
The Wave

Two soldiers, Nick and Sam, were stationed in one of the watchtowers at the Akarios Dockyard. It was a quiet morning, and the two men were enjoying the peace while it lasted. The sun was shining, the waves gently lapping against the dock and the air was filled with the distant sounds of the port under construction.

"Hey, Nick," Sam said, leaning back in his chair and stretching. "Did you hear about that drinking contest last night at the barracks?"

Nick chuckled. "Yeah, I heard about it. Apparently, Johnson thought he could outdrink everyone. Big mistake."

Sam laughed, shaking his head. "He ended up passed out under the table. Took four guys to carry him back to his bunk."

Nick grinned. "Classic Johnson. Always thinks he can handle more than he can."

The two soldiers continued their banter, swapping stories and jokes to pass the time. Although they had been summoned two days ago, it felt like they had been friends for years, and their easy camaraderie made the long hours on watch duty more bearable.

Sam was in the middle of a particularly funny story about one of their training exercises when Nick suddenly squinted at the horizon. "Hey, Sam, do you see that?"

Sam turned, following Nick's gaze. "See what?"

"Out there," Nick said, pointing. "There's something on the horizon."

Sam grabbed the binoculars from their post and peered through them. "I don't see... Wait, you're right. There is something."

Nick took the binoculars from Sam and adjusted the focus. His heart skipped a beat as he saw a massive fleet of ships, their dark flags billowing in the wind. He zoomed in closer, his breath catching in his throat.

"Monsters," Nick whispered, his voice trembling. "Sam, there are monsters on those ships."

Sam snatched the binoculars back and looked through them. His face paled as he saw the grotesque figures moving about on the decks of the ships. Hobgoblins, kobolds, kralls, and even small minotaurs, all clad in dark armor.

"Oh no," Sam muttered. "This can't be good. We should report it to the command center immediately."

Nick nodded, his face grim. "I'll radio them."

Nick grabbed his radio and reported his sightings. "Command, this is Watchtower 04, we have

a situation. A large fleet of enemy ships is approaching the dockyard. The ships are filled with monsters-hobgoblins, kobolds, kralls, and small minotaurs. Requesting immediate


The radio crackled to life with a response. "Watchtower 04, this is Shadow Actual. Can you describe in detail what you are seeing, the numbers of the ships, and any notable figures among the enemies? Over."

Nick took a deep breath and steadied his voice. "Shadow Actual, we are seeing approximately twenty ships, each heavily manned with enemy forces. The decks are crawling with hobgoblins, kobolds, kralls, and small minotaurs. The ships are flying dark flags, possibly indicating their allegiance to some dark overlord. Over."

"Copy that, Watchtower 04," came the calm reply from Vincent. "Continue your observations and report any significant details. Over."

Sam took the binoculars again and continued to scan the fleet. He focused on one of the largest ships in the center of the formation. "Nick, take a look at that big one in the middle," he said, handing the binoculars back to his friend.

Nick adjusted the binoculars and zeroed in on the ship Sam had pointed out. It was indeed larger than the others, its sails black and tattered, the hull reinforced with what looked like dark, twisted metal. The deck was teeming with activity, but one figure stood out among the rest.

"Shadow Actual, this is Watchtower 04," Nick reported tensely. "We have visual confirmation of a large minotaur on what appears to be the flagship. This minotaur is significantly larger than the others, clad in obsidian-like armor. It has an unmistakable aura of command and looks extremely deadly. Over."

There was a brief pause before the response came. "Watchtower 04, acknowledged."


In the command center at the Akarios Village, Vincent and General Harper were poring over maps and strategizing their defense when the radio crackled with the latest report from Watchtower 04. The room fell silent as Nick's tense voice came through, describing the massive minotaur on the flagship.

Vincent exchanged a grave look with General Harper. "It seems like this is the wave that we are preparing for."

"Seaborne invasion, eh..." General Harper muttered, his eyes narrowing as he studied the map spread out before them. "We need to know if this is their main force or if they have flanking units. Get me an update from all our watchtowers and scouts."

He turned to a communication officer standing by. "Contact all watchtowers and scout units immediately. Find out if we're being invaded from all sides or if this is the main front."

The communication officer saluted and quickly began relaying the orders. The room buzzed with activity as messages were sent out and updates started coming in. Vincent and General Harper waited, their eyes fixed on the large map of Akarios Island, each of them considering the strategic implications of the approaching fleet.

After a few tense moments, the communication officer returned with the reports. "Sir, all watchtowers and scouts have confirmed that the enemy fleet is approaching only from the seaward side. There are no signs of flanking movements or other forces approaching from different directions."

Vincent let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "That's a relief, but we can't let our guard down. They might still have tricks up their sleeves."

General Harper nodded. "Agreed. We'll focus our defenses on the docks but maintain

readiness in case of any unexpected developments."

Vincent turned to another officer. "Make sure all battalions are on high alert. Deploy Alpha Battalion to the docks immediately. Bravo, Charlie, and Delta Battalions should be ready to move at a moment's notice."

The officer saluted and hurried off to carry out the orders. Vincent turned back to General


"Now, let's show those demons who they are messing with, and prepare our coastal defense

in the area."

General Harper nodded, barking orders to the officers around him.