
The Demon Forces on the Beach

"Challenger Tank is down! I repeat, one of the Challenger Tank is down!" said one of the soldiers near the area.

Vincent listened to that report, and he felt bad that he lost a tank and the people serving in it. But this is not the time to mourn for the soldiers as this is part of their job. Fortunately, he has all the money he needs to replace a tank for killing copious amounts of demon forces during their transit to the island and landings.

He checked his stats.

[Host: Vincent Stryder

Level: 19

Experience points: 530,059/669,712

Gold coins: 400,525 gold coins.]

Vincent immediately purchased five Challenger Tanks for 100,000 gold coins, leaving him with a balance of 300,525 gold coins. And then he ordered them to link-up with the forces on the beach that is now on their way to defend the island from the invasion.

"I need a visual on that huge minotaur right now," Vincent ordered.

One of the communication officers quickly handed him a printed picture of the minotaur, taken by one of the observers. The image showed Ursa in all his monstrous glory.

"That seemed to be the boss, sir," General Harper commented.

"From the looks of it, he might be," Vincent agreed. "We need to focus all of our firepower on that thing."

"Two of our Viper helicopters are en route to the target area," reported one of the communication officers.

Vincent nodded. "Good."


Meanwhile, on the beaches, Ursa and some of his forces landed on the shore, carrying a portal.

"Set it up over there," Ursa ordered and then his forces began laying down the portal and inserting a hose onto its side that is connected to a barrel of refined Idium. Moments later, the portal was activated and monsters began pouring out from it.

"Did you see that?" Nick observed.

"Monsters are coming out from the portal!" Sam said.

"We have to report it to the command."

"Agreed," Sam said and grabbed his radio.

"Shadow Actual, this is Watchtower 04, we have a situation," Sam reported urgently into the radio. "The enemy has set up a portal on the beach, and monsters are pouring out of it.

Requesting immediate assistance and reinforcements. Over."

The radio crackled with static for a moment before Vincent's voice came through, calm but firm. "Copy that, Watchtower 04. Reinforcements are on their way. Hold your position and keep us updated. Over."

"Roger that, Shadow Actual. Watchtower 04 out," Sam replied, lowering the radio. He turned to Nick, his face set with determination. "We have to hold the line until reinforcements arrive."


At the command center in Akarios Village.

Vincent and General Harper were looking at one another.

"Did you hear that? They said that they brought out a portal, set it up on our shore, and then activated it. Now monsters are coming out from it. That's their logistics for reinforcements huh?" Vincent said.

"That seems to be it, sir," Harper replied. "We need to destroy those portals before they overwhelm our defenses."

Vincent nodded. "We need to take out that portal immediately. If we don't, they'll just keep coming."

He turned to one of the communication officers. "Patch me through to the Viper helicopters." The officer quickly connected Vincent to the lead helicopter pilot. "Viper One, this is Shadow Actual. Do you copy?"

"Copy, Shadow Actual. This is Viper One. Go ahead."

"We have a critical target on the beach. The enemy has set up a portal and monsters are pouring out of it. I need you to destroy that portal immediately. Can you confirm visual?" "Affirmative, Shadow Actual. We have visual on the portal. Preparing to engage." Vincent watched the live feed from the helicopter's camera as it zeroed in on the portal.

"Viper One, you are clear to engage. Take that portal out."

"Roger that, Shadow Actual. Engaging target."

On the screen, Vincent saw the Viper helicopter line up its shot. The AH-1Z Viper unleashed its AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, their fiery trails streaking toward the portal. The missiles impacted with devastating force, explosions rocking the beach and sending debris flying in all directions.

The portal flickered and shuddered under the assault, its glow dimming. The monsters emerging from it were caught in the blasts, their twisted forms disintegrating in the inferno. "Direct hit! The portal is destabilizing!" Viper One reported.

"Keep firing! We need to make sure it's completely destroyed," Vincent ordered.

The Viper helicopter continued its relentless attack, firing another volley of Hellfire missiles. The structure convulsed, the energy surging erratically. Then, the gunner switched to the M197 20mm cannon, unleashing a hail of armor-piercing rounds that tore through the remaining structure. With a final, massive explosion, the portal collapsed in on itself, the remaining monsters vaporized in the blast.

"Portals are destroyed, Shadow Actual. The beach is secure," Viper One confirmed.

Vincent let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Good work, Viper One. Now focus

on that huge minotaur. We need to bring him down."

"Roger that, Shadow Actual. Engaging the target now."


On the ground, Ursa was watching the helicopter destroying his portal. He couldn't believe what he was seeing on how those humans were able to build such a technology so powerful that it decimated his forces so easily. His fury was beyond words. With a roar that echoed across the battlefield, Ursa rallied his remaining troops, determined to crush the human


Ursa charged forward, his massive form barreling through the debris. His eyes locked onto the Viper helicopters circling above. With a primal roar, he hurled his massive battle ax at one of

the helicopters.

The Viper pilot dodged sharply to the left, narrowly avoiding the deadly ax. The ax whizzed past, embedding itself into the ground with a thunderous crash. The helicopter circled back, its weapons systems locking onto Ursa.

"Viper One to Shadow Actual, we've evaded the projectile. Target is still active. Engaging now," the pilot reported.

"Copy that, Viper One. Take him down," Vincent ordered.

The Viper helicopter opened fire, its M197 20mm cannon unleashing a torrent of armor- piercing rounds. Ursa roared in defiance, his obsidian armor absorbing some of the impact but visibly cracking under the relentless assault. The ground around him erupted in a cloud of dust and debris as he staggered back, but he did not fall.

With grim determination, Ursa reached into the earth and tore a massive boulder from the ground. With a mighty heave, he hurled the boulder at the helicopter. The pilot deftly maneuvered the Viper, narrowly avoiding the massive projectile.

"He's not going down easy," Nick muttered, watching the battle from his position. "But let's

not worry, the cavalry's here."

Sam glanced over his shoulder and saw the battalion coming into rescue. "They are just in
