
Emergency Mission Again

A few moments later, Vincent rendezvous with his team at the outskirts.

"What's our next move?" asked Alpha 2.

"Well...looks like Ferm is not an ideal stopover," Vincent replied. "I mean look at the city,

there's nothing there. Staying there would be risky. We will take a rest here as we can't go on nonstop. But we need to know where it is going."

"It was heading due east," Alpha 3 informed.

"Due east? What are the places that can be found in the east?" Vincent turned to Eamon.

"At the east of the city of Ferm, there is a Great Forest of Arendel, it's home to the elves," Eamon answered.

"Oh...elves huh?" Vincent exclaimed softly. "So you are saying that the Flame Dragon who incinerated an entire city is heading over to the Great Forest of Arendel and do that?"

"I'm not sure, sir Vincent. But there is a huge possibility that the Flame Dragon might attack them," Eamon replied.

Vincent hummed as he contemplated. Their plan was to establish contact with the Dwarven Kingdom, have some discussions about a possible partnership, and leave. Of course, it would not be only that; he planned on learning as much as possible about this world as information is the key to surviving on this planet. The dwarves could give what they need, but he believed that the elves could also provide valuable insights.

Suddenly, Vincent's vision blurred, and a familiar blue screen appeared before him, the words flashing urgently.

[System Alert: Emergency Quest Initiated]

[Emergency Mission: Exterminate the Flame Dragon

[Description: The Flame Dragon poses an immediate threat to the inhabitants of this world. You are to eliminate it with the power granted by the system and earn rewards.]

[Rewards: 2,000,000 gold coins, 800,000 experience points.]

Vincent blinked. Did the system just give him a mission to run after the Flame Dragon? Is the system sending him to his death? He just thought about going to the elven kingdom because it might possess information similar to the dwarves after they visited the dwarven kingdom. He did not expect the system to assign him such a dangerous task.

He quickly composed himself and turned to his team. "Listen up, everyone. There's been a change of plans."

Eamon's associates looked at him with a wondrous expression while the special forces remained silent, waiting for the changes.

"We're going to chase the Flame Dragon," Vincent continued. "We need to exterminate it."

Eamon's eyes widened. "Chase the Flame Dragon? Sir Vincent, that's madness. It's too dangerous!"

Vincent nodded, understanding the concern but knew he couldn't reveal the true reason for his decision. The system was a secret, and he intended to keep it that way.

I understand the risks, but we can't let that beast destroy another city or harm innocent lives. Eamon, you'll come with me. The rest of you will stay here in the city of Ferm."

A murmur of protest rose among the group. "Why are we chasing after a dragon? This is insane!" one of the associates shouted.

Vincent raised his hand to silence them, his expression turning serious and intimidating. "This is not up for debate. We cannot afford another city to be turned into ashes. We will leave you with all the supplies you need. Food, water, and other essentials will be provided."

"And you are leaving us to the city? The city that you just said is risky to stay in."

"It's risky earlier, but now it isn't. The Flame Dragon flew away," Vincnet said.

Eamon's associates exchanged worried glances but stayed silent as Vincent's stern expression left no room for argument.

Vincent reiterated, "We'll leave you with all the supplies you need. It will not be risky because according to Lior, there isn't much of a threat remaining in the area once the Flame Dragon has moved on. We have to trust that it won't return anytime soon."

Eamon nodded, trying to reassure his associates. "SIR Vincent knows what he's doing. We have to trust his judgment. Our priority is survival, and he believes this is the best course of action."

The group, although still anxious, began to settle down. Vincent wasted no time organizing the supplies, ensuring that everyone had what they needed to stay safe and well-provisioned. "Alpha 2, you'll be in charge here," Vincent instructed. "Keep everyone safe and stay alert. We'll be back as soon as we can."

Alpha 2 saluted sharply. "Understood, sir. We'll hold the fort."

Vincent turned to Eamon. "Ready?"

Eamon took a deep breath and nodded. "Ready."

The two of them, along with Alpha 1 and Alpha 3, climbed into one of the M-ATV Oshkosh vehicles. Vincent took the driver's seat, and with a roar of the engine, they set off eastward, towards the Great Forest of Arendel.

As they drove, the landscape began to change. The ruins of Ferm gave way to rolling hills and dense woodlands.

"What's our plan of attack, Sir Vincent?" Alpha 1 asked, breaking the silence.

"Well I don't have much gold on me because I spent it all on the defense of Akarios Island. But we can put them to use. We have to contact the headquarters and have them send an AC-130 or a Warthog or something."

"An AC-130 would be a perfect choice for this mission," Alpha 3 agreed. "Its firepower and ability to stay in the air for extended periods would give us a significant advantage."

Vincent nodded, glancing at Eamon. "Eamon, do the elves have any defenses against dragons? Anything that could help us if we can't get air support in time?"

Eamon thought for a moment. "The elves are skilled in magic, and they have powerful


"How powerful?" Vincent asked.

"Not as powerful as your weapons, Sir Vincent," Eamon answered.

"Okay...we might need a C-130 to drop us some weapons, something like Javelin missiles or similar anti-aircraft weaponry," Vincent suggested.

Alpha 3 nodded. "I'll relay the request to headquarters. Hopefully, they can get the support to

us quickly."

Vincent focused on the road ahead, pushing the vehicle to its limits as they sped towards the Great Forest of Arendel. This is it, it would be an encounter against a Flame Dragon. And once they killed it, it's going to be a huge reward for him.