

"According to this letter, there was a sighting of a Flame Dragon at the Prairie Plains, which is just two days east from here, and they vacated this area an hour after this news was received," Lior read, his voice trembling slightly. "The townspeople feared the dragon would come this way, so they packed up whatever they could carry and left in haste."

"A Flame Dragon? What is that?" Vincent asked, his curiosity piqued.

Lior looked up from the letter, his expression grave. "A Flame Dragon is one of the most dangerous types of dragons known in this region. They are known for their ferocity and ability to breathe fire, which can incinerate anything in its path. Their presence is rare, but when one appears, it usually means destruction follows."

"So the townspeople fled to avoid being caught in its path. Smart move. But if the dragon is heading this way, we need to be prepared to face it."

"No, we should abandon this place also. There's no safer place if a Flame Dragon is nearby," Lior insisted.

"How dangerous is this Flame Dragon? Is it similar to the Demon King General?" Vincent inquired, his tone serious.

Lior shook his head, his expression grim. "In some ways, it could be even more dangerous. The Demon King Generals are powerful, but they don't possess the raw, untamed destruction that a Flame Dragon does. A single breath can incinerate an entire village."

As Vincent was about to reply to Lior, there was a loud screeching sound from above.

"What the heck?" Vincent snapped his head upwards, eyes wide with alarm.

His radio crackled to life with Alpha 3's urgent voice. "Shadow Actual, this is Alpha 3. I've just seen something flying over us. It's massive and heading towards the city. Over."

Vincent's heart pounded. "Did you get a good look at it?"

Vincent's heart pounded. "Did you get a good look at it?"

"Negative, Shadow Actual. It was too fast, but it was definitely not a bird. Over."

Vincent clenched his jaw. "Understood. If you see it again, report back to me. I am going out." Vincent and his special forces exited the house, scanning the sky for any signs of the creature. The tension was palpable as they spread out, eyes darting between the rooftops and the horizon.

"Stay sharp," Vincent ordered. "We don't know what we're dealing with yet."

The screeching sound echoed again, louder this time, sending a shiver down everyone's spine. Vincent's grip tightened on his weapon as he spotted a large shadow passing over a nearby building.

"There it is," he muttered, pointing.

His radio crackled to life again. "Shadow Actual, this is Alpha 3. The target is circling back. I repeat the target is circling back. Over."

"Copy that, Alpha 3. All units, prepare for engagement," Vincent responded.

"Sir...I hate to break it to you but, I don't think we are equipped to handle a Flame Dragon...if it's really the Flame Dragon that was circling above us," Alpha 4 commented.

"You are damn right, we should consider calling the headquarters for aerial support," Alpha 5 suggested tensely.

Vincent, on the other hand, wanted to confirm if the one flying above them was the Flame Dragon. So he followed the huge creature flying over the city of Ferm and noted its


It was like a dragon, its scales were a deep, crimson red, shimmering like molten lava in the sunlight. The wings were vast, stretching wide with a span that cast a shadow over entire buildings. Each wing was tipped with razor-sharp claws that glinted menacingly.

The dragon's body was muscular and sleek, built for both speed and power. Its tail was long and whip-like, ending in a spiked club that looked capable of smashing through solid stone. Its head was the most fearsome part. The dragon's eyes glowed with an intense, fiery light, and its jaws were lined with rows of sharp, gleaming teeth. Wisps of smoke curled from its nostrils, hinting at the deadly fire it could unleash at any moment.

"That's definitely a Flame Dragon," Vincent muttered. "That's something we don't want to mess with. Let's take cover."

The team quickly moved to the nearest building, seeking shelter from the impending threat. They went back to the house and stayed there and hushed their mouths.

The ground shook as the dragon roared again, its massive wings beating the air, sending gusts of wind through the streets. Vincent peered through a crack in the wall, watching as the dragon circled above, searching for any signs of movement.

"Stay low and keep quiet," Vincent whispered. "We need to avoid drawing its attention."

The Flame Dragon swooped down, unleashing a torrent of fire on the streets below. Buildings erupted in flames, the intense heat radiating even through the walls of their hiding place. Vincent could feel the sweat on his brow as he watched the destruction.

"We can't stay here for long," Vincent said quietly to his team. "If it decides to torch this building, we need an escape plan."

"There's a cellar entrance in the back," Alpha 4 whispered. "We could use it to move underground and avoid the flames."

"Good idea," Vincent replied. "Everyone, get ready to move on my signal."

The dragon continued its rampage, spewing flames and tearing through the city with its claws. The sound of cracking wood and crumbling stone filled the air, making it difficult to think. Vincent knew they had to act fast.

"Now," he ordered.

The team moved quickly and quietly, making their way to the cellar entrance. They descended into the dark, musty space, the sounds of destruction muffled above them. Vincent took a moment to catch his breath, his mind racing with strategies to deal with the threat.

"We need to figure out a way to get out of the city without being detected," Vincent said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Suggestions?"

"We could use the old sewer tunnels," Lior suggested. "They run underneath the city and lead out into the countryside. It's a bit of a maze, but it's our best shot at avoiding the dragon."

Vincent nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Let's move."

The team navigated the dark tunnels, their flashlights cutting through the gloom. The air was damp and filled with the stench of decay, but they pressed on, determined to escape the city's


"Stay close and keep an eye out for any signs of danger," Vincent instructed. "We can't afford to lose anyone down here."

As they moved deeper into the tunnels, the sounds of the dragon's destruction grew fainter.

Vincent felt a glimmer of hope. If they could just make it to the countryside, they might have a chance to regroup and figure out their next move.

After what felt like hours, they finally emerged into the open air.
