In a world created by a long-dead deity, those who are erased from existence are condemned to spend eternity in a forsaken realm. Malphas, a frail and forgotten boy, has lived his life in this desolate prison. Fueled by a promise to a mother-like figure who cared for him in the darkness, he uses his latent abilities to escape, emerging in a new world with a mysterious power known as "The X-Factor."
Armed with this new ability, Malphas swears vengeance on the deities responsible for creating the nightmarish realm he once called home. His goal is simple: to destroy the gods who condemned his soul to an eternity of suffering. But as he embarks on his journey of revenge, he encounters people who challenge his views and his motivations.
As Malphas begins to form new bonds and see the world through different eyes, he grapples with the path he has chosen. Will his thirst for revenge consume him, or will the connections he forms reshape his none existed destiny?
Upload schedule: Whenever I feel like it
(I’m still in school so I got priorities)