
The Reconstruction of the Beach

A day after the wave was completed, the rehabilitation of the beach was ongoing. The area was bustling with activity as workers and soldiers worked together to repair the damage caused by the battle.

Bulldozers moved slowly, pushing debris and leveling the craters left by explosions. Their large metal blades scraped the earth, creating a smooth surface ready for further work. Nearby, excavators with their long, powerful arms and bucket attachments dug into the charred earth, removing the burnt remnants and placing them into large dump trucks. These trucks then transported the debris away from the beach, ensuring the area was cleared efficiently

Concrete mixers were stationed at various points along the beach. Their drums rotated constantly, mixing cement, sand, gravel, and water to create fresh concrete. Workers poured this concrete into the holes and craters, filling them up to provide a solid foundation for rebuilding.

Jackhammers could be heard from the surroundings, their rapid pounding breaking apart larger chunks of damaged structures that still littered the beach. Workers in hard hats and safety vests wielded these tools, carefully breaking down the remnants of barricades and fortifications that had been destroyed during the battle.

Large cranes stood tall against the skyline, lifting heavy materials and moving them to where they were needed. They transported steel beams, wooden planks, and large concrete blocks to reinforce the new structures being built. Workers on the ground directed the cranes ensuring everything was placed correctly.

In addition to the heavy machinery, smaller tools were also in use. Shovels and wheelbarrows were scattered around the site, with workers using them to move smaller amounts of dirt and debris. Power saws and drills were being used to cut and assemble wooden frames and supports for new defensive structures.

Water trucks drove slowly along the beach, spraying water to settle the dust kicked up by all the activity. The mist created by the water trucks helped to keep the air clear and breathable for everyone working on the site.

While all of that was happening, Vincent was watching from a nearby tent. He was wearing a sunglasses, a hard hat, and a reflective safety vest, blending in with the workers around him. He had a clipboard in hand, noting down the progress and any areas that needed additional attention.

Standing next to him was Eamon, who watched with wide eyes.

"I can't believe it...your technology is just amazing, it can do things that even high-ranking mages in the Empire can't accomplish," Eamon said,

Vincent smiled, appreciating the compliment. "It's a different kind of magic, you could say. Technology and engineering have their own power. But we still have a lot to learn from your world's magic. Actually, we are quite interested in it. I'm asking, since you are a scholar, are you a magic-wielder?"

Eamon shook his head. "I'm just a magic researcher and historian. My role has always been to study and document the ancient magics and their uses. I don't have the ability to cast spells myself, but I can provide detailed knowledge and instructions on how to use and integrate them."

"I see...that's great because I'm interested in magic, so how do magic works in this world?" Vincent asked.

"You asked as if you are not from this world, Sir Vincent," Eamon said, looking up to Vincent.

Vincent gulped subtly, he had just slipped out his secret unintentionally. He composed himself quickly and replied, "Let's just say my perspective on magic is quite different from the common understanding. I find it fascinating and want to know more about its principles and applications."

"Oh Sir Vincent, you don't have to hide it, I can see that you're not from this world. Your methods, your technology-it's all very different from what we're used to. But that doesn't matter to me."

Vincent chuckled softly. It seems that it is too late for him to save face. He sighed, accepting Eamon's perceptiveness.

"Alright, you got me. But we have to keep this a secret. No one else should know about it."

Eamon nodded solemnly. "I understand. Your secret is safe with me. Now do you have questions about magic?"

"Yes...about magic, how it works?"

Eamon nodded, eager to share his knowledge. "The magic in this world is called aether. It's a fundamental part of our existence, abundant in the atmosphere and everything around us. Think of it like invisible threads, waiting to be woven into something tangible. Aether can be manipulated by those with the skill and knowledge to do so."

Vincent's curiosity was piqued. "So, aether is everywhere, and anyone can use it if they know how?"

"Not everyone...there is a process called an awakening," Eamon explained. "It is a rare and significant event in a person's life. Some individuals are born with a natural connection to aether, but most have to undergo a rigorous awakening process to tap into its potential. This process varies, but it generally involves intense training, meditation, and sometimes exposure to ancient aetheric artifacts."

"Awakening sounds like a critical aspect," Vincent remarked. "Can you elaborate on how one might undergo this awakening?"

Eamon nodded. "Awakening is usually guided by a skilled mage or aetheric master. They help the individual focus and attune to the aether around them. It requires a deep understanding of one's inner self and a strong mental and emotional fortitude. The process can take years, and not everyone is successful. Those who are awakened gain the ability to sense, manipulate, and control aether to perform various magical feats."

"I see...what would determine if a person can wield a magic or not?" Vincent asked. Eamon paused, considering his response. "There are a few key factors. First, there is natural affinity. Some people are born with a closer connection to aether, almost like it flows more easily through them. These individuals often have an easier time during the awakening process and may not require as much external guidance. However, natural affinity alone is not enough."

He continued, "Second, there's mental and emotional discipline. Manipulating aether requires a deep focus and strong willpower. Individuals must be able to maintain their concentration even in the most stressful situations. Emotional stability is crucial because strong negative emotions can disrupt the flow of aether, leading to unintended


Vincent nodded, absorbing the information. "So, it's a combination of innate talent and rigorous training. Is there a way to measure someone's affinity for aether before undergoing

the awakening process?"

Eamon smiled. "Indeed, there are several methods. One common technique involves using an aether crystal. These crystals react to the presence of aether, glowing brighter in the presence of someone with a strong affinity. Another method involves an ancient ritual where the individual is immersed in an aether-rich environment and their reaction is observed."

"Last but not least," Vincent said. "Is there a way for aether to integrate in our technology?

You know, powering and enhancing it."

"There is a way...the dwarves are skilled for that," Eamon replied.

"Dwarves ehh...that's good," Vincent muttered under his breath, and he already formed plans in the future for their future interaction with them.