
Prelude to the Journey Back to the Continent

24 hours later, in the Akarios Village, Shadow Paramilitary Company.

Vincent was on an erected platform, his eyes sweeping across soldiers who stood in neat formation and in attention. Today, they were called for an announcement that he had to make.

"Gentlemen, you must be wondering why you are called here in our headquarter's square. The reason for that is I am going out for a vacation, to the continent along with our new friends who are denizens of this world," Vincent began, a slight smile playing on his lips.

The soldiers remained silent as their eyes scanned Eamon and his associates who were standing on the platform where Vincent was.

"With me gone from this island, I would like to relegate my duties to General Harper," Vincent continued, his tone serious. "General Harper will be in command and oversee all operations here. Trust in his leadership as you trust in mine."

General Harper stepped forward, saluting Vincent. "Thank you, Sir Vincent. I will ensure that everything runs smoothly and that our forces remain vigilant and prepared for any threat."

Vincent nodded and turned back to the soldiers. "During my absence, I expect each of you to maintain the highest standards of discipline and readiness."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "Now, I leave the island in your capable hands. Make me proud."

With that, Vincent saluted his men, who returned the gesture. He then stepped down from the platform, joining Eamon and his associates at the base.

"We will be heading to the dock now where we are going to take a ship," Vincent said to Eamon and his associates.

As they made their way to the dock, the group walked through the bustling village, where preparations for Vincent's departure were evident. Soldiers and workers were busy organizing equipment and securing the area.

Upon reaching the dock, they were greeted by the sight of a sleek, modern vessel - the Braunschweig class corvette. It cost Vincent 45,000 gold coins, a price he deemed worthy for its capabilities.

"This is our ride," Vincent announced, gesturing to the corvette. "It's a corvette."

"That is the ship?" Eamon tilted his head to the side. It wasn't the usual design he was accustomed to. The sleek, angular lines and sophisticated weaponry were far removed from the ships he had seen in his world. For him, a ship would typically be a wooden vessel with sails, perhaps adorned with intricate carvings and mystical symbols. This corvette, however, doesn't have anything on it. It was just a gray ship.

"Now let's board the ship," Vincent said, leading the way up the gangway. Eamon and his associates followed closely, their curiosity evident as they took in the details of the corvette.

Once on board, Vincent introduced them to the crew. "This is Captain Hayes, he'll be commanding the corvette on our journey."

Captain Hayes greeted them. "Welcome aboard. We'll be setting sail shortly. Please make yourselves comfortable."

Eamon and his associates exchanged intrigued glances as they stepped onto the corvette. The polished metal surfaces and high-tech equipment were a stark contrast to the wooden decks and simple rigging they were used to.

Captain Hayes gave them a brief tour of the main deck, pointing out various features and systems. "This is the bridge, where we navigate and control the ship. Below deck, we have the living quarters, mess hall, and engine room."

Eamon and his companions followed Vincent below deck, their eyes wide with amazement. The narrow corridors were brightly lit with electric lights, casting a clean, white glow that illuminated every corner.

"In our ships, it's always so dark and musty below deck," one of Eamon's associates muttered. "This feels like a completely different world."

Eamon nodded in agreement. The path was narrow but orderly, with clear signs indicating different areas of the ship. The air was fresh and cool, unlike the stale, humid atmosphere of the traditional ship's lower decks.

Vincent led them to the living quarters, where compact but comfortable cabins were arranged in neat rows. "These will be your rooms during the journey," he explained. "Each cabin is

equipped with a bed, a small desk, and a storage area."

Eamon stepped into one of the cabins and marveled at the efficiency of the space. Everything was designed for maximum functionality, with no wasted space. He touched the smooth, cool surface of the desk and glanced at the overhead light, marveling at the convenience.

"This is incredible," he said, turning to Vincent. "Our ships are cramped and uncomfortable in comparison. We usually sleep in hammocks slung between beams, with barely enough room to turn around."

Vincent smiled. "Technology has its advantages. Let me show you the mess hall next."

They continued down the corridor, passing more well-lit rooms and equipment storage areas. The mess hall was another revelation for Eamon and his associates. It was a spacious area with rows of tables and benches, and a serving counter at one end. The smell of freshly prepared food wafted through the air, making their mouths water.

"In our ships, meals are usually a simple affair," one of Eamon's associates remarked. "We have to cook over open flames, and the food is often cold by the time it reaches the crew."

Vincent nodded. "Here, we have a fully equipped kitchen with modern appliances. The crew can enjoy hot meals at any time."

Eamon and his associates continued to explore the corvette, marveling at the advanced technology and the efficiency of the ship's design. The engine room, with its humming

machinery and intricate control panels, was particularly fascinating.

"Our ships rely on wind and sails," Eamon said, shaking his head in amazement. "This level of control and power is simply beyond our comprehension."

Vincent looked pleased at their reactions. "This is just a glimpse of what's possible with advanced technology. And if the dwarves see it, they would be stunned. Now our destination would be the Port of Felaria. Make yourselves comfortable in the trip."