the center of divine designs. The stars above him twinkled with secret knowledge, their light carrying whispers of a destiny that would soon unfold.

The True Dragon's banquet approached, and with it, the first move in a game that would shake the foundations of reality itself.