
The Ruins of Felaria

The Braunschweig class corvette sliced through the waves with ease, its sleek hull cutting a smooth path across the open sea. The journey from Akarios Island to the Port of Felaria was well underway, and Vincent stood on the deck, watching the horizon.

Eamon and his associates stood nearby, taking in the sights and sounds of the journey. The Corvette's advanced technology continued to amaze them. The steady hum of the engines, the way the ship barely seemed to rock even in choppy waters, and the ease with which the crew moved about their tasks were all marvels to them.

As night fell, the ship's lights came on, illuminating the deck and casting a soft glow over the sea. Vincent turned to Eamon, who was gazing out at the darkening horizon.

"How are you finding the journey so far?" Vincent asked.

Eamon smiled, his eyes reflecting the ship's lights. "It's incredible. This ship is unlike anything I've ever seen. The speed, the stability... it's all very impressive. Even the lights, it's too bright."

"I bet when night time, your ship would be so dark and only magical lamps illuminate the way," Vincent continued.

Eamon nodded. "Yes, exactly. It feels almost like daylight here with all these lights."

The night passed smoothly, the corvette gliding effortlessly through the water. As dawn broke, the port of Felaria came into view-and it was not something Vincent had expected.

"Can someone pass me a binocular?"

One of the crew of the ship passed Vincent the binoculars, and he quickly brought them to his eyes. The sight that greeted him through the lenses made his stomach churn. The port of Felaria was in ruins. Smoke billowed from several areas, and the once-thriving docks were littered with wreckage.

"What do you see?" Eamon asked, his voice tense with concern.

Vincent lowered the binoculars, his expression grim. "The port has been attacked. It's a disaster down there. We need to proceed with caution."

Captain Hayes, who had joined them on the deck, nodded in agreement. "I'll bring us in as close as possible. We should prepare for a potential confrontation."

The corvette approached the port slowly, the crew on high alert. As they drew nearer, the extent of the devastation became even more apparent. Ships lay capsized or shattered against the docks, and debris floated in the water. The once-bustling port was eerily silent, save for the crackling of fires and the occasional groan of a collapsing structure.

Vincent, Eamon, and a team of soldiers disembarked from the corvette, weapons at the ready. They moved cautiously through the wreckage, their senses heightened.

As they ventured further into the ruins of Felaria, the full extent of the destruction became horrifyingly clear. Corpses littered the streets, already beginning to rot under the harsh sun, and the stench of death was overpowering to the point Vincent had to cover his nose with a handkerchief.

Eamon's face was pale as he surveyed the devastation. "Who could have done this?" he muttered.

Vincent may have had an idea of who the perpetrator might be.

"I think it was the Demon King General Ursa," Vincent said. "Ursa?"

"Well, this is the port we went to before going to Akarios Island. I don't know much of the details but I'm assuming that we offended the Demon King Forces and they were on the hunt to bring us down. And I believe General Ursa was investigating and led him to this port," Vincent explained.

He turned to his soldiers and ordered. "Spread out! Look for survivors."

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers responded in unison, dispersing into smaller groups to search the area. The scene was chaotic, with overturned carts, broken crates, and remnants of what once were thriving businesses scattered everywhere.

Vincent and Eamon moved through the wreckage with a sense of urgency. They passed buildings reduced to rubble, the walls blackened by fire.

They rounded a corner and found a group of people huddled together in what remained of a marketplace. The survivors were dirty, injured, and clearly traumatized by the events. Vincent approached them cautiously, trying not to startle them.

"It's okay," he said gently. "We're here to help."

A woman, clutching a small child to her chest, looked up at Vincent with wide, fearful eyes. "Are you with the attackers?"

"No," Vincent assured her. "We're here to find out what happened and get you to safety. Can you tell us what you saw?"

The woman nodded slowly, her voice trembling as she recounted the horror. "They came out of nowhere...There were explosions and they appeared..."

"Sounds like it was a surprise attack," Vincent muttered. "So in those attackers, did you see a huge minotaur?"


"That's definitely Ursa," Vincent confirmed. "Are there any survivors with you?"

The woman nodded, gesturing to a small group behind her. "We hid when the attack started. There are a few more hiding in the buildings nearby."

Vincent turned to one of his soldiers. "Get these people to the corvette and bring back more men. We need to secure this area and make sure everyone is safe."

The soldier saluted and started escorting the survivors back to the corvette. Vincent watched them go, then turned to Eamon.

"Stay with the group and keep an eye on things. I'll coordinate the search for more survivors."

Eamon nodded, taking a position where he could see both the corvette and the surrounding area. Vincent gathered a few more soldiers and began moving systematically through the port, checking every building and alleyway.

They found more survivors hidden in basements and behind piles of debris. Each one they brought back to the corvette added to the growing number of rescued civilians.

Hours passed, and the sun was beginning to set when Vincent called a meeting with his key officers. They gathered in a makeshift command center, a small intact building near the


"We've found as many survivors as we can," Vincent began. "Now we need to get them to safety. We should transport them back to Akarios Island as soon as possible. Captain Hayes, can we manage another trip tonight?"

"Of course, sir. We can accommodate all of the survivors."

"Good, because we are going to continue our journey here. I don't want delays on our trip."

"Yes sir! We will handle it."