
The Landings

The once mighty fleet of the Demon King General Ursa was now reduced to chaos and wreckage. Five ships had already been sunk, their hulks smoldering and broken in the churning waters. Three more were badly damaged, their decks aflame, and their sails torn to shreds. Only twelve ships remained operational, their dark flags still billowing defiantly in the wind.

From their watchtower, Nick and Sam watched the relentless artillery barrage continue. The M777 howitzers roared once more, and another volley of shells arced through the sky. The shells found their marks and three more enemy ships were hit. The explosions sent debris flying, and two ships were completely destroyed, their remains quickly swallowed by the sea. The fleet was now down to ten operational ships.

"Another direct hit!" Nick exclaimed. "We're really giving them a beating."

Sam nodded, his eyes glued to the battle. "But they're still coming. Get ready, Nick. It's about to get ugly."

The surviving ships of Ursa's fleet began to close in on the shore. Despite the damage, they pressed forward. As the first ships hit the shallows, their monstrous occupants disembarked immediately.

Hobgoblins, kobolds, kralls, and small minotaurs poured onto the beach and brandished their weapons. The dark magic that infused them made their movements swift and unnatural. They spread out in disciplined formations, ready to storm the coastal defenses.

"Here they come!" Sam shouted, gripping the handles of the M2 Browning machine gun mounted on the watchtower.

"Let's show them what we've got," Nick replied.

Sam squeezed the trigger, and the M2 Browning roared to life. The heavy machine gun spat out a stream of bullets, the muzzle flash lighting up the tower. The barrage of bullets tore through the ranks of the advancing monsters, cutting them down in swathes.

The monstrous army faltered under the onslaught, their numbers thinning rapidly. Despite their dark magic and fearsome appearance, they were no match for the relentless firepower of the M2 Browning. Bodies piled up on the sand.

However, Ursa's keen eyes caught sight of the watchtower where Nick and Sam were unleashing their deadly barrage. His snarl twisted into a menacing grin as he recognized the source of the trouble thinning his forces. With a sharp snort, he leaped from the deck of his ship, his massive frame soaring through the air.

Nick's eyes widened in horror as he saw Ursa's colossal form descending toward them. "Sam, look out!" he shouted, grabbing his friend by the arm.

Ursa landed with a thunderous crash, the force of his impact sending shockwaves through the ground. Raising his massive ax high above his head, he delivered a devastating slash down at the watchtower. The wooden structure groaned under immense pressure before splitting cleanly in two, collapsing in a cloud of dust and debris.

Nick and Sam had only seconds to react. With adrenaline-fueled reflexes, they jumped from the watchtower, their bodies twisting in midair as they escaped the falling structure. They hit the ground hard, rolling to absorb the impact and quickly scrambling to their feet.

"That was too close," Nick gasped, his heart pounding in his chest. He glanced back at the ruined watchtower, now little more than a heap of splintered wood and twisted metal.

Sam nodded, his eyes fixed on Ursa, who stood amidst the wreckage, his obsidian armor glinting in the sunlight.

"We need to fall back and regroup. We can't take him on head-to-head."

"You don't have to say that!"

Ursa's piercing gaze locked onto Nick and Sam as they scrambled away from the wreckage of the watchtower. He snorted sharply and then charged forward, his head down and his battle ax swinging wildly. His movements were surprisingly swift for his massive size, and each step he took sent tremors through the ground.

"He's coming after us!" Nick shouted, glancing over his shoulder.

"Keep moving!" Sam urged, his voice laced with urgency. They sprinted through the debris- strewn beach, their boots pounding against the sand.

Ursa's roar echoed across the battlefield as he closed the distance between them. He swung his ax in a wide arc and the force of his swings sent waves of dark energy crackling through the air, carving deep gouges into the earth.

Nick and Sam weaved and dodged, narrowly avoiding the deadly swipes. "We need to find cover!" Nick yelled, his breath ragged.

"You will not escape, insects!" Ursa roared, his voice booming across the battlefield. He leaped into the air again, his massive form casting a dark shadow over Nick and Sam. His battle-ax was raised high, ready to deliver a crushing blow.

Nick and Sam's eyes widened in terror as they saw the colossal minotaur descending toward them. They dived to the side, rolling to avoid the inevitable impact. But just as Ursa was about to land, there was an explosion.

"What the hell just happened?" Nick exclaimed.

"I think it was from that," Sam pointed in the direction.

Nick looked in the direction where Sam was pointing, and there, he saw a Challenger tank with its barrel billowing with smoke. The tank's crew had managed to fire a perfectly timed shot, striking Ursa mid-air and sending him crashing to the ground with tremendous force.

Ursa lay sprawled on the ground, his massive form struggling to rise. His obsidian armor was cracked and smoking from the impact. His eyes burned with fury as he glared at the tank that had dared to strike him down.

The Challenger tank rolled forward, confronting Ursa.

Inside the tank, the crew quickly loaded another shell. The commander, peering through the periscope, shouted, "Ready to fire!"

"Fire!" the gunner responded, and the Challenger tank unleashed another devastating shot. The shell streaked through the air and struck Ursa square in the chest, sending him sprawling back to the ground with an earth-shaking crash.

Ursa, now beyond enraged, let out a guttural roar that shook the battlefield. With a surge of dark energy, he forced himself to his feet.

"You dare challenge me?" Ursa bellowed, his voice echoing across the battlefield. He lifted his massive battle-ax, dark energy crackling around it. With a mighty heave, he hurled the ax

directly at the tank.

The ax flew through the air with incredible speed, trailing dark energy in its wake. The Challenger tank crew had no time to react as the ax struck the vehicle with devastating force. The impact triggered a massive explosion, the tank erupting in flames and debris. The force of the blast sent shockwaves through the ground, and the tank's remains were scattered across

the battlefield.

Nick and Sam, still scrambling for cover, turned in horror at the sight of the destroyed tank. "Oh no," Nick muttered, his voice trembling. "He took out the tank!"