
Requesting Support

Meanwhile, at the Akarios Village command center, General Harper was overseeing and organizing the latest operations. He was reviewing strategic plans when an officer approached him with a sense of urgency.

The officer snapped to attention and saluted.

"Sir, there's an urgent situation," the officer reported.

General Harper looked up to him with a no-nonsense demeanor. "At ease, Lieutenant. What's the situation?"

The lieutenant relaxed slightly but kept his tone serious. "We've received a request from Shadow Actual, sir. They're requesting an AC-130."

General Harper raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "An AC-130? For what purpose?"

The lieutenant took a deep breath. "They need it to engage a Flame Dragon that destroyed the city of Ferm. Ferm was supposed to be their stopover, but it's been completely incinerated... and they are chasing after it."

General Harper's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. "A Flame Dragon? Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir. Shadow Actual reports the city was wiped out by the dragon. They're currently tracking it east, towards the Great Forest of Arendel. They believe the AC-130's firepower is essential to bring it down," the lieutenant explained.

General Harper set his clipboard down, a look of determination crossing his face. "Get me a direct line to Shadow Actual. I need to confirm this."

The lieutenant quickly moved to establish the communication link. Moments later, the radio crackled to life, and Vincent's voice came through, clear and direct.

"Shadow Actual here, General."

"Shadow Actual, this is General Harper. I've been briefed on your situation. You're requesting an AC-130 to engage a Flame Dragon? Over," Harper said.

"Affirmative, General. The Flame Dragon has already destroyed Ferm. We're tracking it towards the Great Forest of Arendel. We need the AC-130's firepower to neutralize the threat. Over," Vincent replied.

Harper considered the request for a moment. "Understood. But we are going to need your location. We haven't mapped out the entire continent, but we can track the signal and use that as a location detector to find out where you are. We are going to send an MQ-1 Predator drone which has advanced capabilities for signal tracking and real-time surveillance. Over."

"Roger that, General. We might need a satellite in the future."

Harper turned to his officers. "Lieutenant, get the UAV team on this. The MQ-1 Predator drone is equipped with a multi-spectral targeting system. It can track radio signals, which we'll use to pinpoint Shadow Actual's location. Ensure the drone is airborne and en route immediately."

"Yes, sir!" The lieutenant saluted and hurried off to relay the orders.


At the airfield, the MQ-1 Predator crews began their pre-flight checks, Technicians and pilots moved swiftly, ensuring that all systems were operational. The drone's multi-spectral targeting system was calibrated for optimal performance and was, ready to track the radio signals from Shadow Actual.

"Engine status?" the pilot called out.

"All green. Systems nominal," a technician replied.

"Good. Let's get this bird in the air."

The drone was wheeled out of its hangar and onto the runway. The ground crew cleared the area, and the pilot took his position at the control station. With a whirr of engines, the MQ-1 Predator lifted off smoothly, heading toward the coordinates provided by General Harper.

Back at the Akarios Village command center, General Harper watched the screens as the drone's live feed began streaming.

"Predator is airborne. Tracking radio waves now..."

Tracking radio waves in a fantasy world had its advantages, primarily due to the lack of technological interference that would typically complicate such operations. Here, the clear skies and lack of competing signals made the task straightforward and highly effective.

The MQ-1 Predator drone, equipped with a multi-spectral targeting system, utilized an array of radio frequency (RF) sensors to detect and triangulate the origin of radio signals. These sensors measured the time delay and strength of the signals received from Shadow Actual's communications, allowing for precise calculations of direction and distance. This method of triangulation was crucial in determining the exact location of Vincent and his team.

With the drone's RF sensors picking up Vincent's transmissions, the software processed the information in real time. The system increased the signal strength, solidifying the lock on the source, and calculated the coordinates.

Since they haven't mapped out the entire continent yet, the only way for them to know where they are is by determining the distance and the direction of the signal, which the drone's system could do with high accuracy. The RF sensors detected the angle of arrival of the radio waves, and by analyzing the slight differences in the arrival times at various sensors, the system triangulated Vincent's exact location.

Back at the command center, the data streamed in from the Predator drone, displaying a clear path on the large screen.

"Shadow Actual, this is General Harper. We have your location. The Predator has successfully triangulated your position. Stand by for further instructions. Over," Harper communicated.

"Copy that, General. Standing by. Over," Vincent responded.

With the location confirmed, General Harper turned to the logistics officer. "Prepare the AC- 130 for immediate deployment. Ensure it's equipped with the necessary armaments to engage and neutralize a Flame Dragon."

"Yes, sir," the logistics officer replied, quickly moving to execute the orders.

The operations room buzzed with activity as preparations for the AC-130's deployment were underway. The crew ensured the aircraft was loaded with a variety of munitions suitable for high-intensity combat. The AC-130's powerful weapons, including 105mm and 40mm cannons, were prepped for the mission.

"Lieutenant, make sure the Predator maintains a continuous feed. I want real-time updates on Shadow Actual movements and the Flame Dragon's location."

"Understood, sir," the lieutenant acknowledged.

Back in the air, the Predator drone was cruising at 200 kilometers per hour, taking a route towards Vincent and his team. And two hours later, the Predator drone arrived at their position and there, the drone transmitted live footage to the headquarters that General

Harper watched.

Displayed on the screen were two M-ATV Oshkosh racing down below.

"Shadow Actual, we have eyes on you."

"That's good to know. Now I want you to use the drone's radar and locate the Flame Dragon.

It shouldn't be far away from us."

"Copy that standby," Harper coordinated with the drone operators to initiate a wide-area scan using the MQ-1 Predator's radar and infrared capabilities.

As the drone's sensors swept the area, data began to stream into the command center. General Harper and his team analyzed the incoming information, focusing on any signs of the dragon. The Predator's infrared camera picked up a massive heat source approximately 10 kilometers east of Vincent's position, moving steadily through the landscape.

"Shadow Actual, this is General Harper. We've located the Flame Dragon. It's approximately 10 klicks east of your current position and moving towards a dense forest, which we believe is

the Great Forest of Arendel."

"Acknowledged. We might also need some additional weaponry. Send a C-130 here as well and drop us some weapons and supplies."

"Copy that, Shadow Actual."