
After few days , Sebastian was sleeping soundly in his room, when a loud noise outside woke him up. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, wondering what was going on. He got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, where he found his mother cooking breakfast. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Good morning, sweetie. You're up early," she said.

"What's all the noise outside?" Sebastian asked.

"Oh, that's because the guards are bringing a rank 5 beast today. They caught it in the forest a few kilometers away. It's a rare sight, you know. You should get ready fast, it will be here in an hour," she said.

Sebastian felt a spark of excitement in his chest. He loved seeing beasts, especially the powerful ones. He had always dreamed of becoming a beast tamer, but his lack of mana connection had crushed his hopes. He quickly went to the bathroom to wash up and get dressed. His mother watched him with a warm smile. She was glad to see him happy and enthusiastic. He had been so depressed and withdrawn since he failed the Awakening Exam.

Sebastian came back to the dining table, wearing a plain red t-shirt and a pair of pants. He sat down and ate his breakfast, while his mother joined him. She handed him an envelope and said, "This is for you."

Sebastian opened it and saw two tickets to the solar system Aetheria. He looked at his mother with surprise and confusion. "What is this?" he asked.

"It's a gift from your uncle. He works at the Aetheria Academy, one of the most famous academy for mana studies in the galaxy. He said he can get you in, if you want to go. He said they have a different entrance exam, one that doesn't test your mana connection, but your potential. And I know you have a lot of potential, Sebastian. You're smart, brave, and kind. You deserve a chance to pursue your dreams," she said.

Sebastian felt a surge of emotions. He was touched by his mother's and uncle's kindness, but he was also doubtful and scared. He didn't think he had any potential, not after he scored 0.8 in the Awakening Exam, the lowest score ever. He didn't think he could fit in at the Aetheria Academy, where everyone was a genius with mana. He didn't think he could ever become a beast tamer, or anything else. He said in a sad tone, "Mom, you know I can't connect with mana. How will I pass the entrance exam?"

She said, "Don't worry, honey. They don't care about your mana connection. They care about your skills, your talents, your personality. They have a different way of measuring your affinity with mana, one that is more fair and accurate. They have the highest percentage of students who pass the entrance exam, because they look for the best in everyone. Trust me, you have what it takes. Just give it a try."

Sebastian nodded half-heartedly. He didn't want to disappoint his mother, or his uncle. He didn't want to waste this opportunity. But he also didn't want to fail again, and feel even worse. He said, "Okay, Mom. I'll try."

She smiled and hugged him. She said, "That's my boy. Come on, let's go see the beast. It should be here soon."

Sebastian put his plate in the sink and washed his hands. He followed his mother out of the house. They saw a crowd of people gathered on the sides of the road, waiting for the beast to arrive. Many of them greeted Sebastian and his mother, who were well-known and well-liked in the town. They found a spot where they could see the road clearly, and waited.

Soon, they heard a roar that shook the ground. Someone shouted, "The beast is here!" and pointed to the direction where the guards were coming. Sebastian saw a group of guards wearing uniforms with a crow symbol on the back, escorting a huge beast that was chained and muzzled. It was a fire-type beast, a lion covered in yellow flames. Its mane was made of fire, and wherever it stepped, it left scorch marks on the ground. The head of the guards said in a loud voice, "Please make way and stay away. This is a rank 5 beast, very dangerous and aggressive."

Sebastian was stunned by the sight of the beast. It was magnificent and terrifying, even though it was restrained by the guards. He could feel its aura, even though he couldn't connect with mana. It was a fierce and proud creature, a king of the beasts. He wondered what it would be like to tame it, to bond with it, to ride it. He felt a pang of envy and admiration for the guards, who had the power and courage to capture it.

The beast was in front of them, and Sebastian couldn't take his eyes off it. He wished he could touch it, feel its fire, hear its voice. 

As he watched the procession of captured beasts being led through the town square. The beast was a high Rank 5 fire-type, a lion engulfed in flames. Its mane crackled with fire, and its eyes burned with a fierce intelligence that sent shivers down his spine. It was both beautiful and terrifying, a perfect embodiment of the power Sebastian longed for but feared he would never attain.

As he stared at the beast, he felt a sudden chill run down his spine. His eyes widened as he noticed something alarming—the metal chain around the beast's neck was slowly melting. The guards, who were tasked with escorting the creature, seemed oblivious to the danger that was rapidly unfolding. The beast, aware of its weakening restraints, had been biding its time, waiting for the perfect moment to break free. It was also hungry—ravenous, in fact—and it had locked its gaze on Sebastian.

The lion's roar shattered the uneasy noise of the crowd, startling the guards and sending a ripple of panic through the onlookers. With a powerful jerk, the beast snapped the chain, its body a blur of fiery motion as it charged directly at Sebastian. The boy stood frozen, paralyzed by the suddenness of the attack. Fear gripped him, rooting him to the spot. He couldn't move, couldn't scream. All he could do was watch in horror as the beast's jaws opened wide, ready to tear him apart.