
Waking Up from an Unusual Sound

24 hours later.

In the deforested area of the Ager's Forest, Eamon was sleeping soundly on his bed. He had a long day yesterday, doing his research about the portals that the Demon King Forces used for reinforcement. The mattress he was laying on added a comfort he rarely experienced, lulling him into a deep, peaceful slumber.

Suddenly, a loud sound shattered the tranquility of the morning. It was a deep, roaring noise that seemed to shake the very ground beneath him. Eamon jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest. He rose to his feet quickly, his mind racing with questions. What was that sound? Was the camp under attack?

Throwing on his clothes, he rushed to the door and flung it open. As he stepped outside, he was greeted by an extraordinary sight. In the sky above, a massive, metallic beast was descending. It was like nothing Eamon had ever seen before.

The object was colossal, easily dwarfing any creature he had ever encountered. Its body was long and sleek, painted in shades of grey and green that blended with the early morning sky. Two powerful wings extended from its sides, but they did not flap like those of a bird or dragon. Instead, they remained rigid, with large, rotating blades mounted on them, slicing through the air with a deafening roar.

Eamon's eyes widened in awe and fear.

"What in the name of the gods is that?" he whispered to himself. It reminded him of the legendary black dragons from ancient tales, but this was far larger and more menacing. The black dragons were fearsome creatures, known for their destructive power and dark scales, but this...this was something else entirely.

As it descended further, the noise grew louder, a deep rumble that seemed to vibrate through Eamon's very bones. He covered his ears, trying to block out the overwhelming sound. The air was filled with a rush of wind, kicked up by the beast's descent, blowing dust and leaves into a swirling frenzy.

Eamon's mind raced with thoughts. Was this some new weapon of the Demon King...wait, no, that's highly unlikely. It must be from this camp!

He immediately rushed to where that metallic beast had landed. The ground beneath him was still shaking slightly as he ran.

As he neared the airfield, he saw soldiers and workers moving quickly, organizing equipment and directing operations. The sight of the massive metallic creature up close was even more overwhelming. It was grounded now, and its sheer size and mechanical complexity were mind-boggling.

Eamon was almost at the airfield when he was suddenly blocked by three soldiers. They stepped forward, forming a barrier in front of him, their expressions stern.

"Halt! You cannot pass," one of the soldiers barked.

Eamon skidded to a stop, breathing heavily. "I need to see what's going on. This... thing just landed, and I need to know what it is."

The soldiers exchanged glances but did not move. "Sir, no unauthorized personnel are allowed beyond this point. Please return to your quarters."

"Please...if I could just take a closer look, it won't be long. I will be gone back before you know it," Eamon pleaded, trying to catch his breath.

The soldiers remained unmoved, their expressions hard. "Orders are orders, sir. Without proper clearance, we can't let anyone through."

Eamon felt a surge of frustration. His curiosity was burning, and he needed answers. He glanced back at the massive metallic beast, now settled on the ground, with its enormous ramp lowering. He could see figures moving around it, busy with their tasks.

"Look, I'm part of Vincent's team. He'll vouch for me," Eamon insisted.

The soldier with the scar, who seemed to be in charge, shook his head. "If that's true, then you'll have no problem getting the clearance. Until then, please step back."

Eamon took a deep breath, realizing that arguing further would only delay him. He needed to find Vincent and get the proper authorization. Reluctantly, he turned and started walking back —and unexpectedly, there were vehicles approaching him fast. He recognized it immediately; it was one of the vehicles used by Vincent. He must be inside.

As the vehicle drew closer, it slowed to a stop beside Eamon. The door swung open, and Vincent stepped out, his presence commanding attention to the point it made the soldiers that blocked Eamon salute in an instant.

"Eamon, what are you doing here?" Vincent asked, glancing at the soldiers who had blocked Eamon's path.

Eamon took a deep breath, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "Sir Vincent, you have to see this. There's something incredible at the airfield. I tried to get closer, but the soldiers wouldn't let me pass without this called a clearance."

"Clearance? What do you mean..." Vincent glanced over at the airfield where the C-130 was parked. "Ahh...you mean that thing? You want to see it up close?"

Eamon nodded vigorously. "Yes, exactly! It's like nothing I've ever seen. I thought it was some kind of creature at first."

Vincent chuckled softly, then turned to the soldiers. "It's alright. He's with me. Let him through."

The soldiers immediately saluted and stepped aside, allowing Eamon to pass. Vincent placed a hand on Eamon's shoulder, guiding him toward the massive aircraft.

As they approached the C-130 Hercules, Eamon's eyes were wide with wonder. The sheer size of the aircraft was overwhelming, and the intricate details of its design were unlike anything he had ever encountered. The ramp had fully lowered, and soldiers were efficiently unloading crates of supplies and equipment.

"This," Vincent began, gesturing to the aircraft, "is our transport aircraft used to carry troops, vehicles, and supplies."

"And this might be the technology you are going to show to the dwarves?"

Vincent shook his head. "No, the country of the dwarves is too far away from Akarios Island. We'll show them something instead, but this is just what you call a trick up on our sleeves."

"I see..."

"Are you ready for our trip tomorrow?

"Yes, I've prepared everything we might need," Eamon replied, still unable to take his eyes

off the enormous aircraft.

"Good," Vincent said, nodding approvingly and patting his back. "Because we too are

preparing for our departure tomorrow."

"Looks like I'm going to have another entry to my diary," Eamon said.