
The Port

Port of Felaria, a day after Vincent bought supplies for his men in preparation for the upcoming wave.

It was a busy day for everyone in the port. Sailors bustled about, loading and unloading cargo, merchants haggled over prices, and the salty sea breeze mingled with the shouts and laughter of workers. Captain Bartholomew stood on the deck of his ship, the Sea Hawk, watching his crew clean and prepare for their next voyage.

Bartholomew took a deep breath, savoring the moment. It was days like these that he loved the most-days filled with hard work and the promise of adventure. He watched his men scrub the deck, and dipped their brushes and scrubbed vigorously, removing the grime and salt that had accumulated during their last voyage.

One sailor, a burly man with a thick beard, whistled a cheerful tune as he scrubbed the railings. Another, younger and leaner, worked on polishing the brass fixtures, making them gleam in the sunlight. A third sailor climbed the rigging checking the sails and making minor repairs where needed.

Nearby, a group of sailors worked on the ship's hull, scraping off barnacles and applying a fresh coat of pitch to protect the wood from the relentless assault of the ocean. Others were busy sorting through the cargo, ensuring everything was securely stowed and ready for their next journey.

Bartholomew felt a surge of pride as he watched his crew. But suddenly, a scream pierced the air, shattering the peaceful atmosphere. Bartholomew's head snapped toward the source of the sound. Not far from the ship, chaos erupted as people ran in all directions, their faces twisted in fear. Moments later, an explosion rocked the port, sending debris flying. Bartholomew fixed his gaze on the origin of the disturbance and his blood ran cold.

Emerging from the smoke and wreckage were monsters. Hobgoblins and kobolds, their grotesque forms covered in black armor that seemed to absorb the light, advanced on the streets.. Among them, kralls and small minotaurs slaughtered men, women, and children. Bartholomew's eyes widened in horror as he took in the sight of the monstrous army. But what truly made his heart skip a beat was the colossal figure behind them. A huge minotaur, towering over the other creatures. This was no ordinary beast, it's more powerful, and exudes an aura of a Demon General.

His presence was overwhelming with his eyes burning with a reddish red glow, and his every step caused the ground to tremble. He paused, surveying the destruction with a twisted smile. Then, Ursa opened his mouth and released a ferocious roar. The sound was unlike anything Bartholomew had ever heard. It was a deep, primal bellow that reverberated through the air, shaking the very foundations of the port. The force of the roar was so powerful that it leveled entire blocks of houses and streets, sending shockwaves through the town. Buildings crumbled, and the ground split open, creating chasms that swallowed anything in their path. Bartholomew's crew froze in terror, their eyes fixed on the advancing horde. The captain knew they had to act quickly if they were to have any chance of survival.

"Run! Everyone, get off the ship and head for the hills!" His crew snapped out of their daze and sprang into action, abandoning their tasks and scrambling to escape the advancing monsters.

Bartholomew led the charge, his heart pounding as he ran down the gangplank and onto the docks. His men followed closely behind. The once-bustling port was now a scene of pandemonium, with people fleeing in every direction.

As they raced through the streets, Bartholomew could hear the guttural growls of the hobgoblins and kobolds growing closer. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the black- armored creatures cutting down anyone in their path, their eyes gleaming with a malevolent hunger.

"Keep moving!" Bartholomew urged his men, pushing them to run faster. "We can't let them catch us!"

They weaved through the narrow alleys and side streets, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the monsters as possible. But no matter how fast they ran, the creatures seemed to be gaining on them.

Suddenly, a group of hobgoblins appeared ahead, blocking their path. Bartholomew skidded to a halt, his men stumbling to a stop behind him. They were trapped.

"Back! We have to go back!" Bartholomew shouted, but it was too late. The hobgoblins charged, their weapons raised and ready to strike. Bartholomew drew his sword, determined to protect his crew even if it meant sacrificing himself.

"Stand your ground!" he yelled, raising his blade to meet the oncoming attack. His crew, though terrified, followed his lead, drawing their own weapons and forming a defensive line.

Bartholomew swung his sword with all his might, cutting down one hobgoblin after another. His crew fought valiantly beside him, their movements fueled by desperation and fear. But for every monster they felled, more seemed to take its place.

Just as it seemed they might hold their ground, a deafening roar echoed through the streets. Bartholomew turned to see Ursa, the Demon General, striding toward them. The sheer size and power of the minotaur was overwhelming, and Bartholomew knew they stood no chance against him.

"Fall back..."

He uttered those words but his body couldn't seem to move as Ursa's immense presence seemed to paralyze him with fear.

"Don't kill them just yet," Ursa commanded and all monsters halted their attack.

Ursa's eyes, glowing with a sinister red light, focused on Bartholomew.

"I am looking for a group of heroes from the Kingdom of Eldoria. They drove off my associate, Demon King General Telus. I have information that they are on Akarios Island, and this is the only viable port towards it. Do you know of these people?"

Bartholomew's mind raced. He knew exactly who Ursa was referring to-Sir Vincent and his soldiers. They had been his passengers, the very ones who had driven off Telus and even defeated a Kraken on their way to Akarios Island. But revealing this information would be a death sentence for Vincent and his men. He couldn't betray them.

"I... I don't know who you're talking about," Bartholomew lied, trying to keep his voice steady.

Ursa's eyes narrowed. "Your silence speaks volumes, captain." He leaned down, bringing his massive face inches from Bartholomew's. "Do not lie to me. I can smell the fear and deceit on


Bartholomew's silence only confirmed Ursa's suspicions. The Demon General straightened up, his eyes blazing with fury. "Very well," he said, his voice cold. "If you will not speak, then you are of no use to me."

With a swift motion, Ursa raised his massive ax and brought it down upon Bartholomew. The captain barely had time to react before the blade struck him, ending his life in an instant.