Chapter 5

Time fractured into crystalline moments. The crowd's terrified screams faded to a distant echo, the world blurring at its edges until only two figures remained in sharp focus: Sebastian and his mother, Isabella Nightshade.

Isabella—Rank 3 MANA Warrior, respected protector of Eclipsia, and above all, a mother—moved with the fluid grace that had made her legendary among the town's defenders. Her combat robes, emblazoned with frost-blue runes, billowed as she positioned herself between her son and the rampaging beast. The determination in her stance spoke volumes: she would die before letting harm come to her child.

"Stay back!" Her command carried the weight of maternal authority, backed by years of combat experience. Frost-white MANA crystallized around her outstretched hands as she wove her signature spell—the Ice Lance. The air temperature plummeted as she gathered power, forming a spear of concentrated winter's fury.

But the fire-type lion was no ordinary beast. Its mane blazed with supernatural flames, each hair a tongue of golden fire. The creature's very presence distorted the air with waves of heat. When Isabella's Ice Lance struck its aura, the spell dissipated in a cloud of steam, useless against the beast's overwhelming thermal defense.

The lion's counter-attack came with devastating speed. Its claws, wreathed in flames, tore through the air—and through Isabella's hastily erected barrier. The impact sent her flying, her body carving a cruel path across the ground before coming to rest in a crumpled heap. Blood, bright as sunrise, spread beneath her like unfurling wings.

The town guards finally shook off their paralysis. They attacked in coordinated waves, their weapons enhanced with MANA—steel blazing with elemental power, spells weaving together in practiced patterns. The beast fought with primal fury, but its strength was already depleted from its earlier rampage. Gradually, inexorably, the guards' assault overwhelmed it. The lion's flames flickered, dimmed, and finally extinguished altogether as it collapsed.

Sebastian barely registered the beast's defeat. His world had contracted to a single point: his mother's broken form. He ran to her, knees scraping the ground as he gathered her into his arms. Her face, usually so full of life and warmth, had grown pale as morning frost.

"Mom," he choked out, grief strangling his words. "Why? I'm not worth this. I'm just... a failure."

Isabella's eyes fluttered open, still bright with an inner fire that no beast could extinguish. Her hand, trembling but gentle, found his cheek. "Sebastian... my beautiful boy... you've always had greatness in you. More than anyone knows." Blood stained her lips, but her smile remained unwavering. "You just need to believe."

"I can't," he sobbed. "I'm not strong enough. Not like Dad was."

"Your father..." A distant look crossed her face, memory briefly overshadowing pain. "He doubted too, once. But he found his strength... in protecting others. You have his blood, Sebastian. His power sleeps in your veins."

"What was he really like?" Sebastian leaned closer, desperate to catch every word.

"A warrior who fought for more than glory. A protector who believed in a peaceful world." Her voice grew fainter, but her grip on his hand tightened. "And you... you'll be even more. You'll bring him back, Sebastian. Back to Earth."

His heart stuttered. "Bring him back? How?"

Her final smile held all the love and secrets of the universe. "Find your path. Grow strong... strong enough to protect everything. Make this world what your father dreamed it could be. I know you can."

Her hand slipped from his face like a falling star, her eyes closing on one last look of absolute faith in her son.

Sebastian rose slowly, tears evaporating in the heat of a newfound resolve. "I promise, Mom. I'll become stronger than anyone. I'll bring Dad back. I'll create the peaceful world you both believed in."

The sky above responded to his oath. Storm clouds gathered with unnatural speed, swirling like a cosmic whirlpool. Golden lightning—not the normal blue-white of natural storms—crackled within the maelstrom. The air grew thick with power, tasting of ozone and destiny.

With a sound like the universe itself breaking, a massive bolt of golden lightning struck Sebastian where he stood. The last thing he saw was his mother's peaceful smile, before darkness claimed him.

But this darkness wasn't an ending.

It was a beginning.