
Arriving at the Ferm City

As the others were making their way back to their respective vehicles, Vincent beckoned Eamon to come towards him.

Eamon obliged and immediately made his way towards Vincent. "What is it, Sir Vincent?"

"I'm sure your fellow there is already familiar with this place. I kind of want you to ask him how far the city of Ferm is from our current location."

Eamon nodded and turned to his associate, a young man named Lior who was known for his extensive knowledge of the region, and also the man who lived there. "Lior, how far is the city of Ferm from here?"

Lior thought for a moment before answering. "Considering our current pace and the terrain ahead, it should take us about three and a half hours to reach Ferm. We'll need to cross a couple of small rivers and navigate through a dense forest, but the road is generally safe."

Vincent nodded, processing the information. "Are there any monsters or other threats we should be aware of on the way?"

Lior shook his head. "None that I know of. The path to Ferm is usually clear of major threats. Just the usual wildlife, nothing we can't handle."

"Good to know," Vincent replied. He turned back to Eamon. "Alright, let's get everyone ready. We'll head out now and aim to reach Ferm before nightfall."

Eamon relayed the instructions to the rest of the group, and soon the convoy was on the move again.

As they drove, Vincent remained vigilant, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. The journey was uneventful, with only the occasional deer or small animal darting across the path.

After a few hours, the forest began to thin, and they emerged into a wide open plain. In the distance, they could see the walls of Ferm rising against the horizon.

"Stop right here," Vincent ordered the driver, and the M-ATV Oshkosh that he was riding immediately.

He stepped out, surveying the landscape and the city walls ahead.

"Why do medieval towns always have walls erected around the city?" Vincent wondered aloud and walked to the back of the M939 Truck where Eamon and Lior were seated.

"We are seeing the walls of the City of Ferm now, and based on our position, we are close enough. Any securities that we might expect on our way? Guards et cetera?"

"Normally, there would be guards at the city gates. They'd check your papers for identification and verification. But given that I know the place, there won't be a need for it. Just proceed as usual," Lior assured.

Vincent nodded, satisfied with the plan. "Alright, let's move."

The convoy continued forward, approaching the city gates. But as they got closer to the city gates, they couldn't help but feel some eerie vibe coming out from the city. They stopped right in front of the city gates and they exited the vehicles.

There, Lior stepped forward, taking in the scene in front of him. There was no guard and the city felt dead. There were no people to be seen, and usually, these gates are crowded with merchants bringing in their wares.

"Something is not right here," Lior said.

Vincent stepped forward, his hand resting on the hilt of his weapon. "Stay alert," he ordered, his eyes scanning the empty streets beyond the gates.

There were broken carriages and the streets were littered with broken crates and discarded goods.

"Okay, Shadow Alphas, you are to scan the place and report everything unusual," Vincent ordered the Alpha Special Forces, who obliged with a salute.

The Alphas dispersed, moving cautiously through the deserted streets, their weapons ready. Vincent, Eamon, and Lior followed closely behind, their senses on high alert.

As they moved deeper into the city, the extent of the damage became more apparent. Buildings were damaged, some partially collapsed, and the air was thick with the smell of smoke and decay. It was clear that something catastrophic had happened here.

"Where is everyone?" Eamon whispered, his voice barely audible.

Lior shook his head, his face pale with worry. "I don't know. This isn't normal. Wait I need to see my family's house."

"Wait!" Vincent tried stopping Lior who sprinted away but it was futile, Lior was already far


He grabbed his radio and spoke through it. "Shadow, this is Shadow Actual. Lior ran away from us and just turned left at the second corner. Keep an eye on him and ensure his safety. Shadow 2, tail him discreetly. Over."

"Copy that, Shadow Actual. I'm on it," came the immediate response from Shadow 2.

"You should stay back in the truck, Eamon. Watch for the others. I will handle it here," Vincent said.

"But sir...we don't have any protection here. What if something attacked us while you were all away? We can't fight," Eamon said.

Vincent got Eamon's point, he grabbed his radio and spoke into it, "Alpha 3, return to the gates and watch over Eamon and his associates at the truck. Ensure their safety and report any suspicious activity immediately. Over."

"Roger that, Shadow Actual. Returning to the gates," Alpha 3 responded.

Vincent turned to Eamon, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Alpha 3 will be with you shortly. Stay in the truck and keep an eye on your surroundings. We'll take care of the situation


Eamon nodded, though his worry was still evident. He and his associates returned to the truck, their eyes scanning the eerily silent streets.

Vincent continued moving deeper into the city, his senses heightened. The destruction and desolation were unsettling, and he couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

"Shadow 2, report," Vincent called over the radio.

"Shadow Actual, I've got eyes on Lior. He's reached what appears to be his family's house. The place is ransacked, but no sign of anyone. He's searching inside now. Over." "Understood. Keep an eye on him and ensure he's safe. We'll rendezvous with you shortly. Over."

Vincent and his remaining team continued their cautious advance, their weapons at the ready. As they approached the area where Lior had gone, they could see signs of a struggle-broken furniture, scattered belongings, and bloodstains on the ground.

"Lior!" Vincent called out.

Lior emerged from the house with a depressed face while holding a paper in his hand. "Sir Vincent, they are gone. Everyone abandoned this city."

"Huh? Why?" Vincent asked.

Lior looked down at the paper he was holding and began reading.