Chapter 2

The year was 3024, and the small town of Eclipsia sat on the eastern edge of Asia like a forgotten jewel. Despite its size, today the town buzzed with an energy that rivaled any major city. The cause? The Awakening Exam—humanity's ultimate test of MANA, the mysterious force that had reshaped civilization itself.

For Sebastian Nightshade, this wasn't just another test. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw his father's face—a hero who had fallen in the last great war, defending humanity with his mastery of MANA. The weight of that legacy pressed heavily on Sebastian's shoulders.

"You have your father's determination in your eyes," his mother, Isabella Nightshade, said that morning. As a Rank 3 Mana Warrior, she was one of Eclipsia's most respected defenders. Her combat robes, elegant yet practical, bore the insignia of her station. "But remember, Sebastian—you're not him. You'll forge your own path."

The decision to take him to Earth Academy No. 16 hadn't been easy for her. Located in Starlight Springs, 50 kilometers away, it was one of the most prestigious MANA institutions in the region. The sleek magnetic-levitation taxi carried them through sprawling cityscape, past towering structures that channeled MANA through their very foundations.

Sebastian pressed his face against the window, taking in the contrast between his quiet hometown and this metropolis of magic and technology. Holographic advertisements floated between buildings, promoting everything from basic MANA enhancement tools to luxury artifacts.

The academy's gates took his breath away. Diamond-like tiles caught the morning sun, creating patterns that seemed to pulse with their own inner light. Each tile, Sebastian would later learn, was inscribed with ancient MANA formulae that had taken masters decades to perfect.

But it was the stage that drew everyone's attention—a singular platform near the entrance, crafted from luminescent crystal and ancient wood. A single chair sat upon it, deceptively simple yet radiating an aura of destiny. This was where futures would be decided.

Isabella squeezed her son's hand as they found seats among the crowd. The gathering was a tapestry of humanity: confident heirs of powerful MANA families sat alongside nervous commoners, all equal before the test. Sebastian noticed how some candidates fidgeted with expensive MANA-enhanced accessories, while others wore simple clothes with quiet dignity.

The murmur of the crowd died instantly as a figure descended from the sky. Vice Principal Olivia Davis made an entrance that justified her reputation. Her descent was a masterclass in MANA control—she didn't so much fly as flow through the air, golden mana trails spiraling in her wake. Her floral dress rippled with subtle enchantments, and her blonde hair caught the light like spun gold. But it was her eyes that held everyone's attention—they radiated both warmth and unflinching authority.

"Welcome," her voice carried effortlessly across the grounds, "to the Awakening Exam. Today, you'll discover not just your potential, but your destiny."

From her dimensional ring, she produced a crystalline orb that seemed to contain a universe in miniature. She placed it upon an ancient platform—a marvel of craftsmanship that resembled a living tree, its roots and branches inlaid with precious gems that thrummed with power.

"The test is elegantly simple," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of amusement at its own understatement. "Touch the orb, and it will measure your MANA affinity on a scale of 1 to 11." She paused, letting the significance sink in. "Level 1 indicates minimal affinity. Level 4 is average. Level 7 marks excellence. Level 8 designates genius potential. And Level 10?" Her smile held secrets. "That marks a once-in-a-generation prodigy."

She didn't need to mention Level 11. Everyone knew it was theoretical—a threshold no human had ever reached, not even the legendary heroes of the First MANA War.

The testing began. Sebastian watched as dreams were born and shattered with each touch of the orb. Some candidates left the stage in tears, their orb barely flickering to life. Others departed with satisfied smiles, having met or exceeded their expectations.

Then came Mason Hertz. His confidence bordered on arrogance as he strode onto the stage, designer MANA-woven clothes marking him as part of the elite. When he touched the orb, the resulting explosion of light drew gasps from the crowd. 9.2—a score that hadn't been seen in the academy's history.

Vice Principal Davis's composed expression cracked for just a moment, revealing genuine surprise. She quickly ushered Mason aside, where eager academy officials waited to begin his immediate enrollment process.

Sebastian felt his heart pounding as his name echoed across the grounds. His mother's encouraging squeeze of his hand. The whispers of the crowd. The weight of his father's memory. Each step toward the stage felt like a journey through molasses.