
The Initial Defense

Back at the watchtower, Nick and Sam watched the enemy fleet grow closer. The dark ships cut through the water with menacing grace, their monstrous occupants preparing for the imminent assault.

Below them, personnel were hustling to prepare the coastal artillery for the impending battle. The main defensive artillery was the M777 howitzers, powerful and precise weapons designed for long-range bombardment. Each howitzer was equipped with a 155mm cannon, capable of firing shells with devastating accuracy over great distances.

The artillery crews worked with practiced efficiency. A team of five soldiers surrounded each M777, their movements coordinated and swift. One soldier loaded a shell into the breech, while another adjusted the targeting system. The gunner, responsible for aiming the cannon, peered through the sight, making fine adjustments to ensure accuracy. Two more soldiers stood by, ready to assist with loading and firing as needed.

The gunner for one of the M777 howitzers, Sergeant Alvarez, called out to his team. "Shell ready! Adjust elevation to three degrees!"

Private Jenkins, handling the targeting system, quickly made the adjustments. "Elevation set to three degrees, sir!"

"Good. Range to target, five thousand meters," Alvarez continued, checking the calculations on his tablet. "Adjust for wind speed, two knots north-northeast."

Jenkins made the necessary adjustments and then gave a thumbs-up. "Wind speed accounted for, Sergeant!"

"Ready to fire!" Alvarez shouted, signaling the rest of his team. The soldiers tensed their eyes on the target.

"Fire!" Alvarez commanded.

With a deafening roar, the M777 howitzer unleashed its shell. The cannon recoiled violently, but the team was already preparing for the next round. The shell arced through the sky, a streak of steel aimed at the approaching fleet.

Seconds later, a distant explosion marked the impact. One of the enemy ships shuddered and burst into flames, the force of the blast ripping through its hull.

"Direct hit!" Jenkins shouted, a grin spreading across his face.

"Great work, team!" Alvarez responded. "Load the next shell! We need to keep them at bay!" Nearby, other artillery crews were performing similar tasks. The coordinated barrage from the M777 howitzers created a deadly hail of shells that rained down on the enemy fleet. The dark ships struggled to advance, their decks erupting in flames and debris as the shells found their marks.

Nick and Sam watched the artillery barrage from their vantage point in the watchtower. The sight of the explosions and the damage to the enemy fleet was a sight to see.


Meanwhile, on the flagship of the Demon King General Ursa's war fleet.

Ursa was shocked and surprised by the projectiles hurled at them. There was no trace of magic on the projectiles, yet they gave off powerful explosions, capable of sinking a ship with a single direct hit. He had never encountered such weaponry before.

"What kind of sorcery is this?" Ursa muttered to himself, watching as another ship in his fleet exploded and began to sink. He turned to his lieutenants, hobgoblins in black armor, who were just as bewildered.

"General, there's no magic signature on those projectiles," one of them reported, his voice trembling. "They seem to be purely mechanical."

Ursa's eyes narrowed. "Mechanical, you say? How can simple machines create such destruction?"

The lieutenant hesitated, then continued, "It seems the humans have developed some kind of advanced artillery."

"Hmm...if this is the weapon used by those humans to drive off Telus, then I would have understood. However, as you have said, they are just purely mechanical. They are still inferior to our might," Ursa growled, his eyes narrowing as he considered his options. "But we must adapt. If these humans can hurl such destructive force without magic, then we must turn their weapons against them."

Ursa's gaze fell upon one of the shells that had lodged into the deck of his ship, its surface still hot from the explosion. With a swift motion, he grabbed the shell, and dark energy crackled around his hand as he infused the shell with his dark magic, the obsidian-like aura swirling around it.

"Let's see how they handle this," Ursa muttered, a malevolent grin spreading across his face. He hurled the dark-infused shell toward the Akarios Village coast with all his might.

The shell flew through the air, leaving a trail of dark energy in its wake. It struck the ground near the coastal defenses with a tremendous explosion, sending debris and flames into the air. The force of the blast was similar to the artillery shells, but the dark magic added an eerie, unnatural element to the destruction.

On the shore, the soldiers ducked and covered as the explosion rocked the area. Fortunately, the impact site was far enough from the artillery crews that no one was injured, but the shockwave and resulting damage were a stark reminder of the enemy's power.

Nick and Sam watched from their watchtower, their eyes wide with shock and horror.

"Did you see that?" Sam exclaimed.

"That thing just threw something at us!"

"Hey, you guys! Can you bring down that ship that just fired at us?" Nick yelled down to the artillery crews below.

Sergeant Alvarez, still coordinating the artillery teams, nodded grimly. "We'll do our best! Target the flagship!"

The artillery crews quickly adjusted their aim. The gunners recalibrated the sights, and loaders hurried to prepare the next shells. The focus was now on the largest ship in the enemy fleet, the one with the minotaur commander.

"Ready to fire on the flagship!" Alvarez shouted, his voice cutting through the noise.

"Fire!" came the command.

The M777 howitzers unleashed their shells, the thunderous booms echoing across the battlefield. The shells streaked through the sky, aimed directly at Ursa's flagship.

Ursa saw the arcing projectiles and knew he had to act fast. With a guttural roar, he released a wave of dark energy into the air. The energy rippled outward, creating a force field that slowed the momentum of the incoming shells. The shells seemed to hit an invisible barrier, their speed reducing dramatically as they approached the flagship.

However, not all the shells were affected. However, one shell broke through and exploded just a few feet away from Ursa. The impact was tremendous, sending shards of metal and wood flying in all directions. For the first time, Ursa felt pain. The blast threw him against the deck, his armor cracking under the force.

Ursa groaned as he struggled to his feet. Pain radiated through his body, a sensation he had not felt in centuries. His vision blurred, but his rage was clear.

"How... dare they!" he roared. "I will slaughter them all! Onwards!"