
The Aftermath of the Wave

[Congratulations! You have successfully repelled the wave!]

[Rewards: 1,500,000 gold coins & 400,000 experience points.]

[Host: Vincent Stryder

Level: 22

Experience points: 1,100,252/1,235,094

Gold coins: 2,359,525 gold coins.]

[Notice: The rewards that you have received from surviving the wave is the reward equivalent for killing the Demon King General Ursa]

Upon reading those messages from the system, Vincent heaved a sigh of relief. At last, this was the confirmation he needed that the wave was finished and that there would be no

monsters they would have to care about right now.

But, he had also learned new things. For one, the invader was a Demon King General. It had a name like Telus, and the fact that they defeated such a creatures that is considered to be one of the most powerful creatures in this world is a significant achievement.

"Good work, everyone," Vincent announced through the communication channel. "We've taken down a major threat. "We can now sit on our laurels for now."

The officers around him saluted in acknowledgment.

"Now I need casualty reports," Vincent said, turning his head over to General Harper. General Harper received a paper from one of the officers who returned promptly on his feet.

"Sir, we have sustained a lot of casualties. Over 40 men are dead, 55 are wounded, we have lost two challenger tanks, and three Viper attack helicopters. As for the M2 IFV, they were electrically damaged but can be repaired with the resources we have on hand," General Harper reported.

Vincent nodded, absorbing the information. "Understood, General. Ensure that the wounded receive immediate medical attention and that repairs on our vehicles begin as soon as possible. We need to be back at full strength quickly."

"As much as we'd want to do that sir but the barracks is full of wounded soldiers. We don't have the capacity right now to look after our wounded soldiers so I propose that we should acquire a bigger medical facility."

"You want me to buy a hospital?" Vincent asked, clarifying his intent.

General Harper simply nodded his head in confirmation.

Vincent hummed in thought. Although they have a medical facility in the Akarios Village, it isn't big enough and it doesn't also have all the medical equipment.

So without hesitation, he opened his military system interface, navigating to the shop section. His fingers moved quickly across the holographic screen as he searched for medical facilities. After a few moments, he found what he was looking for.

[Military Hospital]

[Cost: 150,000 gold coins]

[Capacity: 500 beds]

[Staff: 100 doctors, 200 nurses, 150 support staff]

[Features: State-of-the-art medical equipment, specialized trauma units, surgical suites,

intensive care units, and rehabilitation facilities]

Without hesitation, Vincent made the purchase. The system deducted 150,000 gold coins from

his total, leaving him with a balance of 2,209,525 gold coins.

[Congratulations! You have successfully purchased a Military Hospital.]

[You can now deploy the hospital wherever you see fit so long as it meets the space requirements.]

Vincent decided to find the perfect spot for the new hospital. He exited the headquarters and made his way towards the outskirts of Akarios Village.

As he walked, Vincent scanned the area, looking for a plot of land that would be suitable for the large facility. They needed a space that was accessible, secure, and spacious enough to accommodate the hospital and its future expansions.

After a few minutes of walking, Vincent spotted a vast, open plot of land on the eastern side of the village. It was flat and free of any major obstructions, making it an ideal location. He could already visualize the hospital standing there.

"This looks perfect," Vincent said, pointing to the plot. Deciding that it was the spot, he opened his system and confirmed the location for the hospital's deployment.

[Deploying Military Hospital...]

[Completion of construction will take five hours.]

Vincent grabbed his radio and contacted the construction team who built Akarios Village into a fully-pledge military headquarters.

"Construction team, this is Shadow Actual. I need you to expedite the construction of a new military hospital at the designated site on the eastern side of the village."

"Roger that, sir. We'll get on it immediately," came the prompt reply from the construction team leader.

Moments later, the construction team arrived with their construction tools and equipment, and they started working on their new project. Since it was going to take five hours, he returned to the command center.

"Sir...what are we going to do to the monster corpses on the beach?" General Harper asked.

"Same how we handled the monsters in the Akarios Island," Vincent replied simply. "We are going to burn them. Order the troops on the beach that after they rest briefly, they are to clean up the battlefield and prepare the monster corpses for burning."

"Understood, sir. I'll relay the orders immediately," General Harper responded.


On the beach, Sam was on his knees with his eyes fixed on one of the corpses. Nick. He didn't expect that he would die on this battlefield, not like this. The memory of Nick's final moments haunted him—the way Ursa had grabbed him, drained his life force and left him a withered

husk. Sam clenched his fists.

"Sam, we need to move," one of the soldiers said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We have to clean up and prepare the bodies for burning."

Sam nodded, standing up slowly. "Yeah, let's get to it."

The soldiers worked methodically, gathering the monster corpses and preparing them for incineration. The beach was a grim sight, littered with the remains of both their comrades and the creatures they had fought. Despite the somber task, the troops managed to maintain a sense of purpose, understanding the necessity of their actions. Each soldier knew that the clean-up was not only crucial for hygiene and safety but also for morale. The sight of the battlefield had to be cleared to help everyone move on from the horrors they had witnessed.

As the sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the beach, the soldiers finished preparing the bodies for burning. A controlled fire was set, and the monstrous remains were incinerated, their ashes carried away by the morning breeze.

The next thing they did was to transport their wounded comrades to the newly built hospital, where they'll be treated for whatever injuries they have.