
Thinking of the Future

Meanwhile, in the command center. Vincent planned on what he wanted to do next. With the wave finished, he knew that there was going to be another in the future. So he has to be prepared for that.

And in this wave, he was not satisfied with the result as there were a lot of casualties. He wanted to lessen it as much as possible for the next wave. Vincent reviewed the battle data and identified areas where they could improve.

"A lot of casualties were caused by a direct confrontation of the monsters, especially Demon King General Ursa."

"That is something that can be justified as that Demon King General is tough, and small arms don't have much of an effect against such a powerful entity," General Harper muttered to himself.

"So you are saying?" Vincent said...prompting General Harper to continue.

"I'm saying Sir Vincent that in the future battles, infantry would be cannon fodder. Against a creature like Ursa, the soldiers won't stand a chance unless they have heavy weaponry on their side like Javelin missiles or high-caliber artillery," General Harper explained.

Vincent nodded, understanding the point General Harper wanted to deliver. "Agreed. We need to invest in more advanced weapons and fortifications. We can't afford to lose more lives due to inadequate firepower. In that regard, I need you to come up with a list of everything we are going to need. I need to know the models such as M777 Howitzers or Javelins. I want it categorized. Meaning, in the land list military equipment that are used in land such as M2 Abrams for example, and for the air, a Blackhawk. You know what I'm talking about," Vincent finished.

"Understood, sir. I'll have the list ready for you in a day," General Harper replied, already moving to gather the necessary information.

Vincent turned back to the command center, pulling up various tactical maps and battle reports. He needed to ensure that their defensive positions were optimized and that every soldier knew their role in the upcoming battles.

And while reviewing, he remembered something. A denizen of this world, Eamon. He must have known about the phenomena called the wave. Like is it an exclusive event from the system or is it happening naturally in this world. Now that he had thought about it, Vincent excused himself again from the command center and boarded an M-ATV Oshkosh that was parked in the motor pool. He directed his driver to head towards the deforested area of Ager's Forest, where Eamon resided.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at Eamon's residence. He hopped out from his vehicle and made his way towards the modest house. He knocked on the door and moments after, he heard a footstep approaching. The door creaked open to reveal Eamon, his weathered face breaking into a slight smile upon seeing Vincent.

"Sir Vincent," Eamon greeted him warmly. "I thought you were never going to see us. We heard a lot of loud noises and we were worried."

"Ahh...about that, there was a threat that we needed to take care of. The noise that you heard earlier was produced by our weapons. I can assure you that there are no monsters left in the vicinity," Vincent explained, trying to reassure Eamon.

Eamon nodded, though concern still lingered in his eyes. "I see...so is there anything that you need from me?"

"Actually yes, it's the reason why I came here," Vincent replied. "What do you know about the Demon King General Ursa?"

Eamon's expression grew serious. "The Demon King Generals are among the most powerful entities in this world. They serve directly under the Demon King himself and possess immense strength and magical abilities. Ursa, in particular, is known for his brute force and near-invulnerability to conventional weaponry and magic. Why did you ask?"

"Well because he is the one who attacked us," Vincent revealed.

When Eamon heard that, his eyes widened and almost collapsed into a floor, his face turning ashen.

"Ursa... attacked your camp? And you survived?" he whispered, disbelief etched on his features.

Vincent nodded firmly. "Yes, we managed to kill him. It wasn't easy, and we suffered significant casualties, but we succeeded."

Eamon shook his head, still trying to process the information. "You killed Ursa? That's... that's incredible. Few have faced a Demon King General and lived to tell the tale, let alone defeated one."

Seeing Eamon's shock, Vincent decided to provide some reassurance. "If you need proof, you're welcome to come with me to see his remains. It is still on the beach."

Eamon swallowed hard and nodded. "I would like to see it with my own eyes. If you truly have defeated Ursa, it would be... unprecedented."

Vincent offered a reassuring smile and led Eamon back to the M-ATV Oshkosh. The ride back to the beach where Ursa's remains were secured was tense, with Eamon occasionally glancing at Vincent, as if seeking further reassurance.

Upon arrival at the beach, Vincent guided Eamon to the area where Ursa's massive, charred body lay.

Eamon approached cautiously, his eyes wide in disbelief. He reached out to touch one of the blackened palms, the enormity of the moment sinking in.

"This... this is truly Ursa," he murmured. "You've done what many believed impossible." Vincent stood beside him, watching Eamon's reaction. "We had no choice. It was either defeat him or face annihilation. Now that you see what we've managed, perhaps you can help us further. We need to understand more about these threats and how to better prepare for future waves."

"Waves?" Eamon repeated.

"Aren't you familiar with the waves? It's kind of a signal where they'd attack us."

"Uhm...I haven't heard of it," Eamon replied. "I have no idea what you are referring to sir."

"I see," Vincent now knows that the wave is exclusively from the system based on Eamon's answer. And so he asked a different question. "So how do you know if a Demon King General is going to attack your country or a town?"

"Uhm...there is no signal, they'll just attack without warning," Eamon explained. "The

Demon King Generals and their forces often strike when least expected. Their attacks are

brutal and swift, designed to cause maximum destruction and fear. There are no patterns or signals, only chaos."

"I see...thank you for the information, Eamon. We will take it from here."